A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

NY suggestion so all MTs here achieve satisfaction in 2011 - (sm)

Posted: Jan 02, 2011

It's very simple and I am very serious:

1.  If you are unhappy with how the MT career is changing, unhappy with the new pay (it won't go back up, folks, only down further), unhappy with changes in technolog, etc.:   Do something THIS YEAR to get out of MT work completely.  Don't feel you can venture too far from it?  Do something like coding/billing.  Want to stay in the medical world?  How about LPN or RN?  Dental Hygienist?  HR specialist?  Health Insurance Underwriter?  Just do something to get into another line of work.  No, it won't happen overnight but you'll never get there if you don't START.   Don't worry about arguing with anyone about the status of MT, the future of MT, where it's come from.  Just do something for yourself and your family - get into something else that will pay you and you will be happy with.

2.  If you are happy with the MT career, enjoy the changes, are able to adapt, want to continue ... Stay with it!   Even better:  Don't harrass those who are not happy but give them ideas and encouragement on what they can do to leave it.

It's just that simple.   Happy people - Stay with MT.  Unhappy people - Leave MT.  

Happy New Year to  all - whether you stay or whether you go.

MT on the Lam


Good suggestion :) - PT

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If only it were that simple. What advice can you give - a 60-something who likes MT - sm

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itself, but not the degeneration of the field? And who only knows how to do MT? Who can't afford to retire, but also can't afford to go back to school, and has yet to find any other field they could stand doing? And honestly, what field will welcome a wet-behind-the-ears in a new field, 70-something newbie?

Yes, some of us are happy with MT now. Some of us are not, and are getting out. But some of us are caught in the middle, as am I, who like transcribing, hate not being able to make a living at it anymore, and also area realistic enough to know that even if there were a new field we felt we could learn, that the amount of time it would take to be ready to work in that field would take a long, long time, because we would still have to work full-time while pursuing those courses.

Somehow I think most hospitals wouldn't hire a 70+ year-old newbie RN or LVN. I think there would be a certain amount of physical challenges they might not be up to. The hospital would probably consider that a liability.

The medical desk jobs, like coding and billing, are going to go offshore too, unless everyone, MT, coder, biller, and student alike, start fighting for those jobs to remain in America.

Not all desk jobs are going offshore - mrsmt

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Keep checking the want ads, private physicians offices are not offshoring their employment. There are clerical positions in hospitals (check-in clerks etc), or anything to get your foot in the door and prove yourself. Or, you can always try something completely different and go for a customer service position, heaven knows we all would like to here an American voice for those calls!

The front clerks in my hospital are all in their 60s and 70s. - Fellow Traveller

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I think the idea is less negative thinking and a lot more time spent deciding on a good solution for oneself.

BTW, I'm pretty much in your boat myself these days. Personally, though, I'll feel very fortunate if I can ride MT right out to retirement (whenever THAT might be, probably when my fingers fall off). I'm sure those hospital clerks don't make anything like what I do, although they do look like they're enjoying themselves. The pay drops that have been calamitous to so many MTs have not cut my annual income, so I'm fortunate that way, just caused me to work at becoming faster, faster, faster. The biggest cause of dissatisfaction at my age is that I now have to work a full 40-hour week to make that money and qualify for insurance. I've given up the volunteer work I enjoyed so much, and pretty much the friends who came with it, but, oh well.

Regarding the "degeneration" of the field, a clue to being happier in place might lie in the big picture we're a little part of. At least it works for me as the miasma of dissatisfaction and resentment that permeates this forum has never brought me down. For instance, I don't really see fixing the big problem of how to get these reports onto the chart quick and cheap as degeneration but rather evolution from an antiquated, dreadfully slow and outrageously expensive system toward a much, much better one. Hard on MTs in general, but still much better for everyone otherwise.

Wishing you and the community a HAPPY 2011. BTW, gas is almost $3 a gallon here and will eventually head a lot higher. Reason for satisfaction in remote work right there, right?

I wish I could GO BACK TO a 40-hour week! I - have to do 60+ just to survive. n/m

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I'm so sorry. Why? E-mail privately if you wish. NM - Fellow Traveller
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Because of low pay, low work, slow software, and - high-ESL work. And of course, - sm
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we get in trouble for working overtime, so it has to be "invisible" overtime. If we work our regular 40-hour shift, there's no way to make a living on that, especially when about 75% of the work coming in is VR.

But you're forgetting a very important factor in that. - sm

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The 60-something or 70-year-old front desk workers are likely retired and working for supplemental income secondary to their unemployment. My husband is the medical transportation manager with a local company and they hire a lot of part-time drivers who just want supplemental income or something to do during the day.

One guy was saying that the annual allowable income for SS is now $50,000. So the retired workers are getting their retirement income in addition to whatever else they are making at the front desk.

I would LOVE doing MT part-time or working at the front desk of a hospital for just above minimum wage if I was retired and it was just supplementing my income.
Also, these older workers may have been - sm
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there a long time and hired as younger workers. I know at age 56, I cannot even get a job interview except doing MT. The MTSOs seem to like 30+ experience. They get experience dirt cheap.
I've had the opposite experience with 30+ yrs. experience. - It seems to scare away most employers. n/m
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I would love that, too! It's a shame that SS will - likely dry up right when Im eligible for it! n/m
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Research SS responsibly and you'll find it's very - sustainable. Anti-SS ideologues are just
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trying destroy it--as usual--by the same means they've used literally continuously since 1935. Big among them is trying to convince people it will inevitably fail so we won't fight for it. Note especially that they've always been wrong and have never succeeded, not even at the beginning when there was a whole population of poor people to go on, no fund built, and no one who'd come to believe in it yet.

Then take your information to the voting booth and vote your interests.

Good message, but I think the opposite is often true - See message

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Often it's the people who are happy with their MT jobs that are harassed.

I agree with your message with that one change.

Happy New Year To Everyone, those who are happy, unhappy, or undetermined. :)

(As someone who tries to pass on what works - for me, I agree.) Optimist

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The thanks for sharing what has been working for me through all these changes are treasured but sadly outnumbered by dismissals by the disheartened, and by outright attacks. At least on this board. I always post my thoughts for anyone who passes through just in case they might help somehow.

So what if . . . . - Not so simple for me

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You are caught in the middle like the above poster said? I can't afford to go back to school plus pay the mortgage/rent, groceries, etc.

Maybe simple for you but not as simple for others.

NotSo, my answer is to stay and make pretty - Fairly green pasture right here.

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decent money right here. I'll retrain without fuss if I have to, but at my age, in spite of being blessed with many interests, right now I just don't see a better line of work than what I have already.

I do admit that n these tough times I am finding it much harder to keep up my income than it would be on an hourly pay job. So when the jobs wheel turns, my attitude could also, depending.

What if? - Anonymous

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I agree, there are no easy answers. Even returning to school does not guarantee future employment. I've been an MT my entire working career and love what I do, although I'm threatened by the changes like everyone else. I went to coding school because it seemed like the logical choice but really don't think I'd be happy doing that now that I have learned what it's about. For me, once an MT, always an MT. I hope that I can remain in this field for a few more years, even if I have to take a pay cut.

Anonymous, please answer. What do you think - One who values experience of others.

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of coding now? I initially avoided it because I wanted to stay away from the Dark Side of medicine--the money side, but of course now I find it a shorter leap than most if necessary. I understand it does require more...digging and analysis to slot things in right? What is it that repels you? Thanks.
Coding - Anonymous
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Coding doesn't repel me, I'm just not sure if it is the right fit for me. It does require more analysis and I've been told that MTs make the best coders. However, I don't know if I like being responsible for making decisions that could cost my facility thousands of dollars if I make a mistake, I enjoyed your refernce to the "Dark Side". Also, there is much more computer-assisted coding now and a new ICD version being implemented in 2013. I'll be 57 in July so I don't know if it will be an easy transition for me. I'm definitely a word person and know I would miss transcription. If you want to code and think it's something you'd like, then I would say by all means to go for it. Sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you, lol!
Thanks for a very useful answer. We're practically twins, - Your experience worth a lot.
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as it happens. I find I don't suck in new information the way I used to, certainly a consideration. I have the advantage of previously being responsible for fiduciary decisions, so that doesn't bother me--the key where I was was to normally finalized within a standard range; if I found myself outside, I justified, justified, justified (i.e., quoted industry-accepted sources). Mercifully, good memory's not quite the critical asset it used to be (with the help of my friends the computers), but still... :)

In any case, your input is on top of the stack, and thanks again. I'm also a word person. Let's hope the jobs outlook is correct and demand for MT/ME will continue.
My problem with coding...sm - not so easy
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My background years ago was medical claims examiner...that was my foot in the door to the medical field, I started out out of college as a receptionist in a large ins. co. and worked my way up. So I had alot of experience with billing/coding..all be it many years ago. My career has taken me through many jobs besides MT including QA and risk management, Analysis and re-analysis of records in a medical records department. My point being..with my background, with a billing and coding class under my belt...I still can get around the fact that they want:
1. Certification.
2. Most want 3 years experience.
So it is kinda like being a newbie MT, even with the Certification they want someone with experience.

By the time I take a refresher class, study and pass the certification test and find somewhere to take me as a newbie, I am looking at probably a minimum 4 years before I can make a decent wage...by then I have a year or two and I am ready to retire and no one will hire me in the first place. Getting out of MT or any job when you hit that magical age of nearing retirement is difficult to do. If I could go into coding right now with all the experience and certification and hit the ground running I would probably have no problem getting a job...BUT with no experience and being an older worker, I don't see it happening. JMHO
If everyone put that analysis into their choices, - probably we would see fewer
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sad sacks showing up here wringing their hands. Four years to return to good earnings would be a serious investment, similar to MT for a lot of people. I'm the wage earner these days and about your age, although I don't expect to completely retire for a long time, so it probably would not be economically feasible.
Not so easy - Anonymous
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Good points and I agree.
Coding will not - anna
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Coding will not be around in another 10 years. My doctors at Hopkins already do their own coding right when you are in the room. Some of the hospitals here have a program that automatically puts the code in and will be fully instituted by 2012.

That's fine if you're young, but when you hit a certain age, those options are not availab - Backwards Typist

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Changing careers are fine when you're young. I'd do it in a heartbeat if I could.

As it stands, I put too much time and effort in becoming an MT and there are no other options for me. I am happy as an MT, but poor eyesight is not compatible with VR, so my options are limited.

Ouch, Backwards. This is the first I've seen of your - READABLE SCREEN HELP NEEDED!

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poor eyesight, which offers a whole different insight. Are you SURE your eyesight is not compatible with VR? The MT/ME workforce is aging big time, so this is an issue for many. Bigger fonts? I got a bigger screen. Special lenses for work? ?

Anybody else have help to offer? Ultimately, this is sort of a "mechanical" problem, hopefully fixable. Not like premature senility, after all.


Yes, I'm sure. Some letters blend together - Backwards Typist

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Can't tell 'rt' from 'n' or 'm'. Other letters too and other problems. Had my screen enlarged to 150% which helps a little, but not much. I also got a larger screen but it doesn't help that much. After a couple hours on the computer, everything is blurry. Then there's the tearing which starts and doesn't stop. I think i'm allergic to computer screens! LOL
Hey, allergy to computer screens would make a great - disability claim. Seriously,
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have you tried a good ophthalmologist? This does sound like a potential work disability, BTW, perhaps qualifying for assistance of some sort, a special screen for visually impaired or retraining? Let's face it, almost all work will be VR eventually. ??

Wow, like nobody here would've thought of that - unless you said it. nm

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MT on the Lam - tynkerbelle

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I hear ya. I am pondering taking a job with a 10.00 an hour pay cut just to get out of transcribing. The management where I am is the cruelest bunch of wenches that walked the face of the earth and I am tired of beating my head against the wall. Nothing will please them and every MT in my department is the stupidest ninny walking the face of the earth (or so they would like us to believe). I need better than this. I need OUT YESTERDAY!!!!!

Tynkerbelle, go remote! It's a wonderful advantage - of our times. I dumped the wenches permanently. NM

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If by chance you're paid hourly now, don't believe those who can't/won't hack production pay. Lots and lots of us are doing pretty well, even with pay cuts. Think of the harder work as offset by lack of commuting, etc.

I am not a "perky & personable" person. So any - job that requires it is out of the question. nm

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Just posted above. Remotes spit on requirement for - "perky and personable." Also, for

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humble but cute (tilted head, winning expression, etc.) as we coax permission to go pick up a sick kid. Yuck!

The only problem is, we're all but paying THEM for - the "privilege" of working remotely. - sm

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Lately I've been thinking that if I double up on those trusty ol' selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, I might just be able to fake "personable" for 8 hours a day, if it means more money coming in. I've done it before, the only problem is, it only works until someone royally p!sses me off. Then the claws come out, and personality goes out the window.
So far I am still making remote work nicely for me, - even with
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decreased line rates. The social mask isn't that hard to maintain, but I just love the luxury of being able to say no to the politics, gossip, frustrated trouble-making coworkers, etc. Can you imagine having to work with some of the people who act out on this forum day after day? I'd grow veggies for the farmers' market first.

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