QASAR back. Also new ADHI best practices in 2011 - dnr
Posted: Dec 16, 2010
Here's the link for ADHI Quality Assessment and Best Practices
In this document, they do point out there are valid reasons for blanks. So... if MQ is going to adopt this, we should no longer be punished for valid blanks. They also include standards for dictators and recognize that lack of dictator compliance with these standards is a cause for blanks. Plus, IMO, if QA cannot get it, it is valid!
I've gotten the email before about "too many documents with 1+ blanks", and IMNHO, they were valid. Add to that, those documents I did submit because there were 3 or more blanks, but QA could not fill in these blanks either.
In this document, they do give us MTs credit for using our best and professional judgement. Now, if I could only get paid for my professional work!
This document is dated July of 2010, not 2011 - NM
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I meant to say MQ policy of using ADHI standards - dnr
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will be implemented in 2011. ADHI wrote the standards in July 2010.
MQ thinks they will woo clients with getting in bed with ADHI.
too late - still sleepy
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You said "getting in bed." They have been in bed so long they have sores!
Here is what I would like to know, we have JHACO guidelines, BOS2 guidelines, client profile, MQ quidelines, and now the AHDI best practice guidelines... how the heck more confusing are they gonna make it?
Already confused - Meh
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No kidding! Anymore when they say follow such-n-such guidelines, honestly, I just guess and send it along.
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