A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Pay Now, coupled with satisfaction at your prospects even if you are a new MT - ne

Posted: Nov 14, 2009

Please respond those of your who ARE experiencing gratification as you become better and continue  to work and earn.   Am sure there ARE some out there, who are perhaps to busy to check this forum much.  Specially those working at home.  I've looked at charts (***** efforts) showing rates of pay for medical transcription are rising if gradualy.  From what i have seen the outlook for this profession is that it is going to continue to grow gradually, but grow.  The pay rates cannot have been so lowered that those with good skills are not currently experiencing satisfaction in one of the few fields where work IS available these days.   And at home, no less.  ;)

I am looking forward to reading your comments.  Before MTec's forums were made private I found examples of happy graduates beginning work TODAY who are ecstatic to accept positions right out of school.  The terms of what they chose to accept, they say, are satisfactory. They are excited.  Perhaps things are different from the past - they always are changing and evolving, but for someone eager to learn and adust to the new  it cannot all be bad for US mts.

Respectfully planning to study all input.  WIth Aloha from Hilo, HI:)

go read the MedQuist board and see how happy everyone is! - ugh

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People have no work from the largest company in the nation, or globally I should say.

If you consider 3 cents per line good money, have at it. I personally feel that I can make more money shoveling horse dookie off roads after a parade or cleaning every bathroom in our County Stadium, but hey, ya gotta leave the house for those jobs.

If you don't mind working for 200 big guys a week for full-time, at home work, then by all means... LIVE LARGE.

I HAVE WORK AT MQ - iluvrainydaze47

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I work for MQ and in my region we rarely ever run out of work - it gets light sometimes around the holiday for a few days but that is pretty much the norm everywhere from my understanding. I see a lot of people out here who work with MQ complaining that they run out of work but it has not been an issue in my region. I guess I count myself lucky. I also make way more than 3 cents per line.

I have work at MQ and am happy there - Just do it

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We have plenty of work in our region and OT almost every weekend. I know it is not the same in every region of MQ, but cannot judge a company by just a few posts on this board. I make way more than 3 cpl, more like 9 cpl for straight typing and about 60% of that for ASR, which at times I make more on or at least the same as straight depending on dictators I get in a day. It is possible to do well at MQ depending on the service area you are in and the years of experience you have (acute care pays more).

I am happy - sapient

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But I work currently in house as an employee for a hospital. Up until this summer when I moved I worked at home as an employee for this same hospital. I have great benifits/retirement/the whole package. My pay gets raised every year, currently at 17/hr. I have a min 147 typed, 375 edited (EditScript) an hour for an 8 hour shift and then I clock out and go home.

I have been doing MT for 5 years now and have been hired on with every interview I have done. I have never had a problem finding a job.

With that said, this department has not hired anyone in the last year and has laid off about a dozen people after we started with VR. Yes, VR and outsourcing, coupled with the economy and people without insurance, is making MT a much more competitive job. You have to be better, be smarter, be faster, if you want to break into it, but it is possible. You have to be flexible, be willing to work in house or odd shifts or on crappy doctors if you want the experience, but if you really want to succeed, you will suck it up and do it and be glad you have a job. Maybe in the next 5+ years as the economy grows again and more people have insurance and are able to use medical services for non-emergency things our field will continue to grow. It will also change and evolve with more editors and less straight typing. Less money per lines, but 3-5x as much work completed in a day, it can be done if people are willing to learn and accept the new technology instead of fighting against it.

I'm happy at MQ. - WorkingNewGrad

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I'm on the Canadian side, though, and I think MQ Canada is better than it is on the US side, at least from what I've read here. Good money, lots of work. Can't complain.

WorkingNewGrad - Questioning

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Glad you are happy with MQ now; do you have a plan B in place for when all MTing moves to India next year and just management stays stateside?

Gratification - Diane

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So good to hear some positive comments about the MT field.


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