A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
I am a concerned IC. I would like to keep my job(s) as an IC and actually still have MTSOs be around to provide jobs. With all of this garbage constantly going on and hurting the businesses, I think that there needs to be some recourse for the MTSOs. All of you so-called IC MTs proclaiming to do other's favors, no thanks. You are not doing any of us "professional" ICs a favor - you are hurting ALL of our businesses, driving all of our work right out of the country. YOU are the problems with this industry. With so many poor quality ICs out there, as evidenced by the posts on this board, it is polluting our work pool, driving the IC rates right down. Why would an MTSO want to pay what an MT is worth when they are getting so much poor quality service themselves out there. Maybe if they had ICs who could provide them with quality work, they could afford to pay more. And stop with the attitude, I will provide with quality work "when" they pay more. If you don't like the money you are making, go get a job that pays you what you want. That excuse is as dumb as wearing a pair of shoes that are too tight, they hurt your feet, but you keep wearing them. If you are not in the business to provide quality work, then you should not be doing this, PERIOD.
Here is some food for thought ~ Maybe it IS time for MTSOs to play fair. It would seem that the Independent Contractors would like to be treated fairly - as the business they are. After all, if you are an Independent Contractor, then you are a business owner just like the MTSOs, right??
Well MTSOs, since these ICs can come on this board and tell the world about every little ache and pain (some warranted, many not) they had along the way while providing services for a company, maybe it is time for the MTSOs to get their message out there about the little world of business owners, called ICs. When you have an IC, or business owner, who provides you with a subpar service, or downright crappy service, maybe it is time you expose them on this board or another board set up just for MTSOs, so that other MTSOs don't waste their time hiring them. That would leave more work for the quality professional ICs out there trying to contract their services out. After all, fair is fair, right. And after all, just like these ICs (business owners) are self-proclaiming to do all this as a favor for all the other ICs out there by warning them of all these "so called" bad companies, maybe it is time the MTSOs join hands and also do each other a favor and relate to each other the good and bad ICs they have had experience with, because fair is fair, right? We all know that if an MT didn't do a good job for an MTSO, they surely are not going to list them on their job profile/resume for reference. So there certainly needs to be a way to help each other, and in the process help the GOOD IC MTs out in the process.
If you can save another MTSO the headache of contracting with any of these bad ICs out there, maybe eventually the bad ones will have to move right out of the business and in effect we can clean the industry of this pollution.
MTSOs, be sure to keep in mind, if you post slander about an IC (business owner) that is not true, like so many do on here now about MTSOs, you could be sued for slandering their name (business). Oh and remember, you too, as an MTSO also have that right, to sue anyone on here that posts 'slander and untruths' and damages your business name.
I do think that it is time that the MTSOs start to play fair, and mirror image what the ICs are doing to them on this board. Lets give credit to the good ICs (business owners) out in there so that their services may always be in demand, because there are some VERY good, self concientious, successfull ICs out there (and they surely are not on this board complaining). However, lets now start to weed out the bad ICs (business owners), because they are the ones who are hurting this entire business. MTSOs also need to join hands, and help each other do that fairly - just like the ICs say they are doing here.
Now that is some fair play, isn't it!!
So name you on this board and see how fast one hears from your attorney, really? Are you an IC (business owner)? Would it bother 'you' to name another business/owner on this board and say something about them, something maybe not favorable? Or do you think that is okay to do to them, just no one should be able to do it to you? Why not? If you are a dependable IC that provides great work, what would you have to worry about? Or, are you worried for a reason??
Tit for tat, as another poster said. So true.
You see - it would seem while all the ICs are busy posting about how unfair MTSOs are to them, there would seem to be a bit of "unfairness" going on here with them as well. While they are so busy preaching how they are being treated so unfairly - they aren't really bothering to tell you the whole story. Here is a fact - you want to all be treated like and IC - I say MTSOs it IS TIME to treat them all like the IC - business owners they are. When they provide you with a bad service - report them - there are websites such as Angie's list. They have a section just for contractors - where they can be reviewed AND rated. Hmmmm - now wouldn't that be a novel idea. Every time you had a contractor that provided you with poor service, didn't show up on time, quality stunk, you could just send in your review to save other MTSOs the headache of hiring them on. I would be willing to bet there are other websites out there as well that have this ability.
An IC is a business - if you choose to use your personal name as your business, then that is your choice and that then is the name of your business.
"An independent contractor is a natural person, business, or corporation that provides goods or services to another entity under terms specified in a contract or within a verbal agreement." An independent contractor can itself be a business with employees; however, in most cases in the United States independent contractors operate as a sole proprietorship or single-member limited liability company. This means the independent contractor, as a business owner, incurs its own expenses to provide the contracted service, must acquire its own equipment to perform the service, and is responsible for business filings such as income tax returns.
So fair is fair - if you all want to sit on this board and bash MTSOs on a daily basis (they are business owners just like you) - Then shouldn't it only be right that they could do the same to your businesses. Maybe you need to choose your business name more wisely if you don't want your personal name used. If your name is John Doe and that is what you are operating your business under, maybe the MTSO could post about John Doe doing poor business, doesn't show up on time, provides very poor quality work, etc. After all - if an MTSO used their own name as their business name such as John Doe Transcription - are you telling me you couldn't post about them on this board because their name is involved?? Somehow, I don't think that would matter considering it is an MTSO. I guess I don't understand this mentality - it makes absolutely NO sense for any of you to think you can bash another company - yet you don't think they can do it to you.
MTSOs - maybe you need to seriously look into this - really !! Since all of these "self proclaimed" ICs (AKA attorneys) say that they would sue you for bashing their business - hmmmm - that must mean you should sue them for doing the same to you. ~ Or is it okay to do this company bashing (like they do) - meaning it would be just perfectly okay for you to warn others about them too, just like they say they are doing.
So yes Tit for Tat. I think it can be done.
Come on MTSOs get on this bandwagon and find out - Can you rate an IC just like any other business - WHY NOT?? How about you start giving them what they are truly asking for - "treat them like the TRUE Independent Contractor they are"!!! All this talk about them turning MTSOs into the IRS on a daily basis - I say GIVE THEM WHAT THEY WANT.
This is where the Good IC MTs and the MTSOs do need to work together to weed out the bad from the good to preserve our industry!! Lets get busy!
I have had the poster warn me about the "can of worms" I may have opened, those that have tried to take the focus off the true subject by resorting to the "errors" in the post....blah, blah, blah. I don't care. You are the "weeds" that need to get out of the garden, and will eventually be pulled from the garden.
Those of you "professional" IC MTs out there - know exactly what I am getting at here - you know why our industry is getting to be as bad as it is. You also know how some bad MTs on your team can pull the entire team of MTs in a company down. You also know how they are actually costing you money as well. You are the ones paying for their poor quality work in the long run as an MTSOs cannot afford to pay good wages when they are busy having to pay QA money to take care of subpar work. The good IC MTs are working their fingers off, sometimes working far too many hours, to try to make up for the lack of effort of a poor quality IC MT so that their companies don't have to overhire to make up for this lack of effort affecting their work volume on a regular daily basis, and all because the bad IC MTS attitude of "they are independent and don't have to work if they don't want too. They are dragging the entire team down and everyone knows it.
MTSOs and Good Professional ICs need to work together now to get rid of them out of this industry in order to turn this back around. Just a way to monitor these bad contractors from recycling through companies would be a HUGE start to this issue - and would be a feather in all the GOOD quality ICs cap, not to mention help out the MTSOs as far as the revolving door of MTs coming and going - this costs companies big money, help with quality issues (less QA needed), AND if they don't have these yahoos working for them - maybe all of this trash talk hurting their business could be dampened. Maybe the MTSOs could then afford to pay their good IC MTs a little more - and for those out there saying - they wouldn't pay better anyway - again - you are the weed! Get out of our garden - we don't need you hindering our crop any longer!
Again seriously - why single out ICs - because you want to be singled out. You don't want to be treated like an employee - remember.
I sound like a disgruntled IC-MTSO - well which is it? According to some - MTSOs and ICs are not one in the same, so they can't be named on this, or any other, board - or ARE they one in the same and can they be named on this, or another, board just like an MTSO then???
And also I should be more careful who "I" contract with; I am careful. I am an Independent Contractor and I carefully choose which company(s) I want to contract with. However, I would like the MTSO(s) that I contract with to have a better method of screening so they could be careful of who "THEY" contract with because it affects me as well as all the other GOOD ICs out there trying to make a living - yes I will agree with you there. A better method of choosing contractors - a rating systems of sorts (5 stars vs 0 stars) could help them steer away from the bad recycled IC MTs, those who affect all of us and our bottom line in this business. Bad IC MTs aren't listing many of these MTSOs on their job profile/resumes when they are terminated, just floating on to the next unsuspecting company. They very often deceive MTSOs and there is no way to verify it. However, if MTSOs start to communicate - these job hoppers couldn't get away with it anymore.
And again - you are right - what goes around, comes around. Thank you for making my point. I think for every MTSO getting complained about by these IC MTs affecting their businesses, it should come right around on them and the MTSO should be able to have freedom of speech as well. Why shouldn't they be able to post exactly what that particular contractor's quality was. I am sure they too have a story to tell. And whereas not everything is an ICs fault - lets bring that back around too - not everything is an MTSOs fault.
And right, is there ALWAYS a "reason" an IC MT has disappointed an MTSO - sure there are many reasons, like they didn't feel like getting up and getting on today, they overslept, they have a headache, Johnny has baseball, sorry for all the mistakes - having a bad day, etc, etc, etc. However, they are independent - so they can do that, that is their right. It is also your right to fail as a business owner - agreed.
Once again - for all the good IC MTs - they wouldn't even be remotely worried about MTSOs having this ability to rate their services - in fact WE would welcome it!! This means the good IC MTs would have a good rating and their services would be in great demand. I believe the ability is there - I think that it just needs to be set forth!
I believe all that would result from a 2-hour "shutdown" would be greater stress on the US MTs to play catch up once things were up and running again. It's kind of like disciplining kids. They need to feel the punishment ... and not physically or mentally ... just enough to convince them that they won't repeat the negative action. And, anyone with kids can connect with that.
I like Diane Sawyer but I think she's fighting a losing battle. We're a country based on buying, not producing. It's been that way for many years, dating back long before J.P. Morgan was a force to be reckoned with in the late 19th and early 20th century. We've also evolved into a world of mass production. Consider the change in the MT industry when we switched from typewriters to computers. Raise your hand if you remember and ask yourself how much your paycheck increased when you became proficient. Producing a "normal" chest x-ray using a typewriter might have taken 10 minutes, but with a computer ... import template, off it goes, and you're paid for everything on the page, even though you didn't type it. --- Where do you think the problem originated from? The MT industry needs to accept their share of responsibility for the ultimate outcome of what they are dealing with today. Sorry, but it's the truth. While innovation was a boon to the MT wallet for many years, it's now a curse. Kharma, perhaps?
But getting back on track ... you are absolutely correct when you speak of what the industry has become for many (I was lucky in not becoming a victim, 'cause I avoided the Pac Mans of the MT words, i.e. Nuance). But, I can tell you right off the bat that a major problem is getting paid a lower line rate for a report that is the product of an untrained speech engine. More often than not, the entire report has to be retyped but the MT is getting paid nearly half the rate than they would if they typed it "from scratch." Consider it ... would MTs be as unhappy if the VR rate was removed and *ALL* lines were paid at the non-speech rate? I don't think so.
Why do you feel it's somewhat odd that I have little to no knowledge about the lawsuits but still have a perspective of the industry. They're unrelated to each other. One is present tense and the other is past tense. I didn't get out of the industry because of what where it is and will continue to go. I got out because I've been burned out with boredom and I've got sciatica. So, the lawsuits and what-not do not impact my life. But, it doesn't mean that I shouldn't speak of what once was and how (I feel) it contributed to what exists today. You might say, "What goes around comes around."
I think the VA pay/benefit structure is a good one and $15-17 + benefits is a decent package for an experienced MT. But, your dealing with private industry for the majority of services throughout the country. It's a whole new set of rules Example: On a federal holiday the post office (government) will close, but Starbucks or Wal-Mart doesn't. The constant fear of retaliation ... well, I don't have an answer for that one. My nature is to be self-focused and choose the lesser of 2 evils. Similar to 1978 when the hospital I was working for instituted a no-smoking policy on Friday. I gave my notice in on Monday.
I wish I had an answer for the problem, but I don't. But, it doesn't change my right to express my views, or the right of anyone else to agree or disagree. I don't know ... maybe people need to look back in history to other times (i.e. when women worked in the factories for 12 hours a day, 7 days a week) and do what was done then to change things. History always repeats itself.