A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I do not think I would join any organization who has so little - MLS

Posted: Jul 28, 2011

concern for its members that it would book a convention in Phoenix in August.  Certainly there would be many better alternatives, but just shows you how smart they aren't

Phoenix in August (sm) - dln

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This actually makes me a little bit mad as I live in Arizona, and there is NO WAY somebody can enjoy Phoenix in the middle of August. I like sightseeing and showing off Phoenix/surrounding areas to people, but I highly doubt there will be any sightseeing during the most horrible month of the year, hot, humid, you name it.

Maybe they are thinking nobody will want to play "hooky" while they are there. I just think it's crazy, and it's going to be miserable to anyone who dares to venture outdoors.

Maybe they can go to Sarah's new house and she can show them Mexico and Hawaii from her back ya - Oh, my

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Go to Sarah's house - MTtoo

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Cracking me up on that one! Thanks for the chuckle.

that was tina fey's meme, not Sarah's - ruby

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Too bad we don't have more women like Sarah. She is my hero.
I wish we had more women - like Tina Fey
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You know, smart women. :)
no actually, that was Ms. Palin's remark - link
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get it straight - none
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You can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska� - Sarah Palin, exact quote

"I can see Russia from my house" -Tina Fey acting as Palin on the comedy show SNL

it's true, FROM LAND IN ALASKA,as Palin states, you can see part of Russia.

sigh.. get it right.

Get it straight - Seeing Russia from my house
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I believe most folks realize by now what the quote actually was but are just having some fun. Nothing wrong with that.

PEOPLE - its cheaper now - resorts for under 100.00night - off season. NM

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MLS - Passing by

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I can equal that. I once belonged to an organization that scheduled a convention in Chicago in February.

Arizona in August - CMT

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Convention is always in August, but I agree, why Arizona, one of the hottest states in the US. What I can't figure out is why is the hotel is $170 a night in August. That is the cheapest time to stay in Arizona for obvious reasons. If I was going to go I would book a nearby hotel for much, much cheaper. That is a ridiculous price as far as I'm concerned. We actually traveled to Tucson Arizona last August to visit a family member. It was between 100 and 110 degrees every day, and we spent most of our time in the hotel pool or walking around the air conditioned mall. Anything outdoors was out of the question. We stayed in the nicest hotel in town for less than $110 a night. In the winter, that same room would be $300 (2-bedroom suite). There's no hotel that should be $170 in August in Arizona, and they say that's a special price for the convention.

I went to the convention in Atlanta in August. sm - Hot AND Sweaty!

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They always choose a big city, it's always in August, and seems to be miserable weather whatever the locale. One year it was Nashville (humidity, anyone?), another year Boston (again, humidity?) and another in Reno (almost as hot as Phoenix). And the hotels are always exorbitant. I won't attend another meeting, that's for sure.

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