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6 inches of snow and counting and I can't play hooky - cuz I work at home!

Posted: Jan 10, 2011

There's con for working at home!

I consider a plus because we don't have to - drive in it. NM

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Too right (about not having to drive in it!) - Hayseed

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Even if you are blessed with a decent snow-worthy vehicle, others may not be so lucky and that can cause issues in itself.

It's been 10 years now since leaving the regular work force to work at home and I don't regret it for a second...ESPECIALLY in bad weather!

Hope you are all safe and warm with a little something in the belly to keep the internal fires burning. Good luck out there! It can be scary!

Over 6" plus ice here in Atlanta - SouthernBelle

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Nope, won't be calling in to take off work unless we lose power (hopefully we won't!)

Hi Southern, about 50 miles south of you and here (sm) - GaPeach

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we have about 2-3 inches of ice and about 2 inches of snow. Have you seen where we have more coming tonight?

Good luck to everyone out there with this weather!

What makes me feel even worse. - Fingers

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My husband, 2 daughters, and friends are all in the teaching field so they get off scott free while I have to work. I hate it when they are sleigh riding, reading, watching movies, drinking hot chocolate, etc. and here I am working away.

Also, my account is in a heavy snow territory so when they get dumped on the patient turn out is low and work slows down.

:) About 5" here, driveway too steep to escape, but - Fellow Traveller

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that's okay! I worked snug in my office while watching the big crowd of birds at our feeders and now have mixed a drink and am about to snuggle into a recliner by the fire with a good book. Dinner's spicy pork stew, cooked up yesterday in case the power goes out--again. Life's good. :)

I see it as a pro - Ayn

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Same situation here today - but I see it as a pro to work from home on a snow day -- I didn't have to worry about getting up an hour early to shovel snow, scrape windows, and drive through dangerous & cold conditions to get to work and I didn't have to use PTO time to stay home with the kids who are off school and are too young be home alone.

I'm a snowmobiler from the North Woods with NO SNOW - Pass it my way please!

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I really would appreciate it.

24 inches in one day - Bern

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Not going anywhere, but still working!

Where do you live that you got that much? - cindy

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South Bend - bern

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Indiana. It was lake effect off of Lake Michigan.

ROFL. Read above posts with no thought to what originally meant. - Take a naughty approach to reading them. nm

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