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Large hospital accouts?? Can you make $$ - elang

Posted: Feb 16, 2012

I just found out I am being placed on an acute care account for a hospital that has over 500 physicians! Is there really a way to make a decent income from on an account that large? It doesn't seem to me that I would get the same physicians very often, making it much more difficult to get used to their speech patterns, normals, etc. I believe this account will also be partly VR editing. Will that be any easier with that many physicians??

elang - Old Pro

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I have always been assigned to large teaching hospitals with hundreds of physicians, many of them ESL. As of 12/31/2011, I was making $33/hour, so yes, you can. (I was not doing VR, as I refused to do it.)

Agree with Old Pro - dmz

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I agree with Old Pro - I was at about $38/hour last year - the biggest help is having a good platform to work on that is user friendly so you can just type along and get from report to report. If you have been at this a long time, getting to know the doctor's way of dictating shouldn't be too much of a learning curve. Sometimes I understand the ESL docs better than the USA ones! :) I also have never done VR and hope I never have to. :)

DMZ and OldPro - LeeLee

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Lucky girls. Was told we had no choice with SR. If we did not do it, they would move us to typing platform...the giddy up was, with the move to another platform came yet another pay cut. As my dear dad would say..."they get by the short hair", and then they twist (that last part is my contribution..LOL).

You could not get away with that now - sm

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You REFUSED??? to do VR??? Well, I don't think many companies now would even bother to put your application on the bottom of the pile, they would just shred it. I found one little company with a great platform that did not use VR but they only paid 7.5 cents a line for straight transcription. Not so good. Another one with 8 cents but 100 percent review on all reports and a ghastly platform!

Sure I could get away with it now - Old Pro

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I could pick up the phone and go right back--at my old 9.5 cpl, without any VR. They originally recruited me from another company. They would like to have me back FT, but that's over now!

Also agree w/ Old Pro, - depending on

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IF your employer provides you enough work per shift and especially if you use your own expander and your employer has macros for some. When I first started at home, I worked for a teaching hospital w/ hundreds of docs and interns, but in reality I didn't get a bunch of different ones in a day. W/in a few months I was hitting 2300 lines in an 8-hr shift with at least 99% accuracy, and that was before VR. I personally love VR now, but that's just me. I've seen plenty who hate it. Just give yourself some time to get used to it and good luck!

It's a trade-off. You get more work volume with bigger - accounts, but less familiarity with - sm

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the doctors. Knowing a doctor well enough to be tuned in to his/her speech idiosyncrasies and dictation style means I can do a lot more work in less time, with far fewer errors. In my experience, there are also more dumb little rules, and variations to those rules, at the bigger institutions.

That is rare indeed. - Atypical

[ In Reply To ..]
You're one of the lucky ones.

While working MOST large accounts, the experience is as outlined by the OP: A huge pool of dictators, with the guys rolling back around only once in a blue moon.

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