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What mid-size to large companies are left that are not part of MQ? - Anti-MQ MT

Posted: Feb 06, 2012

I want to work as an employee and have benefits. I need health insurance and really want PTO.  I want a company big enough to be busy but I CANNOT AND WILL NOT  work for MQ again. 

I thought that DSG was the answer for me and have enjoyed working there the last 2 years.  Yesterday was my last day as I refuse to be an MQ employee even for a day.  I have a small savings account, and my husband has a decent job, so I am not desperate but I will need to be working within the month.

I read all the posts and see so much bitterness and hatred.  I know that all companies can't be that bad. 

I don't want negative posts, only positive ones please. 

If you like your job, who do you work for?  Why?  Do they pay more than 4 cpl for VRE and more than 7 cpl for straight transcription?  Better yet, do they have a lot of straight transcription?

I am not looking for perfect, I am looking for a good place to work.  I am experienced, reliable and can do any worktype with a 99% QA score.  Who would you recommend?

TIA Smile

Superior Global Solutions - sm

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I worked for them briefly (left for personal reasons). They pay dependably. They have a pretty good support system and your boss WILL answer his/her phone and emails (I used to work for the Q, too). QA gave me pretty good feedback, though was inconsistent, as is with all MTSOs. The VR wasn't too bad, either.

I was paid about 4 cpl for VR and about 9 cpl for straight typing.

I didn't like their platform, though. Escription, I think. Too much of the screen was taken up by the demographics. I only had about 40% of my screen for typing.

SGS is worth a try.

Superior Global Solutions - Anonymous

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I hope you don't mind me "butting in" on your conversation, but SGS is one of THE shadiest MTSOs in the industry. I was in management there, so I was privy to some of their practices. One of practices being that they demote Team Leads and QAs (hourly positions) to MTs-knowing that most QAs and TLs do not have a fast enough typing/editing speed to be able to support themselves-let alone a family...some have called it "starving the MTs out of a job." This way, the person will quit and SGS will not have to pay unemployment. They have demoted/fired over 100 people since November.
There has also been speculation that MQ will eventually be buying SGS. At one time, SGS and MQ were "partners." Basically MQ subcontracted work to SGS instead of outsourcing to India, but that only lasted from April-Novemeber. So who knows what may happen next. Search the archives on SGS...there is quite a bit of info available as of late.
If you do take the job, just keep in mind that they usually fire/demote at the end of the pay periods.
My suggestion would be Nuance Transcription. I currently work there and there is PLENTY of work. Also check at Accentus-best pay I have ever seen for MTs.
Either way, best of luck to you:)

What mid-size to large companies are left that are not part of MQ? - Anti-MQ MT - VTMT

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dont worry, the Q, MModal will own it all soon - very soon my little pretties

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They will own the world.

They will not own the world - Old Pro

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At some point, anti-trust and anti-monopoly laws will kick in.
doubtful - no anti-monopoly laws in effect
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They are not a US owned company, so these rules dont apply.

Good medium-sized company - Knitter

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Try Landmark. They are owned by ethical people and do not offshore.

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