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Getting My Own Work in Large Metro - MT-No Emails Please

Posted: Jan 07, 2013

I live in a large metro area with many physician offices and lawyer offices.  I am a great transcriptionist and am currently doing just a couple of files a month (I know it's so little).  I need more work and am going to try getting my own.  Can I just drop off a letter to the offices?  I am thinking about doing $1.25 per audio minute or 10 or 12 cents per 65-character line.  Any advice on this method or the rates?  Thanks. 

I think it is a great idea. - sm

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I went to Staples office store and bought really cheap pens in the box and I attached a flyer regarding the services I can provide and dropped it off at the front window of offices. I just politely introduced myself, told them I was a transcriptionist, handed them my box of pens with the flyer attached, thanked for their time, and left. I think I said something like "I don't want to hold anyone up, but if you are in need of transcription services, feel free to contact me." Thank you and left. I didn't get any bites, but I only did one office building where I currently was already picking up work.

In other words, don't be too forceful, just be pleasant and if you can't get anyone's attention right that minute or even after waiting a few minutes or seeing that they are busy, just leave it on the counter there at the window or desk or whatever.

I wish you good luck, and you'd be surprised as you might just find a nice gig!

P/S: I think personally going shows initiative as opposed to mailers, but that's just my personal opinion.

Oh, also forgot to add. - sm

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Don't forget to log your mileage and what you've spent on the pens, paper, and ink so you can write if off on your taxes.

Own accounts - me

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After my main client went EMR, I went "door to door" to thousands of offices with a postcard-size advertisement, which listed my services, etc., as well as a "Welcome package" for the serious prospectives in a folder that had inserts for the advertisement and business card (available at office supply stores) that included any info they would need to begin (service contracts, dictation keypad codes, a type of resume listing qualifications and services offered/equipment, etc., and a well-rehearsed speech.

Depends on what area you are in. I have never done the audio per minute charge. However, the rate in my area (Southern California) is about right depending on work type. Near the coast, for office transcription I have a hard time getting anything more than 10 cpl unless it is an ESL physician, this despite having letters of reference from very well-known physicians and call-in dictation with same day TAT and 99.9-100% accuracy rate. My best friend from college goes inland and gets 14-16 cpl, but she is printing, delivering, and picking up tapes, etc.

Most physicians are only willing to pay 8 cpl, which I will not accept. When negotiating pay, I always inform them I only use US-based MTs to assist me, and then they agree to a higher rate.

Good luck!

Large Metro area - Old Pro

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My advice is NOT to drop anything off. Send it via regular mail. Good luck to you!

May I ask why is it better not to drop off but to mail? - MT-No Emails Please

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Why is it better to mail and not drop off? Thank you for the good luck wishes. I am thinking about getting professional glossy postcard-size advertisements printed off. There is an option to have a space for mailing address. I could just mail them out. I thought they would look more professional than something I just print out, and they aren't that expensive.

Mail just like faxes will get thrown in the trash. - Offices get faxes daily from services. (sm)

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Trust me. In person is way better and plus what if someone says to you.... we don't need it but such and such down the hall does.....

I'd hand deliver with a smile. That's much more memorable than a mailer that will get thrown in the trash.

You would have better luck.... sm - me

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Building your own website and having it published. I got no responses when I mailed out thousands of advertisement cards and only 1 client going in-person to thousands of offices, but I landed several after publishing my website. It does not have to be anything fancy. Good luck!

Not dropping off - Old Pro

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Because it is unprofessional and unbusiness-like. I live in a huge metro area where this isn't done. Perhaps your area is different. I think it has a lot to do with causing an interruption in the office. Again, good luck, whichever way you do it.

my question - are you going to use tapes?

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This is the part about getting my own accounts that confuses me (and keeps me from trying it). Do people still use tapes? and if not, what do you use?

Own accounts.... info sm - me

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I have a call-in dictation system, which my clients love. I have also had clients who use digital recorders and upload the voice files and (to my horror) tapes dropped off. I no longer accept tapes, but my girlfriend is still working with these. She says she likes to get out of the house. I like to have my hands on the keyboard, making money.... I have transitioned all my clients to call-in and online access.

Hope that helps.

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