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How much do you consistently average per hour as an MT - nm
Posted: May 17, 2015nm
Nobody wants to admit to the typical pathetic hourly rate - nm
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Admitting it to ourselves would mean we would have do do something about it - Small wonder
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Nobody wants to admit to it because then we would have to admit it to ourselves and possibly do something about it. That is scary to think about for most of us. Sometimes I have that kind of courage, but then I'm not sure.
Most MTs are now working out of habit - No Money
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The truth is, most MTs are just in the habit of putting in all those hours and not getting paid appropriately. I know personally that after putting in that many hard, physical hours of work, I don't have time to think about training for another job. It never gets better. It doesn't make sense not to face that, but that's the way it is. They've got us right where they want us, afraid to try another career.
I think you're right. I lost my MT job, but still - get up every morning and turn on the -
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PC while I'm eating breakfast. If I don't do it, my whole day feels out-of-balance. Never used to be that way til I became an at-home MT. It's a habit I can't seem to break, even though I'm not even looking for work anymore.
I don't mind saying...sm - Anon
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Anywhere between $9 and $11/hour, most of the time around $10. Of course, I made $18/hour 4 years ago before I was laid off from my in-house MT job.
Here ya go.... - ....
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Avg $12-14/hr. I'm PT. If I were FT, that average would go down. PT is all I can stand.
To put it in perspective, 5 years I averaged about 16/hr. 10 years ago it was more like $20/hr. You can see the downward trend, and I think it is the same for all of us. It's time to call it quits as $15/hr is the LEAST I think any MT should make. Going at this trend, I would be at minimum wage within a few years. NO CAN DO.
I do not understand why people ask such a rude and - nosy question, even anon responses. nm
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This is an anonymous board...it would only be - rude if you asked this to someone s face. n/m
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Maybe those who think it's "rude" don't want to - be reminded of their own wage pittance?
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average pay per hour - sickANtired
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then I get "assigned" a really beast of a doctor who sounds like he is sniffing the mud from the ground (yes like a pig) while he talks and does not get close to the mic to dictate, so between 5.00 and 6.00 an hour when he is on, then more when the normal talking docs are on.
That's not good. Action is probably needed if you can manage a change - nm
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It's amazing to me - sm
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It's amazing to me that new medical coders in their first year are making more than we can make as experienced MTs.
squirrel - Squirrel
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This is pathetic! Didn't the minimum wage in Los Angeles just get raised to $15.00? I'm glad I left MT/ME, no more future in it unless you move to India or one of the other countries where the work got outsourced to.
$13-14 is very low compared to other comparable skill sets - sm
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My word! The best we can come up with on here is $13-14, which isn't even close to the starting salary for similar skill sets. I know brand new coders making somewhere around $18 and I heard of one making $21, just starting out. This is not good. If you think about the difference for every hour you work, you are actually losing that much every hour you work for $14 instead of $18 or so. It's like losing money.
I have no coder training and no desire to be one - anon
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This works fine for me right now so I don't have to pay for childcare and tutoring, etc. When the party is over, I will get out of this field completely.
Yep, same here. I also make about 13-14/hr... - which is way less
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than I used to make, but I have other income and only have to work PT. Have no desire to be a coder (took a class and did research but seems so boring to me) . Why do a lot of people seem to think that ALL MTs should be doing CODING. There ARE other options. The one thing I do agree on is that transcription is circling the drain, but I'll stick around until it does and then I'll figure out my next move. If I didn't have that other income, there is NO way I could or WOULD do this for 14/hr.
Comparable skill sets - Apples and Oranges
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Coding and MT are not comparable skill sets.
They are comparable in that they use terms, A&P, and work with medical records - nm
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I make a very nice living - marge
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I do VERY well as an MT. In fact, I make more than I did as a nurse (which is how I ended up in this field instead of going back into nursing). Now, this is before taxes so you have to remember that I do pay my own taxes, my own insurance, etc.
My hourly rate on my worst account is between $35 and $60/hour. I have a TON of shortcuts and even huge templates that I am able to use.
On my best account I can get up to and over $100/hr.
Yes, I did get lucky. I have some amazing offices that I work for. That being said, I get NO time off unless the doctors are off. I am the ONLY transcriptionist for a medium sized surgery center working for 14 doctors (you know they are almost NEVER off at the same time). I also work for a urologist who almost never takes a vacation. I then have another office that I cover three doctors and a subacute rehab facility. Yep, they never close there either. So, I do pay my own taxes, I pay my own health insurance, and I get NO real vacation. Even when I travel I'm working. But... the flexibility and pay keep me doing this until the well dries up.
For all of you that are going to call BS, my gf works for one of the same offices I work for (makes a LOT more than I do) she made almost $130,000 last year (I only know because we got talking about how much we paid the IRS last year).
I so do not believe your posting and you - knew would not be believable
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when you posted, otherwise why say "going to call BS?"
I think that poster already knows full well it's - BS to the max.
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No one made that even in the "good old days".
Consistently - marge
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All of us at the one office consistently make over $50,000 with some of us reaching the $100,000 mark each year. :) Our doctors actually hired a new office manager who immediately wanted to know how to reduce transcription costs in the practice and the docs said, "Leave the transcriptionists alone! We don't care HOW much we pay them. They are worth every dime." :) See, some of us are still valued and appreciated. :D
Because all I hear is bitching. :( - marge
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Yep, it's all true. My gf got me into the world of transcription about 9 years ago now. I have worked for the same practice that entire time. Two years ago I also was able to acquire my own clients and, in turn, raise my prices. I know you all want to pretend that no one makes any money anymore but there are still those out there that do very well. My gf makes 17 cpl and easily does between 25,000 and 35,000 lines/2 weeks. You can do the math just like I did. :) It's still out there. She works her butt off (as do I) and we still get rewarded for it. :)
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