A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Average top pay? - curious

Posted: May 27, 2014

So what is the average top pay most places pay after years of employment?  I've been with the same company for many years and get 9 cpl and 1/2 that for SR.  I've only been with the one company so really don't know what goes on most other places.  I'm very unhappy though and want to change companies but can't go down a lot to start.  Undecided

Avg top pay most places pay after years employ? That - would be millions for CEO. nm

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helpful - snarky

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That was helpful. lol

I don't think any pay more for years of service anymore - sadly...

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I would think most companies top out at a top CPL rate period and the only way to make more is to produce more. At least what I've seen. This seems to be the reality of the MT career. I think with you being at 9 CPL for ST is lucky compared to others I've seen listed on this board and if you start over at a new MTSO it will be less than what you're making now. If you're looking to change period, I would suggest getting out of MT altogether if that's an option for you.
thanks - curious
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Yeah, I simply meant people who have done it for years and are at the top pay they will receive. :) I really do want to get out of MT now but don't have many options in this area. I'm burned out. Hopefully, something will come up.

Companies have been firing those making over .07 CPL - Rose

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so they can hire new people at .06 to .07 CPL. Generally what you can expect with 30 years experienced is the same or less than starting pay. I have never heard of an MTSO giving a raise, only dropping the line rate and reducing what they do pay for (headers, spaces, etc).

?? Have never been "fired for making more than 7 cpl" - anon

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This may be YOUR reality, but is not true. Over the last 25+ years, I've worked for 4 companies (8.25, 7.5 + incentive, 9, and currently 8) and have never been "fired for making more than 7 cpl".

Never been fired - either

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but there have been many posts from others that have been fired when all of a sudden their reports do not meet quality or whatever. Unfortunately it is a reality for some.
But getting fired for not meeting quality is - a big difference
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As is declaring on this board that numerous "companies" are "firing" MTs for making over 7 cpl.
Why do you think these companies have - such ridiculous grading
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practices? Why are there MTs with decades of experience under their belts suddenly being fired or penalized because they are failing audits when they've never had problems before? Of course the companies don't come out and say they are firing people because they are paid too much... they can't say that. They find other ways to get rid of people.
and how do you know what is really in their minds? because if that is the real - reason - that is the only place it is..someones he
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...someone' head. You are guessing, ONLY guessing.

God, this profession's not bad enough for you, you have to make crap up now?

But you have had a reduction in pay - Lilia

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and are making 8 cpl with 25 years experience. That is true and it is disgusting.
no, that's pretty good considering this industry in this economy - presently. Not her but same scale.
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Agree... - but..
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I chose to take the pay cut from 9 to 8 because of the company.

The company paying 9 cpl? It was M*Modal. Awful. Pages of client specs, ridiculous QA, 'active' keyboard time counted so had to stare at the screen for hours with no breaks unless you wanted your day to be endless, 30 'primary' accounts, etc. I was also paid 6 cpl for VR, but with their program, only averaged 200 cpl. Yep, I quit.

Now I work for 8 cpl and am so much happier (flexible schedule, small family-owned company, QA is helpful, assigned accounts).

BTW, when I was making 8.25, it was the most lucrative (headers and footers counted, transcribed what was dictated so no arbitrary BOS or pages of client specs, standardized formats). I averaged $28-$30 an hour. It was the same average with VR on the same acount. I was paid 6 cpl and 7 on weekends. Again, no nitpicky QA, demographics done by dictators, VR trained correctly so minimal editing. In fact, I had one doctor who specially requested me and, since I was the only one editing/training her VR, I averaged 500-600 lph.

really? that is the most rediculous thing I have heard ever. - over 8 MT for years.

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NOT TRUE. When you have worked every company in the US - you can say that for a fact, but it's not true of the ones I have worked for and, personally, why people get fired is not my business if you get my drift. WHAT an imagination.

hmmm, and not one sued for that HIGHTLY illegal move? - geeze, wonder why. anon

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Varies - sm

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Hey, 9 CPL is fairly good compared to what other companies are offering, but I understand that pay and benefits don't always cut it if you don't like how things are going at the company or how you're being treated. Pay, of course, depends on the company and your experience. I have heard of some making upwards of $28 or more per hour at a hospital or clinic. Others claim they make that much or more per hour working at home. No guarantees in this field, though!

Kind of stuck where I am I guess. - curious

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Yeah, it can be confusing from company to company and the different work. Some maybe get paid less but make more because the work is better. My company actually has a freeze on all raises, but I'm already as far as I can go. I live in a rural area so my options are very limited.

You are making twice what I do with 33 yrs experience. - Sad state

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SR is 1/2 that. - curious

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The 9 cpl is text typing which I don't get much of anymore. Most of it is SR for half that. Sad that doctors make so much but we have to type nonstop and still can't pay the bills. :P

Curous how you know how much that poster makes as - sm

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it was not stated in her post.
to me? - curious
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Was that to me? I was reiterating SR for me is half that, the amount I mentioned in the start of the topic (where I also mentioned SR is 1/2 that amount). I'm guessing that person types SR as I doubt someone is working for 30 years and making 4.5 cpl on text typing. Why are people so testy on here?

In 2014 it's somewhere around 6.5-7 cpl. - If youre lucky, that is.

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Thanks. - curious

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Thanks. :) I've pretty much been "in a bubble" with the company I work for and don't know much about what goes on elsewhere in other companies.

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