Does anybody know which column companies look at to decide if you are meeting the minimum 250 requirement in Escription? When I look at the metrics there are 2 columns...median lines per hour and average lines per hour. ...
Just wondering if the TT MTs would like share ... how many lines do you average during the day/week? I'm doing about 9,000 to 10,000 a week and wonder if I should be pushing myself more. How much of your count is VR? I do probably 15% traditional and 85% VR but that, of course, varies week to week. ...
How many lines do you average per day - VR and traditional? I know it's been VERY slow lately, but when things are going well, how many lines do you normally get? I'm trying to figure out where the average numbers are. For me, I do about 350 trad and about 1400 VR in 8 hours. Well, my timesheet says 8 hours, but my clock says that number MAY(!) be a little higher. Again, these are numbers I pull when things are going well and I'm not waiting for work to download.
I'v ...
I currently work for a clinic system who, it seems, is trying to usher us out the door so I've been looking at online companies. It seems plenty pay by the line but I have NO clue how many lines per hour I can even do because the only number my place of employment gives us is average minutes per hour for an entire month (our bare minimum is 12 min/hr). So I am curious to know what sort of average lines per hour you ladies can do? We really cannot afford for me to take a hu ...
Not talking straight typing but VR line average per week or per pay-period. I know its a personal question but we are all anonymous here.
So for example do you average:
7000 a wk
9000 a wk
15,000 a pay-period.
18,000 a pay-period.
Me personally, I have been only averaging 14 to 15,000 a pay-period. Trying to work on improving and I work 40hrs per week, so basically only doing anywhere from 7000 to 8000 per week. Just curious if I am average, below average...I am assuming below ave ...
How many lines will you type in a week on average? I am typing anywhere from 10,000 to 20,000 lines a week. I spend my entire life typing, cooking and sleeping. I very rarely have to time to go anywhere or do anything. I was just wondering if everyone else who types at home has to type so much. I work seven days a week and never get a day off. I am just getting so tired and I think I need a break but if I do not do it, it just piles up and no one else helps out, so what's a girl ...
Can someone tell me the difference between median and average lines per hour? My median is 283.3, but my average is 247.9 (this is just for today's date). I have been working for 6 hours and my lines are 1320. Does not compute... lol
Thanks. ...
I was wondering if anybody out there was paid per line for Powerscribe and how many lines per hour do you edit on average? I have always been paid a report rate for Powerscribe Radiology. Also, which version do you use? Thanks!! ...
I have just started on Meditech. Never used it before. I am a long time veteran of 30 years, but this sure doesn't seem like a very productive program. Any productivity tips?? I just wondered what a good average lph rate would be. ...
I know this can vary of course. I have built up my shorthand to over 12,000 entries. I really think I have my speed up considerably but have been paid by the hour working on straigt typing with tapes for some time now. We are going to VR and may need to pick up a second job to take up the slack in work. Can someone give me some idea of what to expect in time to take on another PT or FT position (depending on the amount of downtime I will have soon)? ...
if you make 4 cents per line at 1000 lines a day, they really calculate it at 500 lines per day x 4 cents, making it really 2 cents per line for the full 1000.
I heard this, and I am really interested in knowing if it is true. ...
My main account was a good one, and the lines were very good, mostly ER work. I have been on this account for over a year and a half now. We recently received an e-mail stating that Nuance had discovered that the line count was charging incorrectly, as instituted by them, and they had been crediting us with MORE lines than we were actually doing and overcharging the client.
Now get this, they informed us that they would not make US pay it back, for their mistake, but that our new lines would re ...
What do you do when you have the required hours but are short lines?
I got an email that I need to "make plans to have my shortage made up." The only problem is that I'm up to date with my hours for the pay period so far. The other problem is that I have plans Saturday night and Sunday (both being my scheduled time off) that don't include TransTech.
It's getting harder and harder to defend this company when they can't hold up their end of the agreement and continually ...
My department will soon be outsourced so I'm looking for a job. I've been paid hourly for 13 years so wondered if anyone could tell me an average pay on a cpl basis for both straight transcription and VR. Thanks. ...
So what is the average top pay most places pay after years of employment? I've been with the same company for many years and get 9 cpl and 1/2 that for SR. I've only been with the one company so really don't know what goes on most other places. I'm very unhappy though and want to change companies but can't go down a lot to start. ...
Hi, I would like to know if any of you regular MModal employees truly get to the point of being able to do 20 accounts and make both the lph and QA requirements?
Not looking for the negative flaming.
I personally am really struggling. I just don't know how one can read specs from 2-3 new accounts in an hour with all the peculiarities and still meet above said requirements.
I want it to work. I don't really want a new job. But I feel like we are be ...
Am considering applying with Nuance. Have worked with the M*Modal speech engine before and know that Escription is superior but how much better is what I wonder. Would you be willing to give me an honest estimate of your average productivity in LPH when editing? I don't need inflated numbers just something to go by that reflects a reasonable expectation. Also, what is the minimum LPH required by Nuance when editing?
Thanks in advace. ...
Does anyone know what the AVERAGE transcriptionst makes per hour? Most are paid per line now, but I am just wondering what people are earning per hour. I am a transcriptionst working for an orthopedist. I have 15+ years experience and have been working with this company for a few years now. I am currently being paid 13.90 per hour. I am an independent contractor, so no benefits, PTO, 401K, etc. For some reason I just feel like I am being paid very low consider ...