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What is a good average lines per hour on Meditech? - frustrated MT

Posted: Mar 30, 2011

I have just started on Meditech.  Never used it before.  I am a long time veteran of 30 years, but this sure doesn't seem like a very productive program.  Any productivity tips??  I just wondered what a good average lph rate would be.

Meditech is horrible and it isn't productive/user friendly - BTDT

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at all. I worked for a company that used it, but my primary account wasn't on it. Turns out the account was just overflow and I would go a week at a time without work. I asked for a secondary account and got a Meditech account. After 4 months and giving it what I felt was a fair trial I could not make my required lines and quit.

Meditech - Ouch

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130 is challenging right out of an MT program if that helps at all.

Instant Text may help with Meditech - Marianne

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and improve productivity.

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