A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Disappointed, Hurt, and Confused - TNMT

Posted: Feb 24, 2012

I have worked for the same company for many years and I worked very hard to get into a QA position.  I have worked in QA for the past 3 years and have never heard anything but good things about my work.  Well…all couple of weeks ago, I get an email that the company will be making some changes to the team I work on and then last week, I am notified all the QA people are being demoted. They told me that it didn't have anything to do with my job performance and they didn't want to lose me and I did a great job, blah, blah, blah.  AND if demoting me is not enough, they are cutting my pay too.   So…that's what I get for doing such a great job, huh?  I am so hurt.  I loved this company and loved my job, and now I don't know what to think, and I can't seem to get over this.  Should I be hurt?  Am I just being a whiny baby?  I have never had this happen to me before, and I really don't know how I should feel right now.

Are they doing away with QA completely? - Check with your labor department

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You said all the QA people are being demoted, but does that mean that they are doing away with QA completely? If not, then they by law (at least where I live) cannot reduce your pay. The only way they can reduce your pay is if they eliminate the position entirely.

Not doing away with QA completely - TNMT

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Company-wise, there is still QA. They are just "downsizing" my team. I was told, there was no longer a need for my position on this team.

sorry about your demotion - non

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This is exactly how MTs that have worked hard to be good MTs and had their pay cut by 50% to do VR/speech. How long did anyone think it would be before they cut QA, team leaders, and anyone else they can cut. There is no longer any value in this profession.
I too am sorry for you. - Suzy Q
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I agree with posters above. Seems like we are no longer respected for our skills. We need to all leave this business and find something more lucrative and worthwhile to make our living.

Please do not feel like you are alone in this. We have all suffered at the hands of MTSO's. I believe someday they will get what is coming to them.

I think they should instead be eliminating middle - & upper management positions -sm

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instead of MTs and QAs. Those people at the top are the ones who REALLY aren't doing their jobs, and should be demoted!!


Management - LeeLee

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They can start with Operations manager that puts all the goofy a**ss procedures in place that benefits his/her bottom line and cuts into ours. Sits around all day "crunching our numbers"...I'd like to "crunch" hers.

What are you going to be doing? Are you - still in a QA position? SM

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Please don't feel hurt or take this personally. I went through a similar feeling when my company was sold to one of the large MTSOs. I had last been on this forum 10 or so years ago when I was looking for a job. I was so content with my job for over 10 years, and I had no idea what had been happening to this profession all those years. I was in a "bubble". I think I was in shock for a while after being sold, reading the horror of what had been happening. It's been about 2 years now, switched to VR about 1 1/2 years ago, pay cut, and struggling every day to make a living. It is all about greed and the very few who are doing well off of the backs of us. It is happening everywhere. Harden your heart, learn what is happening and why. There is no reason to take it to heart, it is not your fault at all. My advice is to keep as up to date as you can with what is happening, learn what you have to learn to be competitive, and keep emotions out of it. It is a cutthroat business and a cutthroat world we live in now. Look at it for what it is, something to earn income and not a place where people care about you. Don't be fooled. Get what you can out of out, hopefully enough money to survive. Sorry, I know this sounds harsh, it took me a while to understand too. Even if you have a manager or a team leader who is pleasant and you get along with, don't be fooled by all the "you're the greatest, thanks for going the extra mile" accolades you might get. It is only because you are a means to an end for a bonus for them. Look out for yourself because no one else in this business will. You should feel pride for all the hard work you have done for this company, but be proud of that for yourself, it says a lot about the kind of person you are. Do not expect the company to recognize and reward you for it. Those days are gone.

What are you going to be doing? Are you - still in a QA position? SM - LeeLee

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Went through almost exactly what you did. It became clear that the TL, managers and assistance knew how to work things to their advantage and that is what I do now. After being thrown under the bus, then lied to about it by the very same TLs, managers doing the throwing, my eyes were opened wide. Now, if I need something to do my job, to increase my production, I address it in such a way that I keep my nose clean, play the game, but they know it will impact their own income; so, I get what I need immediately. Sad to be reduced to this, as I really loved (and still do) the work. They just make it so hard for all of us. Took me a while to get it because I am not a game player and do not operate/think that way. I sure do now in my work atmosphere. You are only "good, wonderful, the best, exceptional" to them for as long as they need you. I don't think you were harsh at all - think you told it EXACTLY as it is. :(

Cutting QA - lka

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I feel really bad for your situation; yes I do. I just read all of the other comments that people made and agree that we are just a number to them. I also have been doing MT work for so many years and at one time made a very good living and these last 3 years have been the worst of the worst with the pay, not to mention all of the worst of the worst ESL. Where are all of the American doctors?

It's just like when I go shopping these days, no matter if it is to the grocery store or the mall, there are all of the American people. I see none.

Just the other day I received an email from my TL that 2 of the MD on my primary account are complaining because they are seeing TOO many blanks........ can you believe that? They are 2 of the worst of the worst ESL I have ever had in my 25 years of doing this kind of work. The gall of them!!! One of them starts off fairly decent and then I swear to God he lays the phone down and is not even there... you cannot understand him because it comes as a whisper or mumbling. I could scream every time I have to listen to these idiots, where I take pride in my quality of work, but cannot even make a decent living to support my basic needs anymore....... I have downsized so much over the past 5 years, and keep downsizing when the paychecks just keep dwindling to nothing. It's a shame that at the age of 64, I should have to worry about being homeless, but it is happening to everybody.

If you are young enough and can find another career or even open a business that is the route I would go. I feel like nobody is "hearing" us, least of all the pompous politicians who are up there telling one lie afer another and hoping the American people vote for them. Enough to make one sick what this country has become!!

Cutting QA - lka - LeeLee

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God... we all be working for same idiots..LOL!! I just posted a note above. I am hearing you loud and clear. I have the same thing with the ESLs. I actually asked one of the ESLs point blank why that is all we ever see anymore. This is what he told me, almsot verbatim: American MDs are leaving because of Obamacare and cannot make it, pay expenses/salaries, maintain offices with what they will be paid. He told me MDs make far less in foreign countries; they will take the American MD jobs because it is better than what they can get in their own countries. He also told me it is only going to get worse. What a ray of sunshine he brought me(not), but at least he answered my question.

I have had ESLs that were so bad, you could not distinguish the DATE for God's sakes. The worst ESLs are the biggest pains in the behind, most demanding and do the least so we can do our jobs.

BTW, many of these companies are using one dept. against QA dept. to eliminate QA altogether because SR is so great (gag). Guess, they are loving the blood bath where I work; they have already gotten rid of almost every single QA on every shift. I am so fired up writing this regarding what they are doing to us, I can hardly see straight. Please excuse any typos...ARRRGGHHHH

LeeLee - lka

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Yes, we could have written the same thing, lol. Well, where are the American MD's going... I can't believe they would spend all those years in medical school, residency and the like to leave. I always mark down the job # that I send to QA and many times the ones with 10 blanks or more or still blank, so I know it's not just me. They really should do away with some of the middle management (the ones that keep track of us and send us umteen emails a day telling us how much work there is)... like we don't know that........ geesh. I saw somebody either in this thread or another say what would the "old broads" do if there was no QA, like they don't need them........ yea, right. I am speaking with over 25 years of experience and I need them; we all need a second ear once in a while. It's not like we can call up somebody and ask them to listen!!
lka - LeeLee
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We all need a little hand up once in a while, but management thinks with the SR being "perfecT (say with extreme sarcasm-lol) that QA is no longer needed. What are we to do with the MDs whose speech is so horrific you cannot make out "1,2,3"?

As for the MDs leaving, there is a site you can go to and see how many are retiring early, giving it up all together, or going part time. The name of the site escapes me, but you can actually put the info in your search engine and find it that way, too. Under Obamacare, they want us to be forced into seeing PAs, APRNs, etc., and not see MDs; thereby paying the MDs much less. Not to mention, cardiologists, neurologists, oncologists, etc., will all now be paid the same as GP; will not matter how many years of extra schooling you need for the speciality. I read Obamacare and most people have no idea the degree this is going to harm them, and much of it has absolutely nothing not do with healthcare at all. MD shortage is just one small fall out from this.

This MTSOs have cut us to the degree that we are bare bones. You mark my words, in a few more months, they will start with the TLs (mine is useless), asst. platform managers and middle management, since there is no place left to go.

I am very surprised you have direct contact - sm

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with a physician. The contracts I have signed always prohibit direct contact with physicians. Also, the Affordable Health Care Act does not even kick in until 2014, so I think you are way off on your analysis. What I have read is that there is a large predominance of older physicians and they are electing to retire at 55 or so, because they CAN and want to retire. I would certainly love to retire at 55 if I could afford it. I have also read that President Obama is expanding the education opportunities to our returning vets, especially in the area of PA training. Sounds good to me.
Never said it was an MD through MTSO - LeeLee
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I also do IC work. Parts of Obamacare has already kicked in. I've read the entire bill. My analysis is not "way off" as you stated. The same thing could be said about your "analysis". There are many, many places you can research that will give the information regarding why they are retiring and the ties to Obamacare. Glad you are in to the Obamacare, but it is not all rainbows and butterflies. There is a lot more damage in Obamacare which is not limited to healthcare, but heh, one man's ceiling is another man's floor...Obamacare is definitely a floor and intrudes into many, many areas or our lives that have nothing at all to do with healthcare. Sounds horrible to me.

Too many blanks? SM - Lucy

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If they are seeing too many blanks they need to learn to speak decent English. Out job is to transcribe the medical report accurately, not to try and decipher they broken horrible English. Makes me even wonder how the are able to communicate with patients if they are not able to communicate medical facts that can be understood. Cutting QA is not the answer. I have sent many blanks to QA that they cannot understand either and the report had to go to the hospital that way because of exteremely poor English on the doctor's part. They also need to use their equipment properly, not sit down the hand-held and then walk across the room and dictate and think we can still hear them. Just as they have to take a drivers test to get a drivers license, they need to take an English test so they learn to speak understandable English. That is not our job but these companies seem to think so. Cutting QA is not the answer. If the MT and QA put together cannot understand their English then we have no choice but to give a blank. This will backfire in their face not to mention run up malpractice insurance and lastly impact medical care, all because of poor English skills IMO.

Sorry for the typos - I am fired up too. This is a hot topic. nm - Lucy

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Lucy - LeeLee

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Funny you wrote that :) I actually had that almost exact conversation with my manager. She would not say anything. Finally, I just point blank asked her if any help was coming from management regarding these issues. I was flat out told "NO". My next question, so you are telling me MTs are now responsible for this garbage too? and was told YES. I was told MTSO would not address any quality issues with any hospital, clinic, MD, any dictator for that matter, because they would not want to lose the account. Was told to "suck it up" because that was the way it was. I keep a list of how many jobs are acceptable to send to QA on each account and, by God, I make sure I stick to that or below, and use the maximum number of blanks per report that is still acceptable to send. Hope they get their A**SSES sued off; only way they will wake up is if it costs mucho (got that from an ESL..lol) bucks out of their pockets.
Suck it up? SM - Lucy
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These hospitals better to "such it up: because of misdiagnoses. I went to the ER for a sprained ankle. An ESL came in, pumped on my belly, told me to give a urine sample and handed me a prescription for Cipro for UTI and told me to go home. I asked if him if they were going to x-ray my foot. He could barely speak English. A friend had this happen also and had to go to another hospital and got a correct diagnosis and she informed her insurance company not to pay the first hospital's bill. When more people start to do that then who will be "sucking it up" because of a doctor's poor communication skills and this would not be the fault of the MT or QA team. Yeah, they will be losing MUCHO bucks by no fault of ours.
Suck it up? Lucy - LeeLee
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That's what I was told. When I questioned the patient care and the lack thereof with these circumstances, the only response I got was that it was up to the MTs/MLSs to figure out. I keep every shred of paper, documentation, emails that have anything at all to do with these problems. I do think this situation is going to explode at some point and I am covering my A**SS. You know MTSOs will try to find someway to blame us, but ultimately all the docs are to blame and the hospitals that do nothing about the problem. Of all the hospitals I have worked on and for, there is only ONE that refuses to let any blank for any reason go through without the MD personally reviewing and signing off on it. Puts the blame right where it belongs. It is the only hospital that I have seen exceptionally clear, precise finished reports, and I think it is for that reason alone. They also have a lower volume of ESLs, and the ones they do have, also have to review each every blank due to their poor English.....YEAH

Disappointed, Hurt and Confused - TNMT - MT2012

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I think if anything you should be angry, not hurt. Back in November after 5 years working for a big acute care facility all of the transcriptionists found out we were losing our jobs. A lot of them decided to quit transcription altogether and find a new vocation, which I don't blame them one bit for. I went from over 17 bucks an hour to 4 and 8 cents per line. Now THAT'S degrading.

I'm sorry about your situation, but you can't just sit and have a pity party for yourself. You've got to grab yourself by the boot straps and move on - not matter what you decide to do. But, if I were you I certainly would not stay with the company you are at. They don't deserve good employees. I'd tell them to kiss off after I found a different job.

MT2012 - Same thing happened to me! - may

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I worked for the same hospital 9yrs as an acute care transcriptionist, making mega bucks, $15 per hr plus $500 in incentive on top of my hourly rate. We were told in October 2011 that as of January 2012, our dept was being outsourced.

So here I am, never having worked in the industry before now scrounging to get up to speed on VR just to even be able to come close to what I use to make.

To the OP, I am sorry to hear about your QA position. Sounds like they are trying to cut costs and the less they have to pay for QA the more money they will save.

Sorry to hear of your experience.

QA position - AntiM

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They may eliminate QA as the team becomes more proficient at the accounts they are on. Why pay 2 people to edit one report? American docs may be leaving because they are retiring. Many ESL doctors don't even pay to go to medical school in their countries. If they are smart and can cut the mustard, it is free. So they come here enjoy a higher standard of living. In the past too many got into the medical field to get rich and live the good life. That is changing so the ones who will stay will do so as it is their calling not their money cow. Just another side to this changing saga.

pay cut job disappeared - been there

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In 2000 my team was given two days notice our pay was being cut and were were no longer proofing newbies' reports. It happens all the time. It's about the bottom line, not about you.

Downsizing - Red

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I know this is a "hot button" issue and I will probably get slammed for this, but it is not just MT that is going through this I can list several of my friends out in the world not MTs who have gone through this. One in particular who is an Engineer who was told to take a pay cut to keep his job, which he did, then it was take another pay cut to keep his job again he did that, then they told him they had to cut him loose. Had nothing to do with his performance had to do with his pay rate, even with the 40% paycut he took they hired 2 newbies who did twice the work for less pay and less benefits.... all perfectly legal, (believe me my friend looked into it). My friend was without a job for 2 years. This economy sucks all over right now! Hope it turns around for all of us:)

QA - me

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My company was bought out and I could see the writing on the wall since their people made way less, work started disappearing, quotas so high as to be ridiculous and still do quality reports. I had been with my company multiple years and had never taken off, couldn't even get vacation time off. I was hurt and stressed from losing benefits and all, so yes it's normal to be hurt.

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