A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Concerns group - BJ

Posted: Jan 29, 2011

I have grave concerns regarding our profession.  Many of you do as well.  I am not normally one who dwells on this sort of thing, but I have seen our profession go from being able to support myself to a profession of hardly making it.  I have had to drop my health insurance in order to pay rent and utilities.  At my age, this is not a good thing at all.  I have scaled back on everything.  The only luxury I have is I rent 1 movie a week and then only very inexpensive ones.  I was wondering if there is a group of people out there who can help us organize ourselves to get at least some kind of help or plan to see if we can get back our profession.  We are still professional people.  Not just everyone can do this type of work.  Yet we are being paid so little.  To me it has been a real blow.  I support myself and I am barely able to make it.  If anyone out there has information on this, if anyone knows who we can contact to help us with the real concerns that we have it would be appreciated, and we really need to do something about this as I see this as a problem nationwide. 

It would be great if enough people could agree on things - to get a group going. SM

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I'd sure join up if it were strictly American MTs truly looking out for American MTs, instead of someone looking to line their own pocket or benefit themselves.

Seriously. If anyone wants to start up something, I'm in on it. At least we'd be trying, instead of most whining and moaning how tough it is and why doesn't "somebody" do something.

Concerns group - BJ

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The same for me as well. I have been searching the internet for any source of help to organize this. We really do need help. Most of us are struggling with drastic drops in pay in our profession. It certainly seems to me instead of just writing to a board where everyone knows the problems, we should have some place that MTs can go for help/assistance, etc (MTs in America). You and I have both seen the numerous posts there are about people losing their incomes drastically, and people leaving because they can't afford to do it any longer. It is something we really need and if anyone has ideas out there, let's go for it.

You already have the ATA (American Transcription Association) - sm

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and then there's the AHDI.

The ATA started up a little over a year ago.

yeah... they do nothing for us either - 100.00 to join for a newsletter
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Obama himself didn't want to save our jobs, so why would anyone else? We are screwed.
yeah...they do nothing for us either - travelinmt
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Have you joined ATA? Have you paid $100 out of your pocket? If you answers are "NO"...then don't complain. ATA is a new association that was formed especially for the benefit of American Transcriptionists. Canadian transcriptionists wanted to join and were told "No". ATA was formed to help "us" the American Transcriptionists and the issues in our country. Like any new organization it takes time and alot of effort to get recognized in the community. If no one wants to join or put any effort into increasing recognition then why do you expect the work to be done at someone else's efforts and expense to make your job better? Everyone is working trying to make a living and promoting ATA in their spare time. No one appreciates the time and the effort it takes to get sponsors, write up petitions, etc.

It takes a village.........

An ATA Advisory committee member.
The complainers are useless. What they really want - is ... sm
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They REALLY want:
A group only for those unhappy about the profession.

A group that can lobby on their behalf, set up their own style guide, construct their own credentialing or testing methodology, etc.

A group that will allow them each to be heard.

Oh, and best of all - they want it for FREE!

They don't want to pay a single dime for anything. They don't want to put their name out there.

They ALSO want their so-called efforts to change the industry! They want to recall the work from offshore (ain't gonna happen), they want penalties to employers who don't pay them $20+ an hour to work at home and produce NOTHING, and they want to STOP technological advancements.

They are wanting a fantasy that will NEVER come true to happen.

Sadly, others CAN do our job and are willing to do it for way - less than we are. Wages are down SM

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cause OS will do it for less. And drs and facilities want transcription for the lowest cost possible. The low man, us, always is squeezed to try to get more for less. It is not USA versus the rest of the world. It is ONE world, and rather small at that. MT is never going to be like it was. This is probably what telephone operators felt like when they became obsolete.

Concerns - BJ

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I am not saying that we are not at another level of technology. I am saying we should not have to get paid less for doing what we do.

If we don't do something we will never be anything but what we are now.

WHy shouldnt we? Others will do it for less. If you insist on - getting paid more than OS, SM

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you will be waiting a LONG time for a job.
Concerns - BJ
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What are you talking about? I don't understand what you are saying.
You said we should not have to get paid less and I - asked why shouldnt we? nm
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Pay - BJ
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Why would you want to get paid less? Anyone who works a job wants to get paid what they are worth. But then maybe you don't.
I dont WANT to get paid less, where did I say that? I said - facilities wont pay US MT more when SM
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they can get the job done cheaper from OS (and also those US MTs who will work for nothing.)
But I work all the time to maximize my pay. I dont stay - at an MTSO with clunky platform, SM
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or micromanaging (takes up to much of my time). Used to be, I would have added or a plaatform that alters what I should be paid, according to my contract, but ALL of the platforms I have worked with, have been skewed in favor of the MTSO. The one now, I thought was screwing me less, lol, but that might be changing too.
I don't believe OS can do the job without - US MTs editing their work NM
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They are doing VR and sending right to facility, skipping - US editing. nm
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This makes no sense - long time MT

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Unless you're on Wall Street, you're likely being paid less to do what you've always done in the US today. It's our new REALITY.

Singing about we must organize is simply not even a realistic goal. TODAY'S MARKET bears XX price for YY service. It doesn't really matter if you want ZZ in salary or if you made AAA 20 years ago. We're HERE today.

You have options. You can tell your MTSO you will not work for the current wages. See if you can negotiate a higher salary. (We all know the answer to that will be that that cannot happen, but you must ASK, have you??)

Have ANY of you who are kvetching about "we must organize" told an MTSO, "I won't work for that!" Or have you said- "Here are my rates" and then stood by it?

I have. I have decades of experience, ran my own service for many years, and am damn good at my job. I'm paid on the higher end of the spectrum but it's still no where near what I *was* making or (truth be told) what I like to think I'm worth. But it is what the market will bear.

I'm sorry you're struggling. But the ORGANIZATION begins with you- share what steps you've taken to be paid what you consider a fair wage? Share what plans you have to do your job smarter?

What a comparison! - mt1970

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To compare the skill set and experience required for acute-care MTs to that of telephone operators? Seriously? You ARE out of touch. Plus, it is NOT quite the ''one-world'' scenario you describe. When wages plus costs of living in Mumbai are comparable with that of the USA, come back and we'll all join in for a chorus of It's A Small, Small World.

I am not comparing the skills of MT to that of operators. I - am comparing the fact that they SM

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were made obsolete but technology. And the cost of living in Mumbai DOES affect us cause if a MT in Mumbai can afford to work for less, who do you think is going to get the job? It is a small world for the fact that that MT in Mumbai does have an impact on my job in the USA.

And OS cost of living will never raise to meet US COL. - US will be pulled down til we all SM

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meet in the middle, higher for them, lower for us.

Concerns group - BJ

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What do you want this mythical "group" to do - for you?

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If you are unable to make a living as an MT, there is no "group" that will make anyone pay you any more. The market determines the rates, and if that doesn't work for you, then it's time to find a job that will provide what you need. You'll have to get up and do that yourself, though, no one is going to rescue you. The truth is that the market for MT services has changed and nothing is going to return things to any previous halcyon state. Technology will eventually (probably sooner rather than later) make MTs obsolete, including our offshore competition. We need to stop trying to turn back the clock. It's time to look out for ourselves and transition to new jobs that will provide what we need. No one is going to rescue us. It's just business.

Excellent post - see message

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I can't agree more. Time is not going to go backwards. My mom said no matter how much you want it to go back to the way it used to be it's not. Times have changed. I've been reading in the news that for some people who lost their jobs they are just not ever going to come back (my DH included). What he used to do is no longer around and he's having a hard time dealing with that. People have to take responsibility for their own lives.

Post on concerns - BJ

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I would say excellent post if it made any sense. The whole post just twisted everything I said in my original post. I never said I expected to go back to what things used to be, all I was saying was getting paid for what we are worth. Hey if you want to get paid what you do, then you are very welcome too. I for one have fought many more battles and won than you can even think about. So sit there and make your peanuts and be happy. I guess then someone can take care of you. Take responsibility for yourself and never presume upon my responsibilities or my intelligence for that matter.
Peanuts? Sweetie, I made $167k last year. - but only $40k was from my
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part-time MT job. It paid for my new Cadillac. I don't count on MT to provide a living because I know it's just not possible to do that any more. It's great for the extras, though.

Don't waste your sympathy on me, I'm fine.
Then, Honey, the extra $124k is irrelevent to this - discussion. So what, who cares? nm
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I. Am. So. Sure. - ROFLMAO.
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Not at all, dear. - I started a concierge business
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when it became obvious that the good times in MT were gone. I hire retired Federal employees, and we provide concierge, housesitting, and petsitting services, mostly targeting the big D.C. law firms. Those people work brutal hours and are a goldmine for concierge services. I kept my best MT job, which will likely be gone within five years as the docs retire, but by then I plan to expand the concierge business into Baltimore, so I expect I won't miss it.

You can scoff if you want, but it won't affect my business or my bottom line. Those lawyers will pay through the nose to have someonepick up their drycleaning, walk their dogs, feed their parrots, or wait for the plumber or cable guy when they're working 16-hour days.

Life is what you make of it. If MT isn't paying the bills, find a niche and fill it. MT isn't the only way to make a living working at home.
Have you invented a name for this hallucination - errr, I mean business yet?
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Care to share that info, or is it top secret DC info?
Spit take! What a joke...unless you can prove it, it didn't happen! - ROFLMAO
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I don't actually need to prove anything to you - or anyone else
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Whether you believe in it or not, the business hums right along. You could do the same thing I did. It wasn't difficult at all, and really nearly runs itself now. Put some of that energy you're wasting on jealousy into making something of your own life. Seriously, lawyers will pay outrageous fees to make their lives run smoothly while they work. I wish I'd thought of it earlier, I'd be making even more by now. Look up concierge services in the phone book and call a few and ask them what they charge. You won't believe it. It's a gold mine.
If it is such a goldmine, why then do you feel the need - to MT on the side and
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make yourself look like an utter fool by such bogus claims as supplemental income amounting to 40K as parttimer? Just who do you think you are fooling here, other than yourself? And that jealosy slam...just another figment of your overactive imagination. Get a grip, will ya?

Mythical group? - BJ

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You have no idea about my life, about my work ethic at all. You are saying things that are not needed. You are making something very innocent into something very negative. I am not complaining about SR. I am not complaining about change. But you turned it all around to the way you think, and that is not what I said at all. I can tell you one thing, saying what you just did is fatalism. We are all going to die so if we are all going to die why take care of yourself? Why work? Why eat? That is about as foolish as this post. I just don't have time for this negativism.

BJ - I agree

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I couldn't agree more. While I am thankful to be employed, especially at a time when so many are not, we certainly do need someone to advocate for us. At my last in-house job, the insurance cost was so high, I could not afford to sign up for it and still put food on my table with the paycheck I was getting.

As far as MT's becoming obsolete, I've been hearing that said for the last 11 years, and here we still are. (I'm still doing all straight transcription.) Believe it or not, there are still some offices that use cassette tapes.

It is extremely disheartening to see our profession being dumbed down more and more over the years.

I'm going to research about getting this type of help as well, though I'm very cautiously optimistic.

though I'm very cautiously optimistic. - long time MT

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WOW. Are you of the generation where White Knights and Fairy Tales ruled the day?

YOU are your own best advocate. There's no group. There's no organization. There's no white knight. There will be no happily ever after.

YOU get to fight for what you want.

WOW!!! - Are you ruled by PMS?

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That is exactly what BJ is talking about, fighting for what we want. I did, however, say I was cautiously optimistic, and that is because of the direction our profession has taken.

You don't have to agree with this idea, but what in the WORLD is your problem?

I wish I had some holy water to throw on you.

Some of you people on here - have nastiness down to an art

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I'll say that!

Try to have a better day! :-)
Some of us people - xx
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know and articulate the reality of today's marketplace. That is not being nasty; it is just being realistic. Anytime anyone says anything that the magical thinking folks who want to return to the old days do not like, we are accused of being nasty. (That's the cheapest sell-out there is in an argument, by the way.) Nasty and realistic are not the same thing. Negative and realistic are not the same thing. We would all do well to know the difference. Perhaps it is because some of us do not that difference that the MTSOs have been able to manipulate us and the market as we have as they have. Just sayin........Wake up, people, it is 2011, not the 30s. The Wobblies are not going to organize your union. The days of the big bucks are gone. Look into some retraining for yourselves and get the heck out of Dodge. There are no more golden cookies to be had here for you, for me, for anybody. I don't like it any more than y'all do, but I cannot change the economic facts. Good luck to everybody. Peace out.
Peace out to you too, dear :-) - And who the heck are the "Wobblies"?
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You're free to think any way you want.

Just sayin'.

Again, try to have a better day. :-)

Off to eat my "golden cookies".
You too, honey. Cant you glean meaning just from context - of sentence? nm
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Have a nice day, dear :-) - nm
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Big smooch. ;-* - nm
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Try to have a better day, dear :-) - nm
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Biig smooch { ;-* } and a hug. - nm
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agree - she must be a newbie...certainly a dreamer. this subject is so old and overdone. - sick sick sick of the kids NM

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I'm not a newbie - nothing wrong with being a dreamer or thinking pos
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Without dreams, after all, what do we have?

If you find this subject to be so "old and overdone", you're perfectly free not to read about it and move on.

Have a nice day. :-)

You cant afford insurance. Seems like an insurance - issue, not an employment SM

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issue. If insurance wasnt so outragious, it would be affordable on MT wage.

insurance - BJ

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You are missing the point entirely. I am not talking about insurance and the price of insurance. I was simply and only putting out there that at one time I was able to afford my insurance but then when our salaries went down because of the new SR and the lower price per line, that it has become impossible for me to afford insurance at all. You just twisted my whole post around. This was to be positive and not negative. Yet it seems there is a real delight in shooting the messenger.
NO, I get your point isnt going to change anything.Pay - has gone down, insurance has SM
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gone sky high, not a good combination. Many, many dont have insurance through their work and I forsee that number will increase.

BJ - Concerns group - argon

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My daddy always used to say "The best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your arm." There are no rescuers here. It is all about PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY. If you have the wherewithall to joust with the likes of MQ, Transcend, their lawyers and all that goes with it (and with smaller companies as well--remember Heartland?--they got eaten alive), you go for it, girl. As for me, I am preparing for another career, completely unrelated to MT. I have another 20-25 years to work and it ain't gonna be here. The day I log off my MT job for good, I am going to take myself and a good friend out for steaks and maybe a vodka martini and say, "Free at last, free at last, thank heavens, I am FREE at last!"

We need FB "LIKE" buttons! - long time MT

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Love your daddy's philosophy!

It's really sad to see all the negative and hateful posts on this. - If this did get going and get positive results SM

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All you negative people would break your necks to jump on that bandwagon and pat yourselves on the back for your hard work and dedication to the cause.

That's sad.

But cant you see? Pay is never going to go back up! - Used to pay premium dollar for :SM

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VHS players and then DVD players but cost came down and it is never going to go back up. (Thought a shopping example might be easier to understand) Our pay is going to go down til industry is paying one low rate no matter what country you live in. They want to pay lowest rate possible and they dont care who does it. And as long as there is OS, all US MTs can go on strike, there will still be OS to do wht work. In fact, a US MT strike will probably just get pay to that lowest rate quicker.

You obviously can't see, either. - nm

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Oh please. You couldnt even back up your post with - a comment? Why bother? nm
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Concerns group-BJ - LA

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I agree with you BJ and so do a lot of other people.

careful - no redirecting MTs here

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It's a board policy that you cannot redirect MTs to another website.

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