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I e-mailed my concerns....sm - confused

Posted: Dec 04, 2014

and I suggest you all do too. To your TSM. Allow some time for answers; however, I would keep e-mailing/calling and don't let up. Besides it might be slightly illegal is the fact that it isn't fair. When I get some answers I will relay them on here for you all. Please e-mail as well and ask. We need to be proactive. There is some unfair stuff going on and I didn't go to school and work doing this for 12 years now for some company to do this to me. I feel we are all worth way more than that. If we never say a word and don't push the issue, nothing will be done for sure. Worth a shot. Like I said before, MTs obviously did not make this plan. Maybe these concerns aren't even on their radar and they do not even realize some of these things. A consultation with an attorney might need to happen as well. My career was great until being merged with Nuance. I never had any performance issues or any issues at all. I took a pay cut when taken on by Nuance. Now this. Some things they do cause me to "look" like a bad "MT." For instance, switching to so many accounts, needing to know so much at once and not becoming familiar, pay cut, no motivation, etc. All of that makes us look bad. It isn't US. I can do my job and do it well but these systems they put into place are what is the problem. They need to know. It's our only hope. So please e-mail and keep on it. Call HR after a while if no response.

do not answer emails from here unless - you want them to know who you are

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Seriously, protect yourself.

And the head honchos in India quite honestly could care less how we feel or how anything they do makes us look.

i know but...sm - confused

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I mean e-mail your TSM. That is what it says to do for any questions/concerns. Everyone is on here speculating and we need to ask them. We all do so our concerns are heard. If everyone comes on here asking and complaining but will not e-mail or make an effort then that is just dumb. I wont answer any e-mails from here. I meant e-mail your TSM. I do not believe there is anything wrong with speaking with your colleauges. In fact, the link sent out yesterday states it is against the law to keep us from discussing things with each other. We are not in the public per say. We are amongst ourselves and I also do not regret anything I have posted. Some actually has been good about Nuance. I'm not worried about my identity and unless you drag their name through the mud everyday I wouldn't be worried either. Even then, I don't think there is a worry b/c we are amongst ourselves. This isn't public facebook, etc.

What does it matter anymore? We're all - going to lose our jobs, regardless.

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why would we all lose our jobs?...sm - confused

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Unless it's all going offshore. I don't see the point in lowering things so much everyone does bad and they fire everyone. That would mean they would constantly be doing that and eventually to all the new people hired as well. I have seen ads. I just saw one the other day. Actually a couple and they were recent.

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