A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Mar 15, 2010

You all need to contact your state senators, govenor, Geraldo at Fox News, CNN, the White House directly, etc....something, anyone.

TELL them that you have concerns with medical reports being transcribed outside of the country.  1.  Our paychecks are going down because of it--because no matter the cost of living here, as long as Pakistan or where ever it is being done at does it for less, where do you think they will go?  Meanwhile, we will either have to stick with it and learn to live on that pay (unreasonable in the US) 2.  Someone needs to go there and see their process (I say Geraldo!!).  I guarantee you it won't be HIPAA compliant.  I don't care what they say.  I sure as hell don't want my medical info in other countries.  3.  HELLO -- most of the identity theft is coming from outside of this country, at least the ones I see trying to get you in emails.  You can't tell me that none of this comes from medical reports being seen/transcribed outside the country.  I know some dictators dictate info they should not, social security numbers, DOBs, other identifying info.  They may not even be aware that their dictation is being transcribed outside of the US.  It is very scary!!  If nobody says anything, it will keep on going like it is.  Your thoughts!?

right to be concerned (sm) - daysRnumbered

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your suggestion (a good one) to contact media -- get the word out but nobody seems to do it.

I used to be kind of a nay-sayer -- attitude was "so what? who cares where reports are typed" UNTIL recently. My FACEBOOK account was HACKED INTO. scammer got in chatroom section, talked to several people (who thought it was ME) with a story of being attacked, robbed, etc. and unbelievably my cousin wired 800 dollars !!! to this scam artist (and they almost had her sending MORE). It happened very quickly -- before I could shut down Facebook page.

Also, couple months ago, someone hacked into my NETFLIX account and watched free movies (good grief) which I reported, changed passwords, etc.

So my point is, everyone is vulnerible to hackers, thieves, cheats and NOTHING via internet is SECURE. I am most unlikely victim imaginable and they got to me. MEDICAL RECORDS ARE MUCH MORE IMPORTANT AND NEED TO BE KEPT IN THIS COUNTRY.

A friend of mine had the same thing happen - Facebook

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I saw she was online and started chatting with "her" and they gave me this story about how she was mugged in London (knowing her history, I didn't think anything of her possibly being in London except that she didn't tell me she was going) and that she needed money because they took everything. At the same time, she called and said I don't know who you're talking to me, but it isn't me. It took her awhile to get it straightened out, so can you imagine what would happen with really important information.

Concerns - Concerns

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See -- that has happened to so many, but nobody says anything. Look up the addresses to your state officials. Here is the White House addy: www.whitehouse.gov/contact

Concerns - anon

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I tried to be a good patriot and contact the White House at this E-mail address to inform them about our job situation and the HIPPA violation, but was told it was not a functioning address.

Concerns - MT at MQ

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I would not want my medical information going outside the country. I don't even like giving my SS# to the local doc's office. I don't know if contacting all the above named people would do any good or not, but at least they would be aware of it.

Medical info outside of US concerns - Shocked

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Obama mentioned this being a concern awhile back...but nothing else has been mentioned, that I have heard. Unless we keep the concern at bay constantly, they will forget. GOOD IDEA!! Emailing senators now.

Unfortunately the elephant is out and good luck - dnr

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to ever returning convincing hospitals CEOs to go back to paying 3x the rate being offered by offshore vendors.

I know I sound pessimistic, but I have been transcribing for 20+ years, and never seen pleas to unionize or getting AAMT (now ADHI) do anything on our behalf.
I found out by my own congressman . . - Unfortunately you are correct . .
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I did the "call the white house, senator and congressmen, newspapers, right and left wing political newspeople, etc." for almost a year.

Finally, at a local town hall meeting, I got to meet face to face with one of my congressmen, who told me point blank I am beating a dead horse, that it is not plausible to bring that work back to the USA. He then went on to tell me what I need to do is go back to school and get a different career.

So much for backing by our elected officials. The news people are aware of this already, as I have been told in countless emails. The white house lets you vent but that is about it. I have sent probably hundreds of emails to the white house and called the white house hundreds of times.

I feel bad for the people on here who start on in about striking and calling politician's, newspeople, etc.

It just will NEVER go back to what it was before.

I was told that by a very prominent and newsworthy congressman who is on TV ALL THE DANG TIME and he told me to give it up, go back to school, learn something else.

That is all he had to offer me.


Sorry to sound so blunt, but it is the truth. I did take his advice and went back to school. Will be out of MQ and out of transcription soon.

Everyone else should do the same if you are looking for a REAL bread and butter job.
I"d say that Congressman is the one who needs to - go back to school and get a new job! nm
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Not sure what he could do, how he could convince hospitals - to pay out more money for the same work.
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The hospitals got used to the cheapness of India and other outsourcing countries.

Not sure what he could do. Tell them they have to take us back, whether or not they want the expense?

Really, we need to move on. These jobs are gone. They are. They will never ever be they way they used to be.

Big business owns this country now. And that is a fact.
shouldn't we be retrained? - sm
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If we were retrained and put back into the workforce, wouldn't that be better for the economy? Why isn't there an easier way other than through this bogus TAA crap? Its black and white, our trade is being traded overseas through no fault of our own, so pay for our retraining. No dozens of phone calls and rejections, no piles of paperwork and proof, no name on some nonexistent list...we should be set up to receive this...right?
One would think so. I dont understand why they make it so hard. - It should be easier.
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I am honestly at a loss. It doesn't make sense. We should be able to get trained and then get jobs that can put some money back into our tax base and back into our own economy.

It all doesn't make sense at all to me.
Offshoring - CoolMT
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You hit the nail on the head. I've seen many posts bashing the MTSOs for sending work overseas, but they're only responding to customer demand. With pressure being put on hospitals from a cost standpoint, CEOs/CFOs are being pressed to save wherever they can, even if transcription is less than 1% of their expenses. But, they would not do so unless security and HIPAA compliance were on par with US standards. I doubt the major MTSOs have facilities overseas that do not meet this standard, or they would not get the business. And, theoretically, the same risk exists in the US. Any US MT could, if security measures allowed, compromise healthcare records the same way everyone is afraid will happen overseas. Crime happens here, too. This isn't an industry that is going away in the US.

They are aware. They know already. - Save your energy.

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What about our credit card info? It has our names, birth dates, SS#, addresses, contacts, etc. Most credit card companies use Indian call centers now.

In fact, our own government was using an Indian call center for a while taking calls concerning unemployment benefits. Google it.

Our government knows. The news people know.

Nobody cares any more.

It isn't right, but honestly, save your energy. They all already know.

We don't have enough to offer to make it matter - dnr

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to the legislators. They don't care unless they can be greased in some way such as money and prestige to bolster their image and keep their positions (i.e. get elected again). And the people with the lobbyists who are supposed to being lobbying for us, ADHI, don't give a wit about their members - ever decreasing membership because they don't act in our best interest.

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