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Has anyone ever taken the big group test - for a state or govt. job? (s/m)

Posted: Feb 27, 2014

I've got one coming up, and have no idea what type of things are going to be on it.  The pay is good at this potential job, so I have a feeling the questions are going to be a bit beyond my scope.

Um.. I'm confused here. Why would anyone - "dislike" this question? Just curious.

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I mean, this was an honest, non-inflammatory question. I've got a test, and wondered if anyone here has ever taken something similar. What exactly is it that you dislikers didn't like about this question?

I know, right? - I am astounded sometimes

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At what people dislike. What's to dislike about a question?

My sister took a govt test to be a clerk or something like that and it was relatively easy, she is on a list for a potential job but where she lives it's kind of a long list.

She said there were two parts, one was clerical stuff, one typing and she did well on both and they tell you pretty fast I think.

Good luck!

Thanks for giving me a straight answer to my question! - (And I see you got a "dislike", too.

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What a head case that person must be.

My belief is this.....there are grumpy, out of - kshel

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sorts people who like non other than to stick it to anyone who asks a question. It makes these very small people feel superior to others although it just makes me shake my head and pity them. So, now today, you are the dog they are kicking. I hope you get an answer but if I had experience with this, I would like very much to tell you, maybe help you out. Have a great day!

See? Another dislike. Is this a troll? - Only reason I can come up with.

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I don't know anything about it, but good luck. sm - Lost MT

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I'm envious. I am pretty sure MT won't be around another 10-20 years, and a government job would be great.

Did you Google? - Try that first

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There are review books for all kinds of tests. Try googling the state test or whatever it is.

Just FYI, don't try to find information on a "civil service test" for federal jobs. There isn't one.

Yes I took it years ago - sm

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and it was just general knowledge kind of things kind of like a college placement test. If you've been doing transcription or coding you'll be fine. Good luck and keep us posted.

To Becky - I had applied for an office job that - (sm) - OP

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was in the next county over from where I live. I applied online, and didn't hear anything for a few weeks, so figured they weren't interested. Then I received an email stating it was a County job, and that I'd been selected (along with probably 50 or 60 others) to take a written test. So I guess it's just something to weed out some of the many applicants applying for a County office job.

Update to big group test. (s/m) - from the OP

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You will not BELIEVE how many people showed up for this one general office position. Close to 200! The civic center auditorium was packed.

You will also not believe how DIFFICULT this test was. (For a run-of-the-mill office worker? Sheesh!) It was 2-1/2 hours long. The test booklet was huge. The reading comprehension portion was long, complicated, and hinted at the fact that this job was going to involve all sorts of forms, and protocols, and red tape in everything you did. The spelling and grammar portion was pretty straightforward. But then, right about the time I thought I was going to pass the test, came the math portion. It wasn't just straightforward math, it was huge lists of bank accounts and investment accounts, with a missing amount somewhere in each column. You had to figure out the missing amount. I had no clue how to do this. (I purposely apply for jobs that appear not to need bookkeeping or math skills for that reason!) So, I just closed my eyes and guessed at each answer. At least I had a one-in-five chance of getting it right. Also, other than one other man who appeared to be my same vintage, every other one of the 200+ people applying for that job was much younger - in their 20's, 30's or 40's.

LOL - I'm not going to hold my breath about hearing back from this one! ;D

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