A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Anyone else worry about sitting too long on this - job? I have been reading

Posted: Nov 17, 2012

articles about how bad it is for your health.  Some days I actually think I feel clots forming in my legs (probably all in my head though).  I'm looking for ways to be a healthier MT without lowering productivity. 

During my work day - I get up and do

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at least half an hour of exercise, light weights, dancing around, some yoga poses, preferably outdoors in fresh air if weather permits. This job is already sucking the life out of my wallet; I'll be damned if I'm going to let it take away my (fairly) good health too! I don't think this affects my production, as when I am refreshed I am less distracted with improved concentration.

I look on YouTube for a dance routine (preferably - long) to learn,bit by bit. s/msg

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I find I'm far more motivated to learn dances to music than just do calisthenics. The most recent (and the silliest!) one I'm learning is Gangnam Style. It's fun, it's ridiculous, and it works every part of your body. Best of all, should you ever happen to be walking along downtown, and suddenly a flash mob forms and starts doing the dance, you can join right in!

Gangnam Style - wheres_my_job

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I tried to do the steps - it's not so easy. I congratulate you on learning Gangnam style. It's the feet thing I just can't do/keep track of...
If you're learning a group dance like that, you can - still do it by focusing on the arm and upper - sm
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body movements. If you're in a group, spectators aren't watching your feet, anyway! ;D

I still get the feet part of the horse gallop (main chorus) mixed up, but it doesn't matter.. still good exercise!

There are lots of good dance tutorials on YouTube, and G.Style is no exception. The best one I've found for the full dance, start to finish, is by Kat Dallons:


She counts it all out in 8's. She also has a few other videos on YouTube that break each segment down even further, which are extremely helpful. I first learned the main part (the silly horse-riding part!), and once I knew that, then went back to learn the more dance-y parts.

Another tip for learning any dance is to learn the feet part separately from the arms part, and then put them together later.

YouTube has taught me and my friends so many fun dance routines! We know Thriller, Electric Slide, The Hustle, and a bunch of other, less-well-known ones that had step-by-step tutorils online. One of my friends teaches dance-aerobics, she frequently films and posts the moves on Facebook so that those of us who aren't in her class can still learn them.

And finally, as my Zumba teacher says, if you forget the steps, just fake it, and "call it a New Move!"

Yup - LeonaG

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I get up once every 60-90 minutes and walk around for at least 10 minutes, stretch, etc. Cracks me up how they talk about sitting there and work work work and don't get up. Fine, I won't get up on the clock, but I'm getting up.

You work in an office these days, a lot of places enforce stretch breaks, etc.

They're just whipping us so management can buy fancier cars.

Here's What I Do - Way Old MT

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I flex and extend my feet regularly. This stretches them and my calves regularly. I also do circles with them. You can have one foot on the pedal at all times, so you're not losing any time. I certainly do get up at least once and hour and stretch a bit.

Here's the choice I made - after getting out of MT - wheres_my_job

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I could get a job that pays pretty well - working as an office assistant, or admin assistant, or something like that. Instead, I'm working in a daycare center with toddlers. I wanted a job where the exercise was built into it - regardless of whether I exercised when I got home, I STILL would be getting exercise every day - bending down, picking things off floor, picking up and setting down toddlers on the changing table (most of them are not potty trained yet) - running races with them on the playground (ok, I'm ridiculous most of the other staff don't do that, but as I said, I wanted to exercise built into my day).

The pay is low (but better than as an MT), no benefits, but what is it worth to me to get that exercise 5 days a week? A LOT. Also, you can't eat while you're working with toddlers, so it's not like you can snack all day long. So there's that.

So it's much healthier (much, much MUCH healthier) than when I was working as an at-home MT. The other added benefit is, these kids expect you to SING - so I sing on the job! How many people can say that? I have been very self conscious of my singing for a long time (big long story), but these kids and the other staff don't care if you sound good or bad, just sing! And then I have some old poems about my childhood (rough), that I've never been satisfied with - so now that I'm working with toddlers, I'm re-inspired to go back and edit these poems, and send them out to maybe get published.

Anyway, that's my story. I still have to get CPR/first aid training before end of year (you have to pay for it, it's a little price-y), but so far (knock on wood) it's working out.

In a nutshell: Consider working in daycare if you are transitioning out of MT, you will get exercise!

Glad to hear you found a job - that sounds like fun!

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ME is now the very definition of a mind numbing, soul killing, health destroying dead end job. I would almost consider turning tricks to escape it, but at my age I don't think I would make very much doing that either LOL! Oh well, only 3 more years to retirement!

LOL! Thanks for posting - wheres_my_job

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How wonderful you can retire in 3 years - I kind of wonder (gulp) if I ever will.

get up and walk to the frig. works for me last 30 yers. - anonimeMt

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It's all commone knowledge (the effects) and common sense (the cure), really.

I've been worrying about the same thing. It also - seems to be speeding up my arthritis. :(

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I hear you...sm - anon

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If you have stairs in your home, get up and walk up to your second floor or down to your basement at every opportunity you have. Build in some short breaks to your schedule. I purposefully store extra foodstuffs, paper goods, etc., in my basement so I have to go up and down stairs many times a day. My husband always asks why the milk, bread, coffee, etc., is in the basement. LOL. Also, if you have pets, you have built-in exercise. Take 20 minutes and walk down your street or around your yard or even walk in place briskly. Anything to get you moving. Just stand up at your desk after every couple of reports and stretch your neck and limbs.

Thank you for all the good ideas everyone. NM - OP

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Sitting tooo long - msmacd

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I have a special workstation that might do the trick for you, e.mail me at wlmacd@knology.net

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