A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Why does this stupid company worry about production - When we have no work

Posted: Mar 04, 2015

They have no work for us through their own manipulations.

Almost everything now is on the inept, rotten VR so they can cut pay even more.

They have the audacity to direct you to lie on your time card and even with doing so, production numbers would not look good because of them--goal being for us to mind their store all day through our workday and beyond, but they will cheat us out of even lousy minimum wage and overtime rightfully earned .

When will this company have stolen enough!

Hope to see them brought up on charges and paying for all their illegal actions.

The time sheet ting is - Illegal

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You should report them.

For what it is worth, I think it is illegal for us - to lie for them.

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I've been through this - sm

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before and since it was the company who instructed us to lie, none of us were in any trouble at all. Actually, they had to pay us back OT pay for all those years. It was a very big check.

If you want something done then why don't - you notify...

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the Dept. of Labor. It is illegal for them to expect you to lie on your time card. You were hired for specific hours and they need to furnish work for those hours and not clock in and out according to an attorney I spoke to. You are entitled to minimum wage, contact the Dept. of Labor and file a complaint and get others involved.

Have to be reported first. - sm

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Instead of hoping and waiting, why don't you report the company for illegal practices. My last company tried to pull that on me and I told them altering my time card was illegal and I would not do it. They backtracked and said I wouldn't need to do that and said my time card was fine but that I needed to watch my lines. Never heard a peep from them again regarding my time card, but ended up leaving for other issues I had with this company. But if I had been made to change my hours, you can be sure I would have been fighting it.

You just described Acusis to a "T". - (Bloodsuckers)

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Bloodsuckers TransTech/Imedx as well - Building a case

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Pox on them all.

Illegal - Grandy

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If they are instructing you to lie on your time sheet, not paying overtime, not paying at least minimum wage, etc., everyone needs to document, document, document and file a complaint, and they will be held accountable. The problem is, everyone complains, but not to the right people.

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