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The elephant in the room is sitting on me now. - 7th child

Posted: May 12, 2014

It's a sad realization that while I was a fairly decent medical transcriptionist, I am not good at editing. I made 3 critical errors in one day. I don't really have an excuse. I caught a bazillion errors as I had some pretty bad dictations yesterday but missed a lab error 50.3 instead of 50.8, a diagnosis VR typed hemangioma and it was supposed to be meningioma. There was one other stupid one. I'm not too proud to admit, I am just not cut out for this. I'm not sure if it's my ADD or my eyesight? You know those puzzles where the words are all spelled wrong but you can still read it? I'm very good at those. I just can't stand the picking apart any more. Tonight's plan is to update my resume. I feel like the failure of Voice recognition is a dirty little secret. Don't you wish you could warn the others before they get in this deceitful business? Don't you wish you could show the doctors what this system really puts out? Don't you wish there was a story about it on the Network news tonight, all of the channels. Do people know their medical records go to Pakistan? Do they care?

Elephant in room - mtinmi

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I am so sorry you are feeling so defeated. I despise VR, it is harder to proof and fix than it is to transcribe. My train of thought is totally different because I am not listening to the report in the same fashion.

MT state of affairs - G.C

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Yes, that would be a very good opening statement for a show like 60 minutes or 20/20. "Do you REALLY know where you're medical records are going? See full story next!"

60 minutes - Pollyanna

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I've said for years the American public should know what's going on with their medical records. I even consider the internet to be a potential violator of confidentiality, much less having them outsourced out of this country. I'd love to see this topic on TV.

They also need to know - Mt2

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I think they also need to know about those ESL! How horrible they are, half do not know what they are even trying to pronounce! They say we are supposed to know what is being dictated when they can't be understood by the part of the body they are dictating about, well, why aren't they?? After all these years, I still keep asking, why aren't THEY held accountable? Why aren't THEY worried about patient quality care? Wonder what families would think if they heard these dictators, and the companies that brow beat the MTs as if it is there fault the report isn't perfect and getting paid if lucky 15,000 a year to do so! VR with templates that the dictators constantly reword/tear up that shouldn't even be allowed to use templates considering it takes longer to find, cut, copy, paste, and then retype piece by piece. HOW is THAT proficient? Just the tip of my rant.
yes but in a few years it wont matter - there will be no offshoring
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straight dictator to text on screen, with the dictator editing. S/he will be the one getting wrung up for errors. So an expose would be useless at this point. Please get out while you can!

What you said about those puzzles spelled wrong - sm - SayItGirl

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is true. It's a known attribute of the human brain to take fragmented words and "see" the correct word instead. It's why proofreading and editing are so difficult, especially when that's all we do, for hours on end, day in and day out. It's just not possible to catch everything, and these idiotic companies should know better than to expect us to.

You are not alone. - sm

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I wish the American people knew. There have been people who have tried to get the word out, but they've apparently been defeated. I've seen mention made of that in other sections within MT Stars.

As far as that elephant, he is sitting on all of us and he is very heavy. I also do better with straight transcribing, not VR. I wonder also about my vision.

However, I think the biggest reason for my mistakes is that I have lost confidence from being beaten down so low. Where I once had 100% confidence in my knowledge and ability, I now have zero. This is because of the punitive ways of QA/QC/FIESA.

We are trying so hard to get good line counts because of the disgusting pay and we're so focused on so many things, we're losing focus. It's a vicious cycle.

Don't do this to yourself - nn

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Chin up. You're better than you think. We're expected to meet unrealistic production quotas and must hurry, hurry, hurry. No wonder we make mistakes.

Don't cave. They want to squash your self-esteem so you'll accept less and less. You are (we are) worth so much more.

Thank you! - sm

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And I agree with you. I'm usually the one trying to be the cheerleader, but I'm about toast as well. With the timecard approval for today and seeing what I made last week, I am down approximately $20 per hour from my all-time high. The greed of the people at the top is just beyond astounding.

Don't do this to yourself - Fatigued Fingers

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If we hurry, hurry, hurry then we make mistakes and are told we must slow down, then we are told to hurry, hurry, hurry because reports will go OTAT, then we are told... Is this a vicious cycle or what?

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