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Sitting here NJA. CCM says becaue of Spring - Break

Posted: Apr 07, 2011

I thought most Spring Breaks were middle of March?  Are there Spring Breaks in April?

Spring Break - anon

[ In Reply To ..]
Depends on what part of the country you're in. I think it is spring break in the northeast this week.

Next, the NJA will be because of high school Prom. - Or American Idol finale night.

[ In Reply To ..]
National Cupcake Day.
Another aftershock in Japan.
The President sneezed.
The Detroit Auto Show.
It's garbage day.
Snow-day from school.
Big sale at Macy's!
Beached whale on the West coast.
The Royal Wedding.
Lane closures on I-70.

lol - that is so funny - a1typist

[ In Reply To ..]
That is just what I was thinking as I sit here with NJA after receiving the e-mail from CCM this morning that she wants us to work the weekend (already do) and has authorized overtime because she is looking bad in her region!

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