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TransTech oncology - sitting and waiting for work to come in for weeks - Sandy
Posted: Jan 05, 2013
I am an oncology MT with TransTech and have been sitting and waiting for work to come in for weeks. In the last 2 weeks, I have had about 16 hours worth of work. I'm worrying about how I am going to pay my bills. Then I come to this site and see that TransTech is once again advertising for Oncology MTs. This makes me SO ANGRY!!! Why would a company do this? Why advertise jobs when their current employees have no work at all??
Many before you have asked the same question. - anon
[ In Reply To ..]
It was not only oncology. When out of work asked about the 'oncology account' and was told...no..it's 'oncology!' Yet, acute care and hospital work covers every work type. They play many many games. They assign and have favs...old games mixed with new ones.
Oncology Account Out of Work - Anon
[ In Reply To ..]
I am also on an oncology account and had about 16 hours the last pay period. I filed partial unemployment and got it.
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