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Disappointment in Allied Medical School - Anonymous

Posted: Jan 25, 2010

I am so deeply disappointed in Allied Business School/Medical School.

I am so deeply disappointed in AIM/**** who never

lived up to her end of a business deal.


I have wasted so much time and money

in attempting to become a Medical Transcriptionist.


I'd rather clean toilets.



**** Do not identify individuals. Moderator ****

disappointment - soon2bMT

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I am sorry to hear that! A few years ago I went to a community college and did their MT program. This was also a waste of time and money. I know how you feel!

After realizing that, I went to M-TEC, and that was a good decision.

Are you not able to find a job?

I cannot believe your reply! Are you kidding me? ..sm - unbelievable

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Do you really think that this will comfort the OP? Telling her that she will be in a better position if she enrolls in M-TEC, pays $ 5,000.-- and maybe, maybe, maybe then she will finally get hired?
And the last sentence in your post: "Are you not able to find a job?" How ridiculous or sarcastic is that?
BTW, M-TEC has lost its lustre. You are a bit behind in the news.

I could not agree more with the OP!

Really? I thought the sun rose and set on M TEC. - what happened

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In all seriousness, I hadn't heard anything.
go further down on this board to the date 01/21/10 and read... - nm
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Found it...thanks - what happened
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YW - nm
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I could not find anything in the Archives about M-TEC, strange.. - nm
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unbelievable - why so rude

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I did not tell the OP to enroll at M-TEC. I told her what I did after the disappointment with the MT course I took at a local college!!

I also was wondering WHY the OP was disappointed; therefore, I asked if she had trouble finding a job. The OP did not mention why he or she is disappointed. Hello??!!
yes, she did mention why she is so disappointed - sm
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I quote:

"I have wasted so much time and money
in attempting to become a Medical Transcriptionist."

She had MT schooling and went through an AIM program, both were disappointing to her as, till now, she did not get hired.

Maybe it was my mistake, sometimes one misreads the tone of the comment, sorry!

isn't that just a little - - - over the top?

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I didn't hear her as ridiculous or sarcastic. Like transcription, it's all in the "ear" of the beholder.
true, sometimes one mishears the tone of the comment! - nm
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allied medical school - mrs.c

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I just found this site today & read the post about allied I purchased there MT program and I am now nervous about it. Does anyone else have any advice on Allied?
Advice on Allied - kimba2
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If you just recieved all the stuff, I'd send it back. I think you have like 30 days or something. I'm currently at Allied, about 75% finished, and I'd say just go through a different program. I'd look into a different field all together, BUT if you are dead-set on MT, go to Andrew's. Like I said before, I'm not 100% unhappy with Allied, but I think strictly for the reputation of Andrew's, they'd be a better choice/investment. I really wish I would've done more research myself :( I'm still going to go and get registered and apply for jobs (not just at-home)but I've already re-enrolled in the LPN program at my school, so I can eventually do the bridge to RN. Best of luck! Don't be nervous. I would SINCERELY urge you to go through a different MT program though, and this is coming from a current Allied student.

student? - ggmt

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Your ID makes it sound like you're still a student. I hate to break it to you, but M-Tec was a waste of time and money for me, and I'm not the only one saying so. No one is waiving that experience requirement just for being an M-Tec graduate. I don't know if they used to, but they sure as heck aren't doing it now.

M-Tec - LK

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The jury is still out on M-Tec. About a year or so ago it was sold to Webmedx, and the school's founders left. Needless to say, it's not the same school that it was. The only thing that is undisputed fact is that the tuition went up dramatically and the program was shortened. I don't know anything about whether the quality of the program has changed. Time will tell, but if I were looking for a school now, I would go with Andrews, who has probably the best name and reputation out there. Actually, I probably wouldn't go into MT at all at this point.

Back when I graduated from M-Tec almost 5 years ago, companies DID waive the experience requirement for M-Tec grads. I was hired by a large national before I even graduated or had even started looking. They called ME and offered me a job to start immediately on graduation and at a very decent line rate. Unfortunately, those days are gone. It has become very tough to get started as a new MT, and I feel for the new grads struggling to get a break.
M-Tec in the past - ggmt
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Thanks for mentioning your experience. I think the big problem is that M-Tec is still using old information from 2004 and 2005 to say they have a huge placement rate and companies waive the experience requirement.

They're still saying these things which are patently untrue, plus they started an advertising campaign to get more students. I think that is a BAD sign.
M-Tec-LK - Anonymous
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Thanks for your perspective.

I want to develop as an new MT,
and feel misguided by the glossy
web pages and their promises.

Can't afford to find another dead end.

Thanks for telling it like it is.

M-Tec-LK-Anonymous - Old MTSO
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I have been in this business for over 40 years. In my opinion, the best school of all is Andrews. You could not make a better investment for your money in terms of knowledge gained and quality of teaching. And no, I am not now nor have I ever been affiliated with Andrews. I AM a big fan of their grads because they are able to hit the ground running and do not need a lot of hand-holding on the job.


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I, too, am a graduate of Allied Business school's Medical transcription program. They told me I wouldn't have a problem getting a job b/c companies would waive the experience requirement. They also convinced me to sign up for their Job assistance program, which would help me look for work after I graduated the course....low and behold, I have been graduated for 4 1/2 months now, and still have no job. Not only that, but the only the time the job assistance people get in touch with me is when I call them and find out what happens next. I don't feel that they have been very helpful to me in looking for a job, nor do I feel like the program was worth the investment. At this point, I am thinking I am not going to get a job no matter how many resumes I send out.

Allied Medical School/disappointment - Anonymous

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Thanks for your reply.

I feel less alone in this turbulent time in MT.

I don't think Allied should make all the claims they do. And I feel they should implement an internship program that is part of Allied.

I feel disappointed, but am not giving up. I've invested a lot of effort and $$$ in my 2nd career. I'm not giving up yet.



Allied Business School - KSullivan

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To all who have tried and "failed" with Allied, I feel your pain. I also took the course via Allied, graduated back in March of 2009 and STILL have no job to speak of. They send me an e-mail from time to time telling me that they've sent out my resume to several companies, but that's about it. When I asked my "career advisor" about most jobs wanting 2 yrs experience, she told me to apply anyhow because as an Allied graduate you are supposed to have the equilvalent of such experience. (what a joke) Following her advice, I did as told and do you know what kind of replies I received? "Call us back when you have your 2 years of experience." Nice, eh?

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