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Has anyone gone to Allied for MT school? - ssrcnelson

Posted: Dec 31, 2009

Just wondering if anyone went to Allied Medical Schooling for MT and how they liked it? How did you do and if you felt prepared for work after getting done with it?

I just want to know how others done with it and how they liked it?

Allied - Old MTSO

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With the competition for MT jobs being as cutthroat as it is, why not get the best education you can? I would much prefer to see someone apply who has gone to M-TEC or Andrews. Career Step would be a third choice. And no, I have never had any affiliation with any school. I just see so many people who get "certicates" from some school and they come to the workplace and are not prepared. Give yourself the best that is out there.

Allied - Meghan

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Hi, yes I went through the course. I graduated last May and was lucky to finally find some work but I know other that have not been so lucky. Its tuff to get started as a new MT. E-mail me at megzwoodz@hotmail.com if there are any questions I can answer - Best of luck!

Yes I did - Louise

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Yes I went to Allied. I was certified, but didn't get a very high score. But I think they program was pretty good. I just had a hard time. Never did get a job, still trying.

Allied MT training - Maple Grandma

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I "graduated" from Allied Medical School April 2009.

I loved the anatomy and medical terminology study and did really well.

I don't feel prepared for the "real" job world of MT. I applied for an internship with AIM/Dawn Houck and have been waiting for over 3 months. ($99.00 fee paid)

I believed Allied's hype about working at home and making good money.
I believed their guarantee of lifetime job placement by them meant something.
My "career advisor" feeds me links to companies that want only experienced help.

I think the MT as a profession is in a state of chaos. I don't mind "paying dues" but the cost of education, the lengthly electronic testing for possible consideration for employment is a slap in the face where there's no work.

Why don't employers have MT internship programs?

Maple Grandma

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