A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Completed Allied Course - Feeling Unprepared... - newmttx

Posted: Apr 25, 2010

I have recently completed the Allied MT course, and as I begin to test for companies, I realize that I am not prepared for the real world of the MT. As I have already spent a great deal of money, taking the Andrews course is not a viable option for me. If I could turn back time.....

Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions of ways that I could obtain some "real world" practice so that I may be better prepared for my career? I have searched for mentorships, as I would love to have an MT to help me improve, but the search has come up short.

I am planning on taking the RMT exam through AHDI as soon as possible, will that be of much help?

Your experienced advice is very much appreciated...


keep trying. Every time you take a test - test

[ In Reply To ..]
you learn something new.
We all felt like this when we started out.
Do not get discouraged, last not least you got an MT education, test, test, test....

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