A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Any job that can be done remotely over the internet - can be offshored to India see msg....

Posted: May 24, 2015

or other countries.   Check out this AHIMA article.  If it can be done, you can bet companies will eventually do it.  Sad.  So, not even coding is safe.  


Regularly scheduled gloom and doom announcement. - Thanks for the information!

[ In Reply To ..]
Can't you come up with anything new? You have recycled that same post several times now.

Incidentally, the ban on AHIMA's testing in those companies continues. It is now next to impossible for offshore companies to find coders offshore who have the credentials facilities require.

Now, there is even more reluctance to risk security by using a company like that. The ban was because the testing company cannot assure security of the test. If they can't do that, how can medical records be secure?

Good points. Thanks for posting - We need a Troll Alert button

[ In Reply To ..]
Thank you for posting. You said exactly what I already know, but you said it much better than I would.

By the way, we need a TROLL ALERT button around here in a very bright color, maybe red, with a loud beeping sound.

I agree! It could be programmed for - automatic detection...

[ In Reply To ..]
I am all in favor of that! It could be programmed for automatic detection of characteristic trolling topics and troll-like language, like "check it out."

A - I didn't write that article, AHIMA did. B - This is the first time I've - posted anything about this

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No, AHIMA did NOT write that article. - sm

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AHIMA did not write that article. The authors are two individuals who own or are executives at a company that was trying to offshore coding. Didn't you read the credits at the end?

The fact that something is in the AHIMA journal does not mean AHIMA agrees with the content. In fact, they did insert a big disclaimer right in the middle of it. It says that they no longer allow testing for credentials or the RHIA or RHIT in the very countries the article mentions as great places to offshore. Maybe you didn't read that, either.

Whether you posted it before or not, it has been posted here before. It is a carbon copy of previous posts that have appeared all over this board.

Obviously, no job except dog-walking and trash-picking are safe. Even fast food and the plant nursery can be automated. If you want to sit around unemployed or sorting garbage, more power to you, but I see no point in letting you discourage others.

I don't think that post is gloom and doom - Just sharing an article

[ In Reply To ..]
What I think is funny is just as hard as the supposed gloom and doomers try to put down coding is the probably ONE poster who keeps pushing it as the BEST career ever...why would anyone put that much time into that? Unless they owned a coding school.

I do not own a coding school, teach it, or sell anything - related to it.

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Ad hominem attacks are the mark of someone who is unable to discuss a subject due to lack of knowledge about it. Your only resort is to attack the motives of the person who disagrees with you.

I do not own a school, teach coding, or sell anything related to it. I participate here to present accurate, experienced information about coding and related career fields so that those MTs who need to find another career will have it and will not be driven away from it by lies, misrepresentations, and ignorant rumor-mongering.

It is not just ONE of us, either. - sm

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Might be one of you, but you are seeing several of us.

I don't see that post as "doom & gloom", - I just see it as a "heads up".

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Go ahead and get into coding, looks like a lucrative (for now, maybe longer) career. Just go into it (or any career you eventually choose) with your eyes open, and a plan-B always in the works. No job is safe in the US, not even dog-walking anymore.

(Looks out window and sees a quadcopter drone leading a pack of 6 dogs down the street). ;)
It is a "nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah" taunt, going by the - way it is written.
[ In Reply To ..]
Same as usual.
There was nothing about the post that sounded - like a taunt. It was just an observation.
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LOL same was said about the CMT test years - ago and solution was to open it up and dumb it

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down for offshore. Never say never. I don't believe it's coming tomorrow, but eventually there will be offshoring going on. Probably same setup as MT where the facility has to agree to it. Once they see the shiny pennies saved, some of the big facilities won't be able to resist. Of course, like MT, for a while there will still be a role for domestic coders as quality control for the offshore partners (as they like to call them in MT world). I think it's some time off though before it becomes an issue.

Enjoy your trash-picking job! - More power to you!

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Not a problem in the least. Dogs need to be walked and someone has to pick up garbage!
On Mmodal quarterly call they were excited about - coding in India and India infrastructure.
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In every industry there are always all sorts of situations in business - see message
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Without calling names, it is important to realize that there will always be greedy business people in every industry who go out of their way to take advantage of others. This has always been the case and always will. We all have our own interpretation of what defines greedy and/or taking advantage of others. I think the problem started around the time of Cain and Abel. There are no exceptions. This happens in all lines of work.

The truth hurts. - nm

[ In Reply To ..]

So glad you reminded me! - SS

[ In Reply To ..]
Gosh I would have totally forgotten! It's been at least a week since you posted that!

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