A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Working remotely - Mollie

Posted: May 11, 2015

I know that some of you have posted you work while traveling or at different locations. Can you tell me exactly what I would need to do that? I have to have unlimited long distance (because I use a C-phone) and, of course, internet access. It would not be a fixed location. I want to be able to travel and work wherever I am. Any help you can give is appreciated. 

working remotely - longtimer

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I purchased a laptop over a year ago with the intention of working away from home every once in a while. I have only been able to do it a couple of times from sister/friend's houses who had wifi at home. This week we are travling to a horse clinic and I will be working from our horse trailer/living quarters. I have done tremendous research and have purchased a wifi booster specifically for RVs. I will let you know how it goes after this next week! If you are interested I can give you the web site for where I found the booster.

I plan on working away from home as much as possible in the next year if possible. I figure there has to be a way; I just have to find it. I don't plan on using a cell phone as I don't may near enough money to justify the cost. I'm just going to try the booster and see if it is enough to boost the signal to be able to download jobs and work with a reasonable amount of speed.

I have done this a couple time - MI MT

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I have done this in the car on long trips (husband driving obviously), camping, going to the in-laws house etc. I had a sprint wifi hotspot (50$ monthly fee is what I was paying, but that was my only internet and used it everywhere for home use and away (since no one had wifi available like everyone does now) and it worked great. I am sure they have other options available now, some cell phones you can use as a wifi hub too now, check with your provider for cost and look at the coverage maps and you will know before you arrive that it will work. I only work on my laptop when I am at home or away, so I had no problems connecting. Good luck. :)

Remote - C-phone - anon

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Working remotely on accounts that are 100% internet driven is fairly simple, as long as your equipment is portable. However, the C-phone in your case is what will cause the problem. You will require a regular telephone line, and would have to be sure that wherever you end up has a phone line available. Most hotels/motels use VOIP (voice over internet protocol) for their phones and the C-phone requires a traditional "wired" phone line.
I can use my iphone - mollie
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but of course it will be slower and no foot pedal. I wouldn't want to do this all the time.
Remote C-phone - pmk
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I purchased a Linksys VOIP Phone Adaptor with Router that allows me to convert the analog signal (C-phone) to digital voice (VOIP). Doesn't work as well as those beloved and reliable land lines but can be "tweaked" and isn't too bad.

Yes, I would be interested - mollie

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in having the information regarding the booster. I'm with you - I'm going to find a way!

Working remotely - momt

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I used my home Magicjack with my DVI box while camping. Plugged the magicjack module into the USB port, then plugged the phone cord from there into my DVI box. Also used a Verizon USB internet stick which was payable by the month, but I think they have pay as you go now without a contract. It worked great for me. Good luck!

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