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moving on......... - stayingput

Posted: May 27, 2011

I'm not very happy with my current company due to the loss of several benefits, cost of living pay, etc. and thought about checking out some larger companies, but after reading posts for a lot of major companies, I think I'll stay where I am. At least I have work 90% of the time and I'm paid 8 to 9 cents per line. The grass isn't always greener. :)


I agree, have tried a couple myself but didn't quit the primary job, things didn't work - out, so fortunate to still have original employer

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FutureNet - disappointed

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Thankfully only committed to part-time with this company - very disappointed in apparent overhiring and thus low to no work for last month. So, cutting way back on hours and thankfully have had another offer.

FutureNet - another disappointed

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This company is big time into speech recognition. The straight transcription eventually gets moved over to the SR side. Even if you work on multiple accounts and work hours beyond your committed schedule, although you are an IC, you will still struggle to make what most of us would expect for the hours spent. There is a lot of waiting around for work to come in. Yes, very disappointing, because the platforms work well, tech support is top rated, and it could be a good company. If only they did not stoop to the same level as so many other companies with over hiring, only caring about their bottom line, and not caring about whether their workers have enough lines to meet what the company requires them to produce in a pay period.

I second all of this! nm - anon3

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Very much agree with this sm - disappointed

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I guess I am just thankful I am only committed to a 4-hour time slot - because this is indeed maddening. I am done hanging around waiting for emails and checking - will work my 4 hours and move on - not quite sure how they can keep good people who know the accounts and are not on QA - but what do I know? We were out of work and they were advertising for SR positions so I agree they have overhired - maybe in anticipation of summer vacations, etc., but I just have unsettled feeling.

General rule of thumb: The larger the company, - the worse they are to work for! nm

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TTS is the worst ever and is small company. - Small companies get away with a lot!

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In a small company you have 1 owner and her chosen managers. She is loathe to admit something may be wrong. In a large company there are avenues you can go through of impartial people if you feel you have been treated unfairly. I would rather work for a large company with people just paid to do their job than a small company like TTS where everyone tries to protect each other and the owner, no matter how crazy or unfair their decisions are.

TTS has an inbred management style and no one dare cross the owner. You don't get that with large companies like MQ or Nuance.

Agree about small companies being unfair - Politics play a large role

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There is more game-playing at smaller companies than larger companies in my experience. In the larger companies it's not personal and there is a chain of command set up to air grievances. There is no such chain of command at small companies like TTS.

Not always, but can be anon - anon

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Not always true, but I am not one for settling with what I have when they keep taking away. I at least take the time and look to see what is feeding said "green grass"

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