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former MDI/Transcend employees - too curious

Posted: Jun 25, 2010

Just out of curiosity, does anybody have any idea how many people have parted ways with Transcend in the last several weeks that had been with the company for more than four or five years?  I know I am one of them but was just curious how extensive it might be.

I know quite a few people left from a previous merger, but - seems like

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from reading this board you would think MDI is the only merger that ever happened or that really mattered.

leaving - Chester

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I'm looking for something else now. I run out of work constantly now and I won't even be able to afford the benefits they offer. Its awful.

I'm with ya - dmz

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I gave it the good old college try but the merger ended life as we knew it with D. So I moved on in search of someone like what we once had....

DMZ - Jane

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I hate to sound like a cynic, but how can you be sure that "someone like what we once had" will not sell you out as well? Not making you wrong or trying to start something but it seems that money doesn't just talk, it screams, and some of these MTSOs who (supposedly) care about the MTs who have made them what they are would rather, as they say in Hollywood, FOLLOW THE MONEY.

Good ? - DMZ

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No answer for that one....I was with D for 5 years and had hoped to be a lifer. I think part of the merger was maybe because with the economy maybe the rates some of us made were not able to be affordable any more so the best other scenario possible was chosen? I don't know - I hate the Jerry McGuire "show me the $$$" theory and if it's involved here, well, it's over and done. I hope it is not infectious to everyone.

I left about a month ago. Had been with MDI for 6 years..sm - zoe

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I tried to keep an open mind but each unkept promise from Transcend made it clearer to me what I needed to do. I resigned a little over a month ago and never for one moment have regretted the decision. I do have a new job but it is not one I feel I will keep so am still searching, but the relief of saying goodbye to Transcend is extraordinary.

Too curious - Jane

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I don't know if this counts, but I left right at the beginning. I was just not convinced that I would be treated fairly. I had been with MDI for several years. This will probably sound strange, but I just followed my instincts. Something told me to bail right at the beginning, and I did.

Me too, as soon as the work mysteriously started disappearing - And reappearing out of TAT

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Things didn't add up at all. Work pools would be bone dry during my shift (middle of the night), then suddenly 2 hours worth of dictation clearly out of TAT would appear out of the blue.

I sensed something skeevy was afoot, asked to go FT at my PT gig, and never looked back.

Sometimes we have to go with our gut instinct, because it's right on target.

I think you WERE CORRECT TOO. I knew too - .

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I was with Your Office Genie when MQ bought it and of course the incorrect line charges, I left in 2005, just a little after the buyout. I Knew, gut instinct too. There will always be changes with this type of situation, maybe won't show up for a few months, but it is coming. Unfortunately, women always think ,,,,, wellllll, lets see if it gets better, if it changes etc, by nature.

Mya Angeleu (writer) big on Oprah, and other interview programs, was asked to speak at Clinton anguration, says and repeated often by others ..
"when they show you who they are, believe them."

Jane - DMZ

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The gut is never wrong - and I too should have bailed sooner - but better late than never! :)

DMZ - Jane

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I think you probably bailed at the right time for you. I tend to believe that things happen at the right time and for a reason. All I know is I would never, ever go back. I hope all is working well for you.
Jane - DMZ
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It is - I have a great sense of relief actually, which means a lot more than anything else. But before the merger with Transcend, I thought I had found a permanent home with MDI. It was about as perfect for me as perfect could be...nice to know it actually existed and wasn't just a dream. So, I will keep looking on and off - sometimes dreams do come true, right? :) Hope you are also doing well...good things happen when we least expect them, right? :)
DMZ - Jane
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Glad to know you are fine. The sense of relief (combined with a sense of betrayal) when I left was amazing. I, too, thought I had a permanent home with MDI and had given them several good years and much dedication. I went with a smaller company and am happier. And this time I have a Plan B in place just in case anything should happen again, which I do not think it will, but in today's greedy MT world, it pays to be prepared. I do believe that good things happen when we least expect them, and I hope something great happens for you soon! Jane.

I left last month. - What a relief.

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I was an MD-MDI-er, worked out my notice,and glad to be gone. Patching together several part time jobs but glad to be away from the forced weekend work, the pay cut, and the mean nasties from SOME (only some) of the TLs.

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