A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
Any Smartmed employees here? - MTFL
Posted: May 06, 2010
Wondering what everyone is thinking about the no work again and NO other accounts to work on.
What do you think? (sm) - Tired MT
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Have we over staffed or lost some accounts? It's an odd time of year to be running out of work, I'll give you that.
Exactly...... - MTFL
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There are a lot of trainees there. Plus, you do realize they have lost several accounts in the past year, right? I had my mine account PLUS 4 backup accounts. Now I have 1 account along with the majority of the rest of us left here.
Hmmm (sm) - Tired MT
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No, I did not realize we had lost several accounts. Nobody ever tells ME anything. I don't have a backup account either. It's scary to see how our daily income, not to mention long-term employment, hangs on a thread, even though I'm as dependable and good as the day is long.
we're probably working on the same account.... - MTFL
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I also feel things have changed greatly with this place in the past few years. I used to love my job. Now with everything that has happened here, I'm seriously thinking about moving on. They have cut back everything they possibly can. The only thing left is to make all of us ICs. I also received an "accidental" email a few months ago in which this person was stating that her company was not doing very good at all. Well, that makes me worry even more about the security of this place. Time to job hunt :)
!!!! - Tired MT
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Oh, holy crap (re the mistaken email). Well, I'm already looking, so I must have been picking up on the vibe because I had nothing concrete to point to.
You and me both. - MTFL
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I'm also looking. Might try to start out part-time and if I like it, then go full-time. I'm also considering an entirely different line of work because I think this is a dying field. Good luck to you ! :)
If you are still checking this thread (sm) - Tired MT
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You spoke of trainees. Who are these people? Are they from a local school or are they offshore trainees? Do they work for free (or very low wages) to get on the job training? Just curious.
I'm not sure. - MTFL
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But I know they're there. There was an issue with job skippnig and we were told that person was a trainee and would be advised not to skip around.
Has anyone actually been charged $5 per report for skipping? They keep threatening this and I was told they actually charged someone close to $50 for skipping reports. ...
I was just curious about what employees thought of Nuance on Glassdoor. You read several US employee opinions and they reflect the morale listed on MTStars. Scroll further down and read the opinions of the transcriptionists from India. What a difference. They are highly satisfied with their jobs and most have been working with Nuance for 6 to 7 years. The US transcriptionists are very sad!! What a difference..... ...
I see they have an ad. I worked there but left for family tragedy. I am giving them an unsolicited endorsement. Wonderful, friendly women. they do have teaching accounts so not for newbies. If you want to work for a good company and deal with sane individuals, I recommend them. I did not make tons of money there (but where can you anymore) but it was certainly refreshing to deal with adults.
anyone is working for them now. Archives give good and bad, but would like to hear from someone who is currently employed. Would anyone give some input please! Sounds good! Thx ...
I see there are 2 dislikes on the Smartmed job listing that was posted tonight. I sent in my resume a little bit after it was posted and before I saw that.
Anyone work for them currently? I couldn't find much in the archives about them. My only problem is that I have no recent acute care experience, I did work at a hospital from 1995 to 1997 and the rest of the time I have done various clinic jobs.
I just want to break into a company and get some acut ...
I have not seen anything about them on the board. Maybe that's a good thing? Was wondering if anyone has worked for them or currently works for them. ...
sort of things you're getting QA'd for, to compare notes. For instance, I'm new to VS, and I tend to leave in double words. I think what's happening is that I hear it, so my mind just blocks out the extra one and I don't see it. I spend a lot of energy trying to out-guess the QA, but no matter what I put in certain instances, I'm marked off. If I put "The patient," then she fills in the name. If I put the name, then she puts "The patien ...
I'd like to know how you are all dealing with it. Do you sit and wait on work during your scheduled shifts without getting paid? Have any of you filed for unemployment due to lack of work? I wonder how people manage to pay for insurance, etc. Have any of you quit your jobs and received unemployment? How do you all manage? TIA for any information you are willing to share. ...
Someone jumps on this board, fires it all up by saying to use F11 for every ASR job, and then calls their CCM to say "read the MTstars board" and then they go check who is doing it and fires them, all the while the pot-stirrer looks all cutsie in the CCMs eyes and more work opens up for the pot-stirrer?Maybe it is my wild imagination, but it seems like all that "stop typing for a day" and if that does not work, then "stop typing for 2 days," and "use F11 for all ASR jobs," all feels so not ...
How is your workload going? I know there are a lot of acute care people who run out of work a lot, or get thrown in the cesspool, but what about the radiology side? Does that run out all the time too? I was there for Rad and was considering going back because I need a job. I know the pay is not what I made there before. ...
Anybody on here former employees of MDI-MD who stayed with Transcend? I have applied and am trying to find my former supervisor's email. She was MDI-MD and as far as I know, stayed with Transcend. Her initials are MM. Please email me if you have her contact info. I cannot find her email anywhere and would love to work under her again if she is still there. Thanks! ...
In case you weren't there at the beginning of Monday's conference call, MQ bought out M-Modal and changed their name. SO, if you choose to do this, you would be working for MQ. Been there, done that.....aaack. ...
As I am getting no work during the day shift anymore, I have the chance to go third shift Sun-Thursday (11-7), either that or find a new job (yeh right), or do ASR (done it at this company, no thanks to returning there). I have never worked that one before. How/when do you sleep? Any other pros/cons about this shift? Thaniks your your advice. ...