A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Do you MQ employees sometimes think - that...

Posted: Aug 17, 2011

Someone jumps on this board, fires it all up by saying to use F11 for every ASR job, and then calls their CCM to say "read the MTstars board" and then they go check who is doing it and fires them, all the while the pot-stirrer looks all cutsie in the CCMs eyes and more work opens up for the pot-stirrer?

Maybe it is my wild imagination, but it seems like all that "stop typing for a day" and if that does not work, then "stop typing for 2 days," and "use F11 for all ASR jobs," all feels so not consistent with trying to get respect from a company, or  

possibly - screwball

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I know there are higher ups who read these boards!

All the more reason to stick to our guns, and - do the "F11 day".

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No, not really - sm

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think it's your wild imagination.

I think people are tired of the lack of respect they get from this company. You have to respect to be respected.

I agree but (sm) - Dont think it will succeed

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I don't think it will work. First of all (and most obvious), if MQ higher-ups do peruse these boards, they're wise to the "F11 Day" brigade and are probably prepared to disable the function as soon as it looks like some MTs are actually going to participate.

Second, isn't there a limit as to how many times an MT is allowed to take advantage of the F11 option? Using it more than the allotted amount of times gives them carte blanche to fire the MT for insubordination.

Third, with all the new grads coming out and other MTs out of work and desperate, there are probably literally hundreds of applicants at the Q, all too willing to take ANY job, including at the Q monster, just hoping it will be different for them and they'll succeed.

Fourth, probably only a tiny fraction of MQ employees even know of this - or any other - MT board/forum out in cyberland where news of the "F11 Day" will be promoted. Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I just don't think it will reach enough MTs to even have an impact on the Q as a whole.

Sadly, I see this only as potentially backfiring on the MTs who participate. This is the Q we're talking about, a huge manipulative employee-eating machine. They won't hesitate to terminate anyone they "catch" trying to stand up for their rights.

Sadly I see - sm

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that if something is not done, they will continue to lower wages and drive everybody out of the business anyway. It is to the point that people need to start standing up for their jobs instead of leaving the field due to unfair work practices. Whether the company has the right to knock wages down to nothing or not, people should fight them. If they lose the fight at least they know they tried instead of taking this day in and day out. Trust me, this company will keep doing this stuff unless people let them know they will not take it anymore. Why don't you call their bluff and do something about it. Sometimes you have to take risk to fight for what you believe in. Like I say, if you fail at least you know you went down fighting for your principles.

Of course anybody can do what they want, but the more that join in, the more there is to hit them with. They only do this stuff because we allow them to.

I know about the "F11 day" and am - MT

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not going to participate and suspect many others who know about it are not either. Jobs too precious these days to risk losing mine. Besides, there is not one other company who pays MTs what they are worth anymore, all are cutting costs and are low-paying, so nowhere else to go when fired for using F11 all day, not to mention trying to get another job with that on your record especially if you have been working for MQ for a number of years.

I agree with fighting for our rights, but think this fight is a dead end because MT in the US is a dying profession with all the new technology and offshoring, and you cannot stop "progress."

I am using my energy getting out of this dying field and training for a new profession outside of the medical field that allows me to still work from home. If I can do it at age 57, anyone can.
what I would like to see-sm - anon
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is all MTs, MMEs, proofers, QAs, CCMs...everyone on our lower end of the totem pole (maybe even overseas, there has to be some good ones over there) just stop for a day or two or three. It would have to be a massive connection between all of us, even the newbies getting out of school and all those out of work (not just those working for MQ but everyone working everywhere). It would never happen, but I would love to see a world wide medical transcription strike. Then, it wouldn't be hearsay anymore. The hospitals and higher ups that do not run transcription companies would have to wonder what the hell has been done to us to make every single one of us strike...A dream, I know, but I would LOVE to see it and participate in it.

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