A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Jul 23, 2010

Is there anyone that likes their job at MQ?  Specifically, any radiology MTs who are happy there?  Just want to know before I take any potential leaps I may strongly regret in the future.  Thanks!

Answer to Question for MQ Employees - radityper

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Yes I like my job at MQ. 13 yrs and 54K last year. 401, benefits, PTO. What's not to like except for some of the posts on this board. Drama.


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Thanks so much for the (positive) post! Yes, lots of drama on the MTStars board/MedQuist board. Thanks again!

Last Year's Salary - MT

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You didn't say if you are a rad MT or not. I'm not, but just to put this in perspective, I made $25,000 the first 6 months of last year--BEFORE everything went worse sour than it already was. SO, I didn't not end up with $50,000 for that year as one would expect. Took a serious hit that last 6 months. PTO rate changed, MME stuff, more ASR, etc.

If you are rad, maybe things are different for you guys, but we acute care/multi-clinic people took plenty of a hit, and that's not just sour grapes.

wage loss - a1typist

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I have worked for MQ for a total of 10 years. I used to make the $50,000 mentioned above, have 30+ years experience, and am pretty good at what I do. However, with all the changes including loss of bonuses, ASR, etc, I have seen my income cut in half. Maybe I am just too old to adapt to this many changes, but I think not. Really feel we are a dying breed.

Last year's salary - whatever

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Things are obviously only different for a few. I do radiology and it sucks. We are virtually always out of work at least in my area and during my shift. Unless, of course, you work your shift and then work every evening and all weekend which I won't do. She is very very lucky but it won't last.
Previous post - whatever
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My post above about no work is not drama, its fact.

I wouldn't call it drama - NE ME

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You know I too made over 50K before MQ decided to punish the MT with FTR and lockdown and take away bonus and incentives. I also worked oodles of OT too during that time and loved my job. I also participated in 401K until MQ decided not to match anymore. Now I barely have the motivation to work my scheduled hours if that. What happened?

How about 5 CCMs in the last year?
How about 3 CCMs ago changing my schedule without my permission and then now I am on PM because I wouldn't work the new hours?
How about being DENIED to take bereavement time because the backlog was projected to be high and then sat with NJA?
How about running out of work daily, working all crazy hours to make up time then getting emails to work OT?

I wouldn't call it drama, I would call it terrible management skills. What company has employees without work and is still hiring? What company instead of giving raises cuts their employees' pay and then turns around and hires more board members?

Its not drama to remember that at one point not so long ago MQ actually cared about their employees, gave them an opportunity to make a decent living and made them feel appreciated. Sounds like you are doing okay, but you are truly in the minority, not drama but truth.

consider yourself very fortunate - sm

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I am on the acute side, having done everything but rad. I also have had my salary cut by more than half due to ASR and NJA in the past 3 years.

Wow, I can't believe you think this is all a drama show, especially for those of us who have given our heart and soul to this company for many years, have high audit scores, etc. How insensitive can you be?

Drama? I call it reality. - Very happy!

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Doing great! Liked my job. Had to change to evening hours though so I could have more work on my primary. Pay is good, not great.

We merged with Spheris you know, then I ended up having to move with my primary to another group, another manager.

NOW? I HAVE NO JOBS. I have a total of 12 hours on this paycheck when I should have at least 24 hours by now. I have been told I need to move to another new account and new manager, but there is no work for me? REALLY?

I swear I am being singled out because supposedly I am too high of pay on the totem pole which is why I have not had a raise in 13 years.

Happy now? Nope. Drama? Nope. IT IS REALITY!

Drama? - whatever

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I haven't had a raise in 16 years. Always an excuse why not. In the past 2 years, I have been in 3 different regions, and I can't remember how many CCMs. Was told the last time I moved that I would virtually never run out of work. Right! That lasted maybe 6 months, and now NJA. Nothing that you are ever told that might improve things for you the transcriptionist, can you believe.

Drama - texasmt

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Let's see.... I've tried to avoid the MQ drama for the last 2-1/2 years, ie., kept an open mind, embraced ASR as there was no way of avoiding it, coped with NJA and less money because of the benefit of working at home. But, after a total "melt down" a few days ago regarding MQ, I finally decided enough was enough. I've found a new job and I cannot wait to be rid of this MQ. I wish you luck and I hope you can maintain your 50+ K a year and you don't have any drama in your career with them. You will definitely be in the minority

re: texasmt - woo hoo

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Congratulations on your new job, too bad it came at the expense of a "melt down" and all the other stuff that you went through. I can imagine that being unhappy in a job would make one nuts.

I have personally always maintained contact with as many ppl at MQ as I could, CCM, QA, RTL and so on. If I get NJA I call and voila! they give me work.

I work 4 days a week, 10 hours a day and make in the 50K range as well. I have worked with MQ for 14 years now an they have been great to me. In turn I do a great job.

I have wondered about all the drama on the board and wonder (have to wonder) how many people simply take NJA and sign off, knowing that it's hurting their pocketbook, rather than to be proactive, pick up the phone and insist that you be routed to another account.

Its only a phone call.

I am very happy at the Q. I have a good paycheck, freedom in my job, benefits and have plans to stay as long as I can.

Do stop in from time to time and let us know about your new job. I wish you better luck and prosperity that MQ was able to give you. I wonder if I would be able to work in the "outside" world if my "luck" were to ever turn!

Just FYI: Viola is a large violin; voila is a French word meaning - see there.

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Prosperity means wealth
Posterity is future generations.
re: see there - snm
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Guessing that you've probably got NJA since your posting is petty and trite. Look those words up.
re: FYI - th
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Not sure about the ?? - sm
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Someone came across as a bit sanctimonious, was shown they were not perfect, and then edited their post.

not just a phone call - NE MT

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I have never taken NJA and simply sign off. I always make up the hours or as a last resort use my PTO. At least for me, my CCM sent out the most recent policy for NJA which states to call the RTL which I do. The voice mail for the RTL says to call the CCM! My CCM never answers her phone. EVER. She barely answers forwarded ticket numbers from support and when she does she reminds me to call the RTL and follow the policy. If I go above her head (which I have done) to the Regional Manager I am deemed a complainer and a target for audits and PM- fact not paranoia. Throw in the fact that we are now on lockdown and it is crapshoot if picking up hours off the swapboard will mean work and maybe you can sense my frustration. I want to work during my actual shift that was chosen for me, I try to make them give me work but due to poor management no one knows who is in charge and who is supposed to be routing the work correctly.
Yep, I am completely in the same boat with you. - I unfortunately cannot make up hours.
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I can only make them up from Saturday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. That is it. Even if I worked 14 hours straight, I still cannot make up my hours because I virtually have NO WORK AT ALL.

But I did call! I emailed too. - The response is

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There is nothing we can do. We have no work for you. We will let you know in a week or so if we find work for you.

re: V10 - me

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I am happy with and love my job! I do radiology with MQ, have for 10+ years.

sound like BATTERED WIFE SYNDROME - shortstak6733

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Are u serious? Who in their right mind would stay and be abused for 16 years. Or just sit without work days after a time without making a change. I try to empathetic, but you only have maybe 2 payperiods for me not to enough money to pay my bills. Thats it! YOU teach people how to treat YOU. Come on these stories are getting ridiculous and embarassing that as professionals that you would accept that type of crap. What would you tell your child or a loved one to do. STOP BEING ABUSED! The abuser never changes. DUH!

Any company that requires its OWN ENTIRE BOARD, - and with so many problems, should be -sm

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avoided like the PLAGUE. MQ didn't get its own discussion board by being the best company out there, with the happiest, best-paid employees.

Who are you really? - Adios

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I really am leary of you. If you are really an MT/ME, then your ability to type a coherent paragraph would prove that. I was thinking about you earlier today and a red light was flashing.

Are you trying to shame us in to shutting up and complying? We have told you many of us are trying to get out, we can't just quit and walk away or we would.

Also, the abuse has not been going on for 16 years, give me a break. We have stated time and again it is in the last couple years. It takes a while, after several years in this business and several years with MQ to realize things are only going to get worse, and then it takes a while for a responsible person to try to replace this position with a better one, not just jump ship to jump.

These stories are only ridiculous in that a company would really do this to its employees. Embarassing, I don't know why.

As professionals we are frustated and we come here to vent and to support each other.

Again, I know of nobody who has stated this has been going on for 16 years so why would you say that? If you are going to slam good people here, then at least get your facts straight.
sounds like original Oracle. - n/m
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There was an Oracle before the me now Oracle? - Oracle
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I take it she wasn't a very nice person, so I may have to re-think using this handle.
yes, not nice; banned from posting a lot; mostly on Medquist. - 6 months maybe since heard from. n/m
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I knew I should have gone with Yoda. Maybe it's not too late. - Oracle n/m
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Yoda .... good one; do it. - n/m
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That was during the reign of that "other owner" - sm
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many moons ago.
Ah, the original Oracle, now that's a trip down memory lane - see msg
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He/she used to come on here and post about the "evil Q," then berate and hold in derision anyone who complained about MQ, defended their job or even tried to reply. A real troll's troll. and always ended a post with a laughing smiley that implied "you suckers."

They would get a real rolling fight going before the moderator would finally catch them and delete everything. It was always a fascinating read, though.

duh? hehe. That is always mature. - n/m

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My MQ story - OldtimeMT

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I worked for MQ for 12+ years until last June. For 12+ years I had work every day, except for the occasional "slow periods" (holidays and such). Then, all of a sudden I had no work. It was a constant problem. When someone finally called me back and I asked why I wasn't receiving work after getting 8 hours of work a day for that past 12 years, they had no answer. Could not (or would not) say where the work was. I asked if we lost the account, the answer was no. Did the work go to India - they had no idea. Then, I was audited every day for 2 weeks. No problems with that fortunately, but that was the last straw. I was gone 2 weeks later. Got another job doing straight transcription, no ASR. Took a slight pay cut, but still made more than I did at the Q. Still doing straight transcription and so far so good. Just had my 1 year anniversary.

But the Q has made me very leery of any transcription company. I would work any other job rather than go back to MQ. I would not trust them. Document everything, take nothing they SAY to be truthful, get it in writing, do not agree to anything unless it is in writing.

I do understand, am not a troll. - shorstak6733

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My point exactly. You moved on when it was clear that your needs were not being met. Im not a troll, but a real live transcriptionist who understands the ups and downs, but I also understand that it might be uncomfortable at first, but there is a job out there for you that will make you happy. You are giving MQ too much credit and energy of your life. Thats all Im saying. I understand why you feel the way you do, I just dont understand why you put up with it. Maybe you dont want the hassel of learning a new account or maybe the shift, or maybe they do have better benefits some of these other companies. You have to typing at least 150 lph to even qualify for benefits, so it cant be that bad. I understand needing benefits, because that was one of main reasons I came to MQ. I needed benefits and alot of these other companies were full of it. Only hiring ICs, but want to work you as a full-time employee, give me break! I would really like to work days, but I have to work p.m., but it was what I needed from them and I know this. Im sacrificing a lot right now to work here and I know it, but I cannot afford to go another month without health benefits so I am not going to complain. I wont get rich, but at least I can try to be healthy until something else better comes along. Soooo, if you do have a dilemma on why you need to stay with the Q, then you cant hold them 100% responsible, you are making choices, too. None of these companies are worth writing home about, but it is what it is.

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