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Webmedx staff just "appearing" - Whatever happened to posting jobs

Posted: Sep 12, 2010

I am seeing LOTS of new names in QA and also a new STM.  My question is this - why are these openings not posted so that all can have equal opportunity for compete for one of these positions?  Is this even legal?  I know it is not ethical, but not sure about the legality. 

Interesting, thanks, but of course it's both legal and ethical. - Anon

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What on earth is so wrong about a company choosing what it feels is the best person for a job? This isn't Russia of the 1950s, or railroads here in the '30s. The question you raise is why they chose not to post for applicants within, but no doubt there was a reason.

Ethical to harrass production workers? - Pete

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Funny WMX harrassment policies on PRODUCTION employees doesn't sound AT ALL like Russia in the 1950s or railroads in the 30's does it? So progressive for 2010! If a company (WMX)wants the privilege of cracking a whip, they need to sh*t or get off the pot and compensate their employee's on an hourly or salary basis, NOT a PRODUCTION basis affecting only the employee's wages. Perhaps, then they have room for borderline harrassment of such an archaic, sweat-shop mentality. Can't have it both ways, WMX.

New suit mantra - No doubt there was a reason! - sick of propaganda!

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Hey, I know what the reason always is - GREED. CORPORATE PROFIT. A valid reason for those grinding us under their heels, to be sure.

I'll just chant that to my creditors, since it works so well for you....why was my paycheck cut in half - no doubt there was a reason! Why am I being nagged to produce more quality yet being paid less if I do - no doubt there is a reason! Why were a bunch of people laid off - no doubt there was a reason!

Why do we vent on this board - no doubt there is a reason!

They might be officially hiring subcontractors - not in the mood

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ICs and people straight out of their school - people that have been doing the work for some time but have been "invisible". If they needed people that were already trained on the accounts and ready to go they might do that. I've been told in the past its none of my business when I've asked questions about new staff suddenly coming on board; they used to give us a rough idea of the amount of people on my "team", but no more.

There are ChartMatrix QA team members... - abcMT

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...that have moved to Enterprise.

I think they are the people who worked on Chartmatrix. sm - jabbawocky

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Remember, all those people who worked on the Chartmatrix platform would have to come over since that one is being shut down. There are MTs too from over there.

Good point. - nm

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posting jobs - webmedxmt

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I do know that several months back QA positions WERE listed on the community page. I think you have to go to human resources, then there was a place to click on job listings, so unless you check regularly you may not be aware of this. I only know because I had a friend who saw the post and applied.

Some CM QA staff... - see message

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...have moved to Enterprise.

You have jumped to the conclusion that they are newhires or new positions. They are neither.

Did it ever occur to you that there are current employees... - see message

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on ChartMatrix that are now working on Enterprise?

That's a pretty big leap for you to assume they are new positions.

Tell that to the noobs still on layoff account - they spilt the beans

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Well, there's a newbie hired fresh out of Webmedx's school to work on "the same account that people got laid off from" posting on the internal community board. (This post originally got removed for naming it here - no matter, we all know which account it is.) As long as newbies innocently blow corporate's cover, it doesn't take much energy to make the "big leaps" you speak of. Those laid off are still wondering why they were targeted, and no answer has ever been forthcoming. You suits seriously need to have a chat with the noobs you hire and tell them its not politically correct to announce their presence if you want to keep having us believe your lies and propaganda.

Smile. Type. U do not work for HR do not ask questions nm - hoo boy

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OK, this is getting tiresome instead of funny. - give it a rest now, ummk?

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Pretty please?

You are not the boss of me. Type. nm - hoo boy

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Lol @ hoo boy. - nm
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Yawn @ hoo boy - first couple times funny - 10 times - a bore
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I might not be your boss, but at least I know the more often you repeat the same joke, the lamer it gets.
Not true. - Anyone without an axe to grind loves them!
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Anyone immature, ya mean? - Still in middle school?
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Smile. Type. Buy someone something.

Did I make you pee your pants with mirth too?

Such brilliant wit, over and over and over! And its hysterical each and every time for those with the IQ and attention span of a flea. Why, oh why, isn't she getting rich writing jokes in Hollywood? Oh, I know why - not all that funny to adults.

Hey, here's a thought, since you're her biggest fan (and only one still begging for more), ask her to email you "Smile. Type. Buy someone something." several times a day and you can giggle your guts out and the rest of us can have a serious discussion about adult topics.

I happen to think they are a riot - and obviously getting a rise from some

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Keep up the great work. You are obviously striking a nerve with some. We need you to keep needling them and giving us some comic relief in the bargain. Thanks again, hoo boy! ;-)

Hoo boy is very tiresome. "Getting a rise" out of fellow MTs is not the intended purpose. - sm

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...of these boards. It's juvenile and purposefully provocative in nature.
I am an MT and does not bother me - watchfulwaiting
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I can't think why the posts would bother you unless you have a vested interest as management OR you somehow feel you are special and safe from the axe OR you feel compelled to toe the company line for some reason. Sticking it to the man is a very American pastime, and laughing at this situation can make it easier to deal with.
It is not directed at fellow MTs - it is directed at YOU - Management. Too bad.
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You might think you can control us at work, but guess what? This is a free board and we can tell the truth on here. If it is too painful for you, maybe you can do something to change our situation. Otherwise, you'll just have to grin and bear it. Or not read it. Either way, you can not control this board. That sucks for you, doesn't it??
Frown. Yawn. Think of trinket to send MTs at Xmas nm - hoo boy
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Hoo Boy, you CRACK ME UP, and you tell it like it is. - Rocky Raccoon
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Childish and annoying can strike a nerve with anybody - when repeated enough times

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Reminds me of a friend who liked to get drunk and yell "How do you lke me now?" over and over. The more often she said it, the less I liked her.

I guess its a matter of taste. I never liked Sting's "Message in a Bottle" because he felt the need to sing "Sending out an SOS" over and over into infinity.

I just find mindless repetition a bore. Nobody wants hoo boy to stop posting, but to change the record because this one is broken (for those of us old enough to know what a broken record sounds like).

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