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Doctors/surgical staff making fun of - surgery patient

Posted: Apr 20, 2015

Makes me sick.  They are making fun of this man's penis size.  I know they are dictating from the OR because you can hear them trying to wake this man up in the background.  I hope he hears them.  Jerks.

As I recall, hearing is what returns first after - anesthesia, so he just might. :(

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You are correct - first to develop

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Hearing is first to develop, last to leave as you are giving up your body, you can hear when you are unconscious, under anesthesia, and hopefully this man will not remember, but it is probably something he has dealt with his entire life, so these unkind words will just meld with the rest of what he has heard and not stand out. "Healthcare" workers have nothing to do with health or caring, and are just paid to do a job and often a thankless job.

Yes, as I was waking up - Heard it all

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from anesthesia, I heard two nurses commenting about my size. I'm a small person and I heard them say "And she only weighs 100 pounds" and one of them stopped talking in mid-sentence when she saw that my eyes were open. I knew that was inappropriate and I wasn't happy about it, but had other things on my mind at the time and didn't speak up.

If it couldn't be traced back to that dictation that you typed, the sm - acuteMLS

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first thing I'd do is call and anonymously report it. But you definitely can't in this case. I think it's criminal that they can make fun of an unconscious man, God knows what else they say about people.

Call and say you are a member of surgical staff - or that you heard the surgical staff SM

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talking about it in the break room.

No way it can be definitely proven it was you. I would do it. That is disgusting and completely lacking in respect for a human being. Every single person in that OR should be written up and disciplined and made to take some sort of bullshoot sensitivity training.

That is unlikely to be effective - xx

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since everyone at the hospital has by now read the article (it was in the Washington Post and several other newspapers) that likely inspired this post. The scenario described in the article was eerily similar.
What "inspired" this post - was that I just heard
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it during dictation yesterday, 04/20/2015, for a surgery that was performed yesterday, 04/20/2015. JHC! You think this is an isolated incident? Whatever.
The point of the article was - xx
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that such comments are not at all isolated or unusual. The circumstances mentioned in the post and those in one of the examples in the article were very nearly identical.

I did report - GC

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a PA who during her dictation of a delivery kept laughing and making jokes about the patient's last name. I was working in-house for a hospital at the time and I was so mad that I flagged the dictation and asked my medical director to listen to it. She did and the next time I heard that PA on a dictation she sounded like a completely different person dictating - sweet as pie and professional-sounding. My medical director told me that they did talk to her. I'm betting that she was really surprised to realize that there was another human being on the other end of her dictation not liking her on-air antics.

Excuse me, but did you get this from the news? - ???

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This was reported on national news today. Are you sure you heard this yourself in a dictation, or did you hear it on the news and think it would be a great topic for outraged discussion?

Umm, yes, I am quite sure I heard - this myself with my own little ears

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and, no, I didn't hear it on the news. Had I heard it on the news, I would have said: Did you all hear on the news....

So sorry to burst your little suspicious bubble.

Not our job to police the OR - Anon

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Not our job to report other people's conduct that we might overhear. Even if they were, which I doubt, people in hands-on patient care have to have some kind of outlet or they would go crazy. Usually they are far more clever and professional than to joke about such a childish thing.
No, actually they aren't all professional enough or clever enough. Making fun of the - wannie
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patient happens in the OR. I know, I heard it happening myself when I had my nursing rotation through OR. I'm not the OP, but believe me, it does happen. People in hands-on patient care may need an outlet, but it shouldn't be at the expense of the patient. What if that patient wasn't fully sedated when they were making fun? How do you think they would feel?
This is not the "kind of outlet" any patient care worker - gets to have. Ever. sm
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Yes, hands on care does lead to the need for stress relief, but this isn't the kind of stress relief they get to have. Not sure what kind of twisted upbringing you had to think it's okay, but no, it's not, and the hospital would probably like to know it's going on so that they can reprimand the people and prevent themselves from being on the wrong end of a lawsuit. Last thing you want is someone with the inability to protect themselves, i.e., an anesthetized patient, being the brunt of crude jokes and comments. Like another poster said, first thing to come back from anesthesia is hearing. Would you like to be the surgical assistant pointed at under those conditions? The reason for firing would probably make getting a new job difficult. It's not rocket science.
OR - ari
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I worked as a radiology tech in the ER and OR for 20 years. It is very common for people to kid and joke in both these departments. That is why when I needed surgery I refused to go to the hospital I worked at. I had seen those people in action for years. Usually the mood is set by the physicians. Fortunately this joking around and kidding at the expense of the patient has gotten better for the most part. You would really have a fit if you knew what went on in dark rooms and locker rooms. You sometimes get by on dark humor and remarks because otherwise you wouldn't be able to handle all that is thrown at you. Don't judge too quickly.
My father is a doctor, best friend hospital administrator, - friends are nurses/PAs/etc
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It is not a judgment. Been in the grind myself and know well the dark humor and how it can be the only thing keeping you sane sometimes. I am not against it when it's not in patient areas. There is a time and place and the OR is neither. I have known those docs that set the mood too and just because they do it in that environment does not make it right.
And you voluntarily work as a medical transcriptionist? - Unbelievable.
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