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"aseptic appearing picture" - kc

Posted: Jan 15, 2010

Within 36 hours she developed "aseptic appearing picture?" Can't find it anywhere.

septic - just this

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try a septic appearing and aseptic

probably "a septic-appearing picture" - sm

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In context it would seem to be:  "she developed a septic-appearing picture."  i.e., she appeared to be developing sepsis.

I would think that if he meant "aseptic-appearing picture," he would have said "an" before "aseptic-appearing" .. as in "she developed an aseptic-appearing picture."

(either way, you need a hyphen between 'septic/aseptic' and 'appearing')



a septic-appearing picture - kc

[ In Reply To ..]
Thanks! I'm going with this one.

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