A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

WEBMEDX hands out raises!!!! - nother high producer

Posted: Sep 11, 2010

See (lol), anyone can come up with a Shock and Awe type of title/campaign to get peoples attention to read their post. I mean really, Spyware?!?? Give me a break Pete. It was just about as silly and borderline slanderous as your post! Monitoring keystrokes goes back to the inception of computers being used in transcription. THESE REPORTS WERE DESIGNED TO HELP...END STORY

Look,companies hire and they lay off, its never pretty. I am sure that the layoff was unavoidable as MTSO's are not into spending the money to train MT's to just let them go for no reason.

This latest QA status report is nothing knew either, its just repeating the QA standards which is in the employee manual. I'm sure QA sent in due to account specifics, beyond the MT's control, will not count against us.To me, they are asking us to make a better effort in filling out blanks if you are not already doing so. In other words don't use QA as a crutch.

For those of you that dislike VR then you may want to think about another future. This whole VR deal did not just happen overnight and it is not going away.

Sure, I am not exactly happy with what has happened in our industry but have done very well at adapting. I am a very high producer and at the top where quality is concerned. Having been with this company for many years and yes at times having different opinions with management I know I can count on them for a paycheck every pay period.
No suit here just a dusty ol MT that has learrned the new tricks.



Smile. Type. Think about how GRATEFUL you are to sm - hoo boy

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WMX that they decided to let you stay. Call STM and volunteer for more accounts to look good. Send her a gift. Smooch smooch smooch keep kissing butt.

hoo boy seek help .. - nother high producer

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..because you seem to have a mind set on kissing butts (lol).. well to each their own. My mind set is THIS IS A JOB. If I had been laid off then I would not come in here wasting time whining and trying to get even, but rather go somewhere else where I will earn the same amount because I do my job well. I know this advice is as old as the hills and twice as dusty (as me,lol) but..

Smile. Type. Do not wave-takes hand off keyboard sm - hoo boy

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look for flowers online to send to STM. Don't look during work time, use your own time to do it.

Cut hole in chair, place bucket underneath for waste so as not to take hands off keyboard. Wipe your butt on your own time.

Smile. Type. Flag report.
I LOVE your posts, hoo boy! - I have not laughed this hard in ages.
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Thanks! I needed that!!

So you don't like to work, Smile. Take it to the gab board. NM - Hard Worker

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Gee..and who says you CAN'T teach an ole MT NEW tricks! Tell that to our recent old-timers, lon - Pete

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My experience with WebmedX - Anonymous

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I applied and tested with them several months ago and did well on my test. The recruiter and I agreed on a mutual day and time for an interview. I waited, she never called.

Blessing in disguise! - Pete

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>: )

Webmedx hands out raises - JKay

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Now, VR is one thing, but VR which has no VR is a horse of a different color. I went into the "new platform" with an open mind and really do like it, as it's easier to navigate, I think. I can't say what, but SOMETHING just doesn't add up on the lines anymore. It could be having to jump through every hoop the facilities can think of, with templates changing continually, insistence on everything staying in the same place (it being only we who have to jump all over the report continually)and enough unpaid strokes (headings, copies, flagging out the wazoo)that might be the difference! I just did an ISR echo that with my normal usually takes me about 5 minutes to do, but with the gibberish ISR churns out, it took 18 minutes to do what amounted to 17 lines. I have 30 years experience and know very well what I'm doing. Didn't wake up the day ISR came along and all of a sudden I am only capable of doing 60% of what I've done for years. If there are any tricks to staying a high producer on this system, I'd love to hear 'em! BTW, not just me...from every MT I've talked to, it's across the board!

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