A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

130 percent profit but cannot give raises. - mom2huskies

Posted: May 29, 2015

I listened to the meeting. At least I get paid my hourly rate. 

did you miss the part where they are pushing front in SR? - we are done.

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I already figured that we were done. - mom2huskies

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Mmodal and Nuance have pretty much ruined transcription.

A few thoughts - anon

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Wondering how long they figure it will take to accomplish front end and rid the company of MT/ME employees?

Secondly if we are displaced/laid off/or whatever term they choose to use for us, will be be able to be retrained on their dime?

Just wondering
retrained? - moonchild
[ In Reply To ..]
for what? if they replace us, the humane thing to do would be to give us a buyout package like most companies do when they lay off a large amount of people. but MModal is like Walmart and i would not expect anything at all from them except an email saying you don't work here anymore.
Not holding my breath - anon
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The only thing I expect we will get will be paid for our PTO if we have accrued any.

As for training, another field?

I have a few thoughts but no $$$$ to pursue at this time. I know unemployment pays even less than what we make now. How depressing.
People that get buy out packages - sm
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Are usually management, they aren't going to offer anything, you get unemployment, that is it. Buy out packages to thousnds of employees, never happen...

I told you about 2 years ago, my doctor said I better have a contingency plan because my job isn't long for the world. No one listens, "yea yea yea, they have been saying that for years" is what I heard. Well yes they have, but every year technology gets better and more jobs go overseas. I don't "need" the job at this point, I do it for extra money and to keep my mind occupied. I am riding the horse till it dies, or I get sick enough of the BS and quit.

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