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Independent Contracting and Raises - J6pack

Posted: Oct 26, 2009

I am finally leaving the broken world of transcription vending to become an independent contractor once again.  I am so very fortunate enough to have benefits through my husband's employer, so it's the pay I am really missing.  Is it unreasonable to put a raise in the contract?  The hospital basically told me they are not contracting for as much $ as they used to (yet another slap in the face of my career), and kind of hinted that raises are a joke. 

When I follow the stimulus money going to health care and taking into consideration the incredible sharp increase in the cost of living, I do not understand why hospitals are being so cheap. 

Any advice regarding my contract would be greatly appreciated.

Good luck - DM

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Good luck and let me know how that goes with getting a raise included in your contract. I have been an IC for the past 8 years with a company (have been a CMT for 20 years) and even though I was promised in writing that I would get "regular increases" I have not had a single rate increase in 8 years. When I asked yet again this year I was told, "well, due to the economy..." !

IC raises - France

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I think it's a great idea. I would go for it, all they can say is no raises. I have also been an MT for 25 years, IC off and on. I have never had a raise as an IC without changing to a company that is paying more. At one time a few years ago I had my own accounts, but I had to pick up tapes and deliver the work daily or send it via computer, no middle man that way. Good luck

first, you have to change the phrasing - Snow Bunny

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An independent contractor doesn't "get a raise." They increase their line rate to the client.

You need to be upfront with the client at the very start and tell them that your rate will go up by "X" amount after a specified length of time, and that this will be written into the contract. You should also stipulate that the contract will automatically renew on the anniversary date, unless you are notified in writing 30 days in advance (by the client) that they will not renew their contract ... hence, there's no line rate increase. Of course, you should send them a reminder 3 months prior to the anniversary date, so they have ample opportunity to decide if they want to continue using your excellent service. If you're that good, they'll renew the contract.


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Thanks, Snow Bunny! I really am that good - I blew them away when I tested with their hardest doc. I can do anything they give me, and I am in the process of being hired. None of their MTs ever quit, and none will retire, but there is too much work, and the hospital wants me to take over the work that has gone to their vendor on a regular basis. I am so excited! If you have any sample contracts or any further advice, I would be extremely thankful!

Agree with Snowbunny. Get out of that employee mindset. You are a business, a service provider. nm - Deb

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