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Raises???? - Just_wondering

Posted: Jun 28, 2013

I have been working for a compnay since 12/2007.  In that period of time I have worked multiple accounts, learned multiple new software systems and have always gone above and beyond - working over/extra to ensure we stay in our TAT.  In the 5-1/2 years I have been working for them, I have not had a single line rate increase.  Is this the normal? 

Raises? - xx

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Sad but true, it is the norm. The only increase I ever got was 13 years ago with YOG. I asked for it and got 0.025 cpl raise. After that it's only been decreases for the sake of "being competitive".

Count your blessings your line rate hasn't DECREASED - sm

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Raises usually don't happen. I actually asked a job years ago about a raise and was told they would try to give me more lines so I could type more. Okay, lol, let me work more hours in order to make more money, God forbid they pay a little more.

It seems today though that you are lucky if they don't decrease your line rate, as that seems to be the norm today.

Have you asked? - Just do it!

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I would probably still be making my initial rate if I hadn't asked for a raise. So, if you haven't asked, you should, especially with all the extra you've taken on and you've proven yourself to be an asset to the company.

I'm as high as I can go with this particular company, so the only "raise" I can give myself now is through working more/harder to increase my line counts.

I think this must be the norm. - (see message)

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My hospital job was outsourced to DSG a couple years ago, which was then bought out by M-Modal. Up until I went with DSG, I had only ever known working for the hospital where we got annual raises...even if only 3%. As I was at the top of my range, mine was given in one lump sum of 3% of my annual salary.

Not too long after getting over the shock of being outsourced to DSG, I started to see the writing on the wall of how things worked at an MTSO. I asked my manager: So, will there be periodic pay increases? She replied that the way to increase my pay would be as I became faster and racked up more lines, but, basically, no, there weren't "routine" pay increases.

Ha! I'd been an MT for nearly 20 years and was one of the fastest producers at my hospital. You eventually reach a point at which you really can't do more lines, if you're a human being....which I am. :-D So....doing the math, the facts generally spell "no pay increases."

raise - MT10Y

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I also worked for the same company (I don't mean yours) for 5 years, doing extra when asked, learning new accounts, getting my CMT, and only had 1 increase in my line rate when I passed my CMT. Nothing after that at all. In fact, my pay decreased when they implemented a new system for how they paid you and I could never get ahead especially after the good accounts jumped ship and we were left with the horrible accounts. I finally left last fall. I'm PT now and making more money than I was FT at my old job (hourly pay!!) with much much less stress.

I've never known MT production pay to give raises. - hourly pay yes but even that sm

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in this day and age has been eliminated pretty much, from the yearly built-in cost-of-living to the incentive-to-stay merit raises. Not to mention the affordability factor of the orgainzation you work for - hospital or mtso? Hospitals are not paying a middle man between you and them.

always have been paid production and used to receive raises - till 2006

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All down hill from there!

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