A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry
My $13 prepaid Discover card came in the mail as thanks for not slitting my wrists while training on a new platform. It came with a whole sheet of paper listing the dozens of different places I can spend it at. There isn't a single store on the list I use LOL. That seems mathematically improbable. 90% of them don't even exist within a few hundred to thousand miles. The ones I do have don't apply to me.
13 dollars! 12 years. Tens of thousands of dollars earned for MModal. Significantly less for me. No health benefits either, so I haven't cost them much. Putting up with sound problems, ASR, lousy dictation, terrible advice, condescending emails, confusing foreign call centers, insane levels of quality nitpicking, discriminatory quality and production standards, corporate hypocrisy, and more.
Well, I'm going to go see if there are any employment lawyers that want a discount on a cruise.