A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

MT Poll - tinafrost

Posted: Dec 23, 2011

I am curious as to the status of other MTs around the country.  If you are a regular production-paid MT working as an employee or IC for a transcription company (i.e. not a team lead, supervisor, owner, etc.), I would appreciate your feedback in this little poll.

How many years have you been in this business?

What company do you currently work for?

What platform (if any) do you currently work with?

How many lines per hour do you average?

How many hours a week do you work?

What is your rate of pay (per line)?

If you make more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so?

I appreciate your time and honesty in responding to this little poll.  Thank you:)

OK, I'll play along - Ayn

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How many years have you been in this business?  13+

What company do you currently work for?  I am a hospital employee, but working from home.

What platform (if any) do you currently work with?  Dolbey Fusion for voice files, not sure (shame on me, I know) what the transcribing program is called, but it is Cerner/Word based (also use InstantText)

How many lines per hour do you average?  200 (no spaces)

How many hours a week do you work?  40

What is your rate of pay (per line)?  0.11 (no spaces)

If you make more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so?  All of the above - I work for a hospital directly rather than an MTSO, my line count is good, my pay rate is above average, we don't do VR/SR (yet), and I work full time.

MT Poll - tinafrost

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Thanks so much for your time. appreciate it very much:)

As AYN above, I also work directly for a hospital, - ACM

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only in-house and paid by the hour

12 years

Local hospital

Word-based program

200 to 250 lines per hour depending on assignment (we get assigned docs on a rotating basis)

40 hours a week

$18 an hour

Working directly for a hospital and not an MTSO, doing the same docs for years, and a great working environment

I also do IC part time, filling in for vacations and sick time, for 12 cpl at a local clinic

Poll - anon

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I use a foot and a half of toilet paper per use. Everything else is way too personal to have asked! I suspect ulterior motives. Merry Christmas! :)

Poll - tinafrost

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Thank you for the "reply"...you really didn't have to bother if you weren't interested in giving the info, and sorry to have raised your suspicion. I am an MT on an MT board wondering if anyone can help her evaluate her standing in this field, and what she might do to improve her situation. I have been in this business for 10 years and cannot seem ever to break the 25K ceiling and was curious to know if it is the companies I have worked for, the platforms I have used, the line rate I make, the amount of work I produce, the hours I work that keep from doing so, or whether I am just not really well suited for this line of work. I thought some MTs might be willing to share their secrets to success. No ulterior motives here, and a very happy holiday season to you as well. Thanks for playing:)

Wish you'd asked directly, then, instead of - sm

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making it a poll. In general (there are always exceptions), as it stands in MT right now, those still earning in the 30K+ range are more likely to be working directly for hospitals instead of MTSOs and doing straight transcription ... or, they are putting in 50-70 hour weeks and working for more than one company. All of the factors you've mentioned come into play, in addition to things like work availability. But if you've done this for 10 years, it's unlikely that you're unsuited for it. You'd have figured that out by now and given it up.
I Disagree. There's a high percentage of unqualified MTs who - Not the OP
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There is a high percentage of unqualified MTs who got into this kind of work because they stumbled into it, got into it temporarily because they had to work at home for some reason and never left, and those who call themselves MTs but have only had one job for 15-20 years and don't have the skills to get another job once that one folds.
Not to nit-pick, but - sm
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How can one have "[only] one job for 15-20 years" and NOT have the skills to get another? If they "call themselves MTs" but don't have the skills, I'd like to see what job can be held for that long without being cut loose. Unless you're talking clinic transcription vs. trying to get into acute care. Even then, I don't get the line of reasoning that indicates having had just one job for a decade or more means they are somehow less than MTs. I work with several who have had this particular position as their first and only MT job for MORE than 20 years and believe me, they have the skills -- and could easily get another job. That is, if the jobs existed.
I can give you one as an example - sm
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I got a copy of my own report. It was riddled with errors. I read it out loud to my friends and we all decided that it would have been hilarious if it hadn't been an actual report. The so-called medical transcriptionist had worked at that clinic for 15-20 years. I know because I asked. They thought she was great and introduced me to her. I didn't say why I was asking and was polite when we were introduced. She was very nice. That doctor retired. She suddenly disappeared. I know for a fact that no doctor I've ever worked for would have accepted those kinds of errors. I think she could be called a person who works in the office and does some typing or she could be called a medical transcriptionist, a very poor one. There are many more just like her, some waiting to retire. They got in before skills mattered.
Not everyone who calls themselves a medical transcriptionist is one - No doubt about that
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I think most of us have always known that.
I must admit we have some dead weight around here, too. nm - CMTx2
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Nit-pik - Tammie
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I worked part time at a neuro clinic some years ago. The ladies in the MT department amazed me! How could they distinguish some of the things said and what the tests meant was amazing. THEN I got my own account, a family practice. One of the ladies wanted to do some side work at home. She was horrible!!! All she had ever done was neuro. She learned on the job and as a result couldn't do any other specialty. That's what I thought when I read same job 10+ years but not being qualified.
I think there's a couple of things going on - sm
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Obviously there are some good people in the wrong place who are losing jobs or making less money than they should.

There are also people who never should have been doing this kind of work at all. They don't have the skills for it. They also don't have the motivation, patience, and/or a lot of other requirements that most people don't realize you have to have if you are going to do well as a medical transcriptionists.

Some of them might have done very well, but they got in on the wrong foot, with poor training. On the job I've met dozens of would-be MTs who went through courses at community colleges, which was popular for a number of years, and got just a hint of what medical transcription is all about. Most either failed at it or never got anyone to hire them because their course didn't cover enough. Some that I've met over the years did get jobs, but constantly struggle. The course they took was more of a disadvantage to them than if they hadn't taken any course at all, because they believed they were prepared for a job when they weren't. Now it's too late for them to fix up their training because they've already spent too much time on the poor training. They also are too discouraged to try again. They'll never know if they would have liked it or not.

Then there are people like me who are burned out and ready to do something new and different. Coding really interests me now because all of the skills that make a person a great medical transcriptionist are advantages in learning and working as a medical coder. I am kicking myself for not becoming a coder years ago when I went through a time of being burned out with MT.

Poll - NYMT

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How many years have you been in this business? 22

What company do you currently work for?
Directly for a system of two hospitals.

What platform (if any) do you currently work with? Platform?

How many lines per hour do you average?
200-300, depending on the dictator, mostly closer to 200.

How many hours a week do you work?40-50

What is your rate of pay (per line)?
11 cents up to 1000, 12 cents 1001 through 1500, 13 cents over 1500 (incentive? Yes!)

If you make more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so? The luck of finding the right position has a lot to do with it. I've got it good, and I know it! But I'm also meticulous and flexible and make sure that I'm the one they want to keep!

Response from Maine - Pine Sap...emphasis on the sap

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How many years have you been in this business? Ten years.

What company do you currently work for?
I work at home for small local MTSO.

What platform (if any) do you currently work with? Proprietary word-based program that is the bomb diggety to use.

How many lines per hour do you average?
200-300 depending on report type/dictator, straight typing only, no speech recognition, acute care only.

How many hours a week do you work? 30-35

What is your rate of pay (per line)?
9 cents.

If you make more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so? I just do the work and don't dink around. No clicky clacky, no money honey.

Stealing your line!!! - JustTryingToGetBy

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Just do the work and don't dink around. No clicky clacky, no money honey.


Pretty fond of the "bomb diggety" comment too, but don't have anywhere to use that ... yet! LOL!!

MT Poll - tinafrost

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Thank you so much for the information. I have noticed more than 1 or 2 responses that included working directly for the hospital instead of the MTSO...I really had no idea there was such a big difference in the line rates either. The highest I have ever made is .0925 (until they went VR and cut that in half). Thanks again for the information and have a happy holiday:)

30 years... - anon

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I have been in this business for nearly 30 years. Started out as an X-ray typist for a huge hospital, moved on to general medical and then owner of small MTSO with contracts for small rural hospitals for 15 years. Big business came in with lots of promises and cheap rates (outsourced) and we were out of business, like so many small services.

In this year alone, 2011, I have seen 5 HUGE hospitals/medical facilities go to VR, and its like a snowball. Medical transcription as we have known it will be a blip in history soon. I have spent the last year and a half attending "real college", not some online course for coding,to position myself at 55 years old to be able to continue to provide for myself. Self-employed can't collect unemployment....I will graduate with an associates degree, be qualified to sit for the RHIT and coding exams by June of 2012 and be on my way OUT OF THE MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION FIELD. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner because I have known for years this was the future.

Don't sit there and believe all those promises of "our docs will never go VR/SR"...docs are employees anymore, just like we are. They don't make the decisions anymore, they get a paycheck just like we do. And, all this EHR stuff, its not a flash in the pan, its GOVERNMENT MANDATED and billions of dollars up for grabs. Its not an option, its THE LAW, be EHR compliant by 2013, as well as coding changes to ICD-10 by 2013 and many, many coders not up for the transition, requires quite a bit of continuing ed and recertification and some old coders just said enough, and are retiring.

As far as VR/SR don't be fooled...doctors don't even know they are dictating to speech recognition!! read up on it. Why do you think they are cutting transcriptionists pay 2/3 and then some?? As soon as they pay for the software its all profit. They have "us" sitting in the backroom making sure the speech recognition got it right and try to blow smoke up our nose that its gonna make our jobs so much easier, NOT....easier maybe but can't make a living.

I really have done this for nearly 30 years and I'm telling you to run, not walk, run to some education in another field, or Wal-Mart where you can make at least minium wage cause it isn't in the medical transcription field, or anywhere else but transcription.

Those of you who still have the hopsital jobs making good line count and have a "false sense of security" I encourage you to be alert...I am praying my little backup job that still pays a decent amount for transcription doesn't go VR before June of 2012 so I can get on to my coding career and be done with transcription.

I have yet to see anyone make any money with VR/SR editing...run, go to school and get an education in something else, NOT EHR SOMETHING TRAINING THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST...EHR is not a "thing" in and of itself, it is an "electronic health record" and they are "programs", not some generic computer application that you can get training online with some scam "educational software." There are hundreds of EHR PROGRAMS so don't be fooled into some scam program to "train for EHR"...its a scam.

My choice to go with coding and be legitmately trained on ICD-10 was to be able to use my experience, but be very, very careful about buying any kind of "online" training programs. They have to be "credentialed" by AHIMA and if it doesn't say that, don't buy anything. Very few programs/facilities/higher education programs are "credentialed by AHIMA"....be sure of what you are buying.

Hope I gave you a little insight into the rapidly declining world of medical transcription.

Re: Your analysis; thanks for your wisdom! - Normarae

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Thanks for your honest and cogent analysis of the field of medical transcription as you've experienced it, and your most likely accurate prediction for its future (demise!)
I appreciate your taking the time to share your most astute advice. Best of luck with your schooling and new career goals; I am sure you will achieve!

20 years - MJINATL

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I too want to thank you for the very FACTUAL input regarding transcription.....or the demise of it. I too (at 53 years of age) will be taking coding classes in 2012, but hoping I can get through this transcription/VR as the basis of my income UNTIL I can be that certified coder.

You have reason to be bitter, but some of your information is wrong - about coding

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You've got a few facts mixed up about coding and it sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder about something. I'm not sure what. I'm truly sorry that you've had so many failures in your MT career. It may be that you've made some poor choices along the way. You're not going to be doing anything with ICD-10 right now because the best of authorities say it's much too early to be taking an ICD-10 course. It sounds as if you're so angry about whatever it is that it has caused you to get your facts wrong. Your advice is flawed.

MTSO SUIT ALERT !!! - anon

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I am actually paying college tuition for my "facts". It doesn't take a genius to recognize that you are a "suit". Peddle your "propoganda" somewhere else.

Bitter, somewhat yes, but thats life....just doing what I can to move on.

Oh, and both my daughters transcribe as well and they both have been transitioned to VR in the last three months and desperately looking for other jobs outside transcription. The writing is on the wall and there are too many people saying the same thing I said, 3 cpl is not even close to minimum wage...good luck with continuing to sell that fairy tale.
I believe she was referring to your CODING info being incorrect - Drop the "SUIT SUIT!!!" henny penny act please
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Some of you must have "suit," "liar" and "management" on notepad and just copy and paste it anytime someone posts something you fail to agree with.

I believe the poster was saying some of your CODING INFORMATION was incorrect. She wasn't referring to MT, VR, EST, ETA, DOA or anything else, as far as I could tell. Just CODING.

Also, I was perusing the coding board and indeed there IS at least one place (it might be Andrews) that is offering ICD10 preliminary training combined with ICD9.

As far as your "real" degree versus what you apparently look down on as an "online" coding degree, you might want to really peruse the coding board. I seem to recall several posts on there that indicate Andrews or MTec, one of those places, have graduates that are hired very quickly because their coding courses are every bit as stellar as their transcription courses.

Please, before you burst a vessel, the next time read the entire post before you get all fired up and start responding to something that isn't even relevant to what the other party posted.

No wonder claws come out and catfights start here so quickly...Sometimes I wonder if half the posters here even both reading an entire post before they're frothing at the mouth and hitting the "Post a Reply" button. Kinda scary, considering the line of work we're in.

There's good information about coding on the coding board - nm

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There's an active coding board here with some good information on it.

You can't say it was bad choices. - cindy

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I don't think the original poster that you were responding to has a crystal ball and could foresee that the jobs she was hired by were going to go to voice recognition. I have had one hospital that I worked for through the MTSO and a 6 doctor office that I worked for go to VR and believe me, they get it and after a week we are out of there. That's how fast they get this thing going.

Making money on VR - ICMT

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I make excellent money on VR, usually earn close to 8cpl and most times hitting 600+ lines an hour. We have a great support system and training system in place. I've done VR for other companies and my production was 300-400 lph and 5 cpl. I won't take a job making less than 5 cpl for vr. But even that was $20+ an hour which ain't too shabby :)

MT Poll - tinafrost

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Thank you so much for actually saying it...I have been afraid of that for so many years, but have been "assured" by so many superiors that it just wasn't going to happen...shame on me for being so naive while my line rates were cut in half and my job became nothing more than "training" a computer program to replace me!

my reply - rayray

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How many years have you been in this business?  10+

What company do you currently work for?  An medium-size MTSO

What platform (if any) do you currently work with?  Dictaphone Enterprise Express Editor

How many lines per hour do you average?  Probably 250

How many hours a week do you work?  About 40

What is your rate of pay (per line)?  VR = 0.065.  Traditional = 0.09  (I average 2/3 VR and 1/3 traditional work.)

If you make more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so?  Nuvigil, caffeine and 5-Hour Energy.


MT poll - ICMT

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How many years have you been in this business? 34

What company do you currently work for?


What platform (if any) do you currently work with? Proprietary MTapp.

How many lines per hour do you average?

How many hours a week do you work? 30

What is your rate of pay (per line)? 9

If you make more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so? years of practice, use of shortcuts.

My response - CB

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(I'll go with info from my last company since I've only been with my present one for 6 months).

How many years have you been in this business? 20+

What company did you work for? NSMT 1993-2011.

What platform did you work with? DOS, then Word, then Dictaphone ExText and ExSpeech.

How many lines per hour did you average? 300+ for text, 450+ for VR.

How many hours a week did you work? 40+

What was your rate of pay (per line)? 8 text/6 VR and 9/7 on weekends. With spaces, headers, and footers.

If you made more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so? Experience, speed, accuracy. Also, what I now know wasn't the norm due to these large national MTSOs changing things: We worked for one large hospital/clinic for all those years, so absolute familiarity with all the doctors. No nitpicky QA. Doctors weren't required to supply specifics. Headings and format were the same for everyone, except for the handful out of 400+ physicians that wanted theirs done a bit differently. You simply transcribed what they dictated (IMAGINE!). No QA rules or pages of specifics that don't affect patient care, no ever-changing BOS rules, etc. And guess what? Everybody was happy. Great platform too (better than the MS-Modal one I'm on now). No time-consuming ADT/adding patient information. Name/MR number/DOB, age. etc populated automatically with the information doctor supplied when he dictated. No time-consuming loading of voice files or uploading work. You transcribed, hit enter, and your next patient was ready to start. Unfortunately, our company was one affected by point-and-click EMR.

MT Poll - tinafrost

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Thank you so much for your time and information. I really do appreciate your response.

You're welcome.. (sm) - CB

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I know this is information I would have appreciated when I had to familiarize myself with the current MT industry after 20+ years with the same company. I personally have no problem saying positive things about companies I work(ed) for or sharing info if I feel it is helping fellow MTs out. I'm not quite sure why those who are so suspicious are responding at all? If it was me, I wouldn't bother replying.

Your "little" poll - something not right about it - see message

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Why in the world would you need this information? What are you going to be using it for? What are the ulterior motives behind this? You asked some pretty personal questions. Some that should not be in a normal poll. This does not sound like you are just curious, it's just too nosy. Your trick question of finding out what people get paid is about as personal as asking someone their SSN or how many times they have sex in a week. And now that you have the names of companies that people work for what are you going to be doing with it?

I'm really surprised that people are so ready to give up this information to a complete stranger. You don't need to know who we work for or how much money we make. And your reply to some of the posters was a typical sales response (i.e. "Thank you so much for your time and information."). I got that line when I took a phone survey last week.

Something just not right about a stranger wanting such personal information.


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you can nit-pick my posts to death, but read the boards....pick out the MTSO Suits, its very easy. Medical Transcription is dead..you will be a VR editor OR typing ESL ALL DAY LONG UNTIL DEATH DO YOU PART !!!!!!! Wal-Mart Greeter here I come.

It is no shame to be a Wal-Mart Greeter - sm

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I've seen some former executives working as greeters in stores. There is nothing shameful about it in this economy. If you decide to do it, I hope you are as gracious and helpful as the ones I've encountered.

Future of Medical Transcription AGAIN - anon

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This is my response to a lady who emailed me regarding coding school and asked if I thought a 65 year old could become a coder...?

Hi ____, I will tell you that there are people your age in my classes. I don't know anything about any of the online "schools" to offer any advice there. This is what I know....the school "must be AHIMA credentialed" or you can't sit for the AHIMA coding certifications. You can take all the coding classes you can find but you must submit your qualifications to sit for the coding certifications which are through AHIMA ONLY....www.ahima.org I would never try to take coding online. It is true that we will be learning ICD-9 in addition to ICD-10 but you must have ICD-10 certification by 2013, its the law. They say ICD-10 is so different from ICD-9 that its like learning to write Japanese. You can go to their website and they have tons of info on there, the ONLY CODING CERTIFICATION THAT IS RECOGNIZED IS THROUGH AHIMA. there is a lot on there but look under the "schools and acacemics" tab and "approved coding certificate programs". Those are the ONLY programs, whatever AHIMA has listed, that are legitimate for coding. You can take 100 online coding programs but AHIMA won't allow you to take the coding tests and become certified.!!!

I am enrolled in our local junior college where they have a HIT (Health Information Technology) Program specifically tailored to the RHIT certifications as well as the coding certifications. If all goes well, I will have an "associates degree",sit for the RHIT certification, and at least 2 coding certifications by July of this next year. And, I HAVE to take the coding and RHIT certification through AHIMA also, they are the only accrediting/governing body for coding certs. Thats why I'm saying don't get fooled into buying any garbage online junk.

Best of luck, and yes I think you can do it. I've been in school for the last 5 semesters and I have had to take algebra, Anatomy and Physiology, Pathophysiology, English, Speech and the whole nine yards to get an actual degree plus I needed to be able to get some grants and school loans to do this cause its extremely time consuming but I know I made the right choice to do it this way and not risk trying to do something online on my own.

the 65-year-old lady (actually 66)! - jan2

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Wow! Thank you so much. I was ready to go with Andrews! You have helped me make a decision, finally! I will take all your advice and go with it. God bless you!

If you go to the Coding Board, you will see why this is incorrect information - nm

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incorrect info - jan2

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Tell me more. Don't make me hunt for info (smiley face)!
The coding board is one click away, to your left - Not the OP
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If you will look to the left of your screen, you will see a list of different boards. Click on the one that says Coding/Medical Billing. That's where all of the coders hang out. There really is a lot of good information on there. I go there often.
Why are coders so upset about MTs trying - to become coders?
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This website is for MTs. If coders "hang out" on the tab to the left, why are they so hostile about MTs trying to get into "their" field? They give advice on how mistaken an MT may be in their thinking, yet do not give examples of how to move forward. Help another one out, will ya?

AHIMA list of approved coding education programs - anon

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Straight from AHIMA website

Andrews graduates routinely get their CCS through AHIMA - sm

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Someone is giving you some really bad information.


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AHIMA is the last word on anything coding. If Andrews is listed on AHIMA then I agree, but I'm not buying anything unless its listed on AHIMA web site. Take note also, TECHNICAL SCHOOLS we all know who they are,cost THOUSANDS more than your local junior college. Plus I have the benefit of being in a program with significant clout in the extremely large metropolitan area I live in. I did my homework before I chose to spend my significant amount of time, brain cells, and money to achieve this goal.
You're wrong again. Please see inside from AHIMA website - Researcher
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I went to the AHIMA web site as you suggested. I went to Credentials and then 'Eligibility' and found this for the CCS exam:

Eligibility Requirements

CCS exam candidates must have earned a high school diploma from a United States high school or have an equivalent educational background.

Although not required, it is strongly recommended that candidates have at least three years of on-the-job experience in:

Hospital-based inpatient coding for multiple case types (for example, circulatory, pregnancy, neoplasms, genitourinary, musculoskeletal, respiratory, and endocrine, nutritional and metabolic diseases, and immunity disorders)
Hospital-based Ambulatory/Outpatient Care coding for multiple case types (for example, eye, musculoskeletal, integumentary, ENT, injury and poisoning, cardiac catheter, interventional radiology, and pain management)
Completed coursework in anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, and pharmacology, or demonstrated proficiency in these areas

She's also has some other wrong facts as well - sm
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AHIMA is not the only word on coding. There is another credentialing organization, AAPC. Many schools teach toward those credentials, which include the CPC. I'm afraid she has some instructors who have told her some wrong information, possibly because they don't know better.
I'm glad I read up on this... - blondie
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I had started with a couple classes at my local community college last semester. I was working toward an AA degree in HIM. Well, to get the cert in RHIT, it requires an accredited school to sit for the exam. The community college I was attending is NOT accredited for that. I could sit for the coding certification but not the RHIT cert. So I looked through those approved schools and there is one in my state that offers classes online but I would have to go to an exam center for the tests, which is no problem. The college is Meridian Community College in MS. So I'm glad I read into that because I would have been so disappointed if I had went through 2 years and couldn't take that RHIT exam. On another note, when reading eligibility requirements for CCA coding cert exam, it said you CAN take a course not accredited by AHIMA BUT that is just for CCA credentials and not the RHIT that I want. But they do have courses and schools they DO recommend for coding with a certificate on graduation. I'm glad I went to their site. I am gonna take the prerequisites locally at college then take that degree that is accredited for the actual program classes.
Clarification - RHIA, CCS
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Hi, I just want to clarify what you said above -- "On another note, when reading eligibility requirements for CCA coding cert exam, it said you CAN take a course not accredited by AHIMA BUT that is just for CCA credentials and not the RHIT that I want."

Are you certain your local college is not accredited for HIT? I ask because it would be very unusual (almost unheard of) for a college to offer HIT courses and NOT be accredited. If there is an HIT program, it is probably accredited or seeking accreditation. In other words, they expect to receive it soon and current students would be covered. Be sure about that before you switch schools.

Just to be clear about the requirements for the CCA . . . yes, you can attend a course which is not accredited by AHIMA, but that isn't entirely accurate. You don't have to attend any course at all for any of their coding certifications (CCA, CCS, and CCS-P). Check the eligibility requirements closely. All you MUST have is a high school diploma.

If a college has an accredited HIT program, that program will include coding courses. If the college also offers a coding certificate program, it will usually consist of the same coding and coding-related courses that the HIT students take.

Be careful that you don't confuse a "coding certificate" program with coding certification. A coding certificate program is usually 9 months and you get a certificate of completion when you finish. This can be confusing. A lot of prospective students think the wording "coding certificate" means the course automatically gives you a certification in coding or that it means the course is required for certification. While you have to learn coding somehow, and a coding certificate course is one way to do that, those programs aren't required. You can take your CCA/CCS no matter how you learned.

You're correct about the RHIT--you do need to attend an AHIMA-accredited program in order to take the RHIT and/or RHIA exams. If you have a bachelor's degree in any field, though, you do not need to do the RHIT program before the RHIA program. There are several colleges which have an HIM or HIA-certificate program allowing you to quality for the RHIA exam. Those programs can be as long or longer than the last 2 years of college, or can be less. If you are interested in that, the University of Toledo has one of those programs, and it offers in-state tuition to all online students.

There is something else you might want to consider before doing the RHIT program. HIT and HIM in general are gravitating toward offering more and more information technology courses. It is because of the growing importance of the EHR. Few programs offer the RHIA program focusing primarily on IT yet, but one does. If you think you might want to be ahead of the job market and have a really up-to-date degree, consider the bachelor's degree that Western Governors University offers. They have a strong presence in IT to begin with, and this program builds on that background. It is an accredited program, is totally online, and you can truly work at your own pace. If you're bright and motivated -- which you probably are since you are an MT -- you might be able to complete that entire program in not much more time than it would take you to do the RHIT program where you plan to do it. They are not a diploma mill, offer excellent student support, and the tuition is actually very reasonable. It is based on achieving competency in the subject areas, not on sitting in a chair for a semester, so it suits independent, motivated students. You MT experience would probably help ryou finish the course faster. It would also give you enough college work to allow you to begin a master's degree program.

You are on the right track with your career planning, but you might not have seen all the options. They're not easy to find. Yes, the 2-year program is good and, yes, it will provide coding training, but I did want you to be aware of the other two options. Your eventual marketability is important, so spend your educational time wisely. If I were doing it again, I'd do the WGU IT RHIA program. You'll see more and more programs like that as time goes on.

andrews - jan2

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Why don't I see Andrews listed on AHIMA website under approved coding education programs?
You would have to ask them why they have chosen not to apply - MT/Coder
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The way I understand it is, not all schools want to teach in separate courses for all of the different sections of the course: terminology, A&P, pathophysiology, inpatient coding, outpatient coding, pharmacology, etc. The Andrews course is integrated throughout and not in separate courses. In other words, they don't teach in semesters with the student taking certain prerequisite courses before they get to enter the coding course and then maybe taking the terminology course one semester and pathophysiology the next, etc.

Most schools also don't teach to the level of the Andrews course, meaning to the level so that the graduates are able to pass the CCS and CPC exams right out of school. I believe that's one of the reasons why they don't want to change the way their program is designed. Call them and ask though. I may not have explained it very well. That's the way I understand it though.
Good advice about contacting Andrews. Thats what I did. - MTLC
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I have been an MT for 28 years and started researching coding over a year ago.

I would highly recommend reviewing the information on the coding/medical billing forum on this site. I even did a search for coding and andrews and got lots of good archival info. I also have researched the courses offered on the AAPC web site and the coding course offered through Career Step.

When I am ready, I will be choosing Andrews for coding instruction.

The goal of course is to be as job ready as possible once I finish a course. My research has led me to believe Andrews will help me the most to accomplish that.

From what I have observed about this school and its graduates, this is what I think: WHAT they teach prepares students to take the tests to become credentialed as CPC and CCS. HOW they teach is to train a person to think, reason and research like a coder.
Because . . . - Coder
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Why don't you see Andrews listed on the AHIMA list? Hard to say, exactly, but there are several possible reasons. My guess is that they simply chose not to apply for it.

Approval programs aren't cheap--the school incurs a significant expense for the application and for the additional effort and manpower required to keep up with it. For a small school, that raises tuition to unreasonable levels. Some approvals may also require the program to teach exactly what the approving organization prescribes and do so in the way they want it done--programs may be reluctant to spend time teaching things they feel aren't job-relevant. They may also be unable to gain access to, say, a learning lab or some online software that the approving organization has and which it requires be used in its programs.

Perhaps you should evaluate the program for its content and success rate in preparing students for success on the job and on credentialing exams.

As other posts have already noted, attendance at an approved program is NOT required for ANY coding credentials from either organization.
so very true - MJINATL
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You are VERY on point with this information as I had spoken with AHIMA last week regarding differences between AHIMA credentialed schools and other schools/courses. AHIMA explained to me this: "Just because a school is not listed here on AHIMA's website does NOT mean that that is NOT a great course. It just means WE (meaning AHIMA) do not know what they are teaching". And as you said - it costs a LOT of money, time and effort for a school/course to be 'credentialed' through AHIMA. That too was out of the mouth of Career Step (who is now 'credentialed' through AHIMA (He says it took 5 years to become 'credentialed' through AHIMA!
A bit more - sm
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Actually, saying it means they do not know what they are teaching is a bit derogatory.

It might be more accurate to say that it just means they did not apply.

Re: a bit more - MJINATL
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Might be derogatory, but those were the lady's exact words from AHIMA.
Interesting information... - jj
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Just a disclaimer--I don't know for Sure why Andrews is not "approved" by AHIMA. I'm guessing that it's a bigger p.i.t.a. than it's worth.

Anyway, I was nosing around and found this: http://www.ahima.org/schools/ACCPDescribe.aspx

It's a "How to become an approved coding course" page. I uploaded the PDF file and skimmed through it...it's 33 pages long, so I didn't read it word-by-word; however, two things really stuck out, which MAY explain, in part, why Andrews hasn't gone for Ahmia approval...

1. In order to be an approved course, the school must be able to accept Federal financial aid--best to my knowledge, Andrews Does Not do federal aid.

2. Every approved course must be able to provide their students with professional practice experience/internship, which I don't think Andrews does... I mean being an online course, how would they even be able to coordinate an in-house internship throughout the country? IMO.

So that's what I've found. I do suggest that you speak with Linda if you haven't already. She would be your best source for information--what I really have is only speculation based on Ahima's stated requirements.

Good luck!
Door No. 1 - sm
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No. 1, the federal financial aid, is a good guess. It is about the biggest PITA around fr a school.

No. 2, the PPE, isn't as much of a problem. If it was AHIMA could not approve themselves. If you noticed, the online course AHIMA offers, which is so completely online that it has no instructor support, is approved. Most college programs are effectively online, too, enrolling students from distant locations. Finding employers willing to offer internships is nearly impossible for security reasons. They just allow a virtual internship. A school can pay AHIMA to use their online lab for this. A school could create their own, I suppose.

If you look at these issues you might see a philosophical difference. Is it a good thing to accept federal financial aid if it would drive up tuition costs and result in students being burdened with loan repayments? Especially if the increased cost resulted from administrative expenses administering the aid program rather than learning? Or is it better for students to offer affordable tuition for a quality program with a payment plan so that they graduate without incapacitating debt? I believe Andrews does the latter.

An internship on site would be nice, but do those really translate into improved employment prospects or better cert exam scores? What does that become with a virtual internship? A lab exercise? If a school offers a lot of work anyway, is there a point to moving it into a "course"and calling it a PPE? It is not an internship in the true sense, and not what was originally intended, and does not do the same thing, so . . . hmm. Is this maybe a distortion of reality? Of course, I do not know what Andrews thinks, but it would seem to me that they have managed to structure a course that works well without calling part of it an internship. Maybe it is just a problem with when or how you do something and what name you give it.

If you look around in those 33 pages can you see anything that says or implies that Anatomy, med terms, and the other basic sciences have to be taught first before coding?

Bad information.. - jj

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Not all of your information is correct.

In order to sit for coding certification Exams, you do NOT need to go through an AHIMA approved course. Also, AHIMA is not the only group that certifies coders, there are also exams you can take through AAPC and you do NOT need to take an approved AAPC course either.

To be completely frank, one can self-study coding and take the exams, although I don't know why someone would take this route.

When you are looking at a schooling program, make sure to find out if the graduates of said program PASS the Exams! The piece of paper that says "I graduated from xyz in coding" does not mean you are a certified coder.

Now, in order to be eligible to SIT for the RHIT or RHIA, one MUST complete an AHIMA approved course--that part of your post is correct. However, while RHIT/RHIA courses do teach Some coding, it may not be in-depth enough for you to pass the Coding Exams (which are different from the RHIA/T Exams). I know my local community college, which is AHIMA approved, does not teach enough coding for the students to pass the CPC or CCS.

Thank you, JJ for your excellent message that clears things up - Thanks!

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You cleared things up beautifully. This was so helpful. Thank you again.
Anytime! Thank you for your thank you! =] - jj
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never meant this to be about coding... - anon

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I gave my opinion on the future of medical transcription and what I was doing for myself to hopefully ensure my employability for the next 10 years, knowing full-well that coders will more than likely be "auditors" in the next few years, which is where I hope my experience will give me a leg up. I have had to take all the regular college courses plus pathophysiology, A&P 1 and 2, biology, Speech, English, and on and on before I even got to coding.

Program Director is on the board of AHIMA so I'm pretty sure I'm in good hands in a program with lots of clout in a huge metropolitan area.

I still say run for the hills from transcription, you will be lucky to make minimum wage doing VR Editing.

I'm done now, take from it what you will.
I would disagree with the facts you gave in this message as well - sm
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This time you have claimed that "knowing full well" and then you put in a disclaimer of "will more than likely be" auditors. You may hope that will be the case, but it's reaching pretty far to say "knowing full well" about it.

When you say that you are in a program with a lot of clout, that's not exactly a ringing endorsement that they are going to give you a job. The fact that they are important and they have clout doesn't exactly mean that it will rub off on you when it comes time to get a job. They can only hire so many of their graduates. If they are claiming that because of their "clout" you will be practically guaranteed a job, I would question it. I think you have jumped to so many conclusions in all of your posts today that your ideas lack credibility. Even so, I hope everything goes well with you and your studies.
Yes, you DID intend it to be about coding. - More Credentials Than You
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Yes, I think you did intend your post to be about coding. If you hadn't, you wouldn't have gone on about it as long as you did. I seem to recall that you have done this before, were corrected, and STILL you persist in foisting your misinformation on others.

We suggested that you look up the correct information on the AHIMA website, but you do not seem to have done that. Nearly every word of what you say is incorrect--astonishingly so.

RHIA program director in large metropolitan area or not, if she is telling you these things, the only response I have is to say "How very sad!"

The AHIMA-versus-AAPC feud ended years ago. I thought everyone knew that, but apparently your college program didn't get the news.

Hon, in 10 years you will be in the same boat as well - CODER
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MT and coders will both be obsolete by 2020, no doubt.
While it's true that your own MT/coding job may be obsolete very soon - the same is not true for others
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Attitude and skills make a lot of difference between a failing career and a successful one. We see evidence of that on this board every day. We each get to choose on which side of that we fall.
Attidtude and skills can't hold a candle to the almighty dollar and future technology. - no
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Attitude....spelling was off, LOL - no
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No problem with the spelling but you'd be surprised how much attitude/skills matter - One Who Knows
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Attitude and skills matter. I wish everyone had the opportunity to work with a group of MTs. You would come out of it with a completely different understanding of just how much both attitude and skills really matter. There are huge numbers of so-called MTs who really aren't qualified. There are others, qualified and not qualified, who have attitudes that make them horrible to deal with, even if it's limited to phone and e-mail. Whenever there is a break that can be given to someone, it's only natural to look for the ones who have the skills, good work ethics, and a pleasant attitude, regardless of how many years of experience they have. The experience isn't really important to me when it all comes down to it. The skills really matter, and without the work ethics and good attitude, the skills don't count for much. That's something many MTs just don't understand. "I've always done it this way and if it was good enough for my last employer, it's good enough for you." "You're nitpicking." "I'm not a child. It's none of your business why I didn't check in at the time you insisted on scheduling me."

You had to take algebra---to be a coder? - Oh my!

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That makes no sense whatsoever. You could have been using that time learning to code. At least that's what I would have done.

Algebra for HIT. - Rainy

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I looked into an AHIMA-approved school near me and for an associates degree in health info technology, and the math prerequisite included knowledge of algebra. Does not appear to be required for Andrews' coding course.
It depends on what you are going after.... - anon
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I wanted the associates degree, to be able to sit for the RHIT certification and sit for however many coding certs I can handle. And....cost is definitely a factor. I can't speculate on Andrews but I would put some money that its pretty expensive compared to community college. And, no degree, only a certificate of completion.

I may want to go on and do an online Bachelor's HIT degree in a couple of years so for me it was cost, do I want to only have a coding certification, I want a bunch of letters after my name...
Andrews is $3,800 and one year which is pretty fast - to become a CCS
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If the goal is to get a job as a coder, the best thing to do is to focus on the coding rather than all of the other extraneous requirements. It's always possible to do that later and pay for it with money made working as a credentialed coder, CCS and CPC.
I've found that with coding, only the credentials matter to employers - At the end of the day
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All they want is that CCS and occasionally the CPC. That makes their eyes bug out at the interview.
However, if you wanted to go into management - Please see message
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If you wanted to go into management, an Associates Degree won't do it but a Bachelor's (maybe) but probably more like a Masters is going to be required. Then you have to consider that there aren't many management jobs and even those have been combined recently because of cost-cutting measures in hospitals.
the next two years will tell..for all of us!! - anon
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Coding will undergo as big a transition as transcription with the implementation of ICD-10. The coding software is good, really good. Like VR/SR software is good, really good. So, the consensus is that coders will then become "auditors" just as transcriptionists have become "VR/SR editors" and before that we morphed into "medical language specialists"..and I never got my notice in the mail.

Wish me luck, I'm working my butt off to get there, but I have faith it will be worth it cause its pretty clear where transcription will be in two years.
Being a Coding Auditor Is Nothing Close To a VR/SR Editor - MT/Coder
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I don't think you have a good grasp of what a coding auditor does and how that job fits into the whole scheme. Many coders do auditing as part of their jobs. It isn't a negative.
I agree -- auditing is NOT a negative - MT-Coder 2
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You're correct, auditing is not a negative. Frankly, if some software can find the codes by itself, I'd be pleased. Looking up numbers is kind of boring, anyway.

One thing everyone needs to remember is that "anon" isn't a coder yet -- she's still a student.

For those of you who do not know, this is how the college course/HIT credential/coding credential sequence works. When she finishes her associate-degree course -- if she finishes it -- she can take the RHIT exam. The pass rate on that exam is very low. Some grads never pass it. If she passes it, she has an RHIT. Whether she has the RHIT or not, she can get a job in a medical records department shelving records, making copies, and possibly an entry-level coding job, or coding assisting job. The RHIT is not required for those jobs. In fact, a lot of med recs grads never take the RHIT because they get hired and then can't see why they should take the exam if there isn't any reason to do so. Most places aren't going to pay you more.

The RHIT is an entry-level credential, too--it is lower than a coding credential. Even if she gets it, she will then need to pass a coding certification exam. She will probably aim for the CCA because that will be what most colleges recommend, following the belief that 3 years of working experience are necessary before anyone can pass the CCS. It will thus be several years before all these credentials come home to roost. In other words, several years before anon has experience to back up what she's talking about.

You'll probably do fine. - sm
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I wouldn't have done it the way you are doing because getting real coding skills and getting a job using them makes more sense. I think if you had done a little more research you might have gone a different direction. However, you are where you are, and you're obviously motivated. I think you will have to make the best out of a bad situation, because the course you are on is more academic than practical. Very few people in degree programs are able to pass the credentials tests until they have 2-3 years of work experience. It's hard to get that first job without credentials. Because of your MT experience I think you may be able to find a job in a clinic or hospital department doing work related to coding. You can augment your studies of actual coding until you get to the point where you can pass one of the tests. That will help. Then you can work on the next one. Once you have the CCS under your belt, you should do fine. I wouldn't have done it the way you are doing it, but I'll bet you will be one of the exceptions. You'll make it work. You said you've been working hard. Just don't depend on all of the coursework alone. Get some solid coding in there too. That's what will pay off with a job. Good luck to you!

I think you're going to be badly disappointed in the RHIT certification - See message

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I found out about a really terrific coding job and called an MT friend of mine who was an RHIT. I thought surely she would be a good candidate for that job. She told me, "They didn't teach us much about coding. I don't know how to code well enough to actually do it." Her RHIT got her nowhere, but she does very well as an MT.

And this is exactly why employers want - Credentialed Coders

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A lot of RHITs and RHIAs simply cannot code. There just isn't enough coding offered in those programs.

Employers know this and want to see coding credentials. They'll take an RHIT or RHIA who has been working as a coder for some time, but they prefer coding credentials in addition.

Not sure why some are saying this info is too personal - sm

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That is just a bit odd to me. Anyway, I am unemployed and have had the wonderful experience of my pay going down (not even staying steady) in the 17 years I have been at this. Very sad:(

Because.... - sm

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She/he is asking who we work for and how much money we make a year. Its none of his/her business. To give out such personal information to a complete stranger without knowing the ulterior motives behind it is just not right. Where is this information going to be used. I sure don't want a stranger to know where I work, how much money I make, what my hours are, etc. It's one thing to be talking to a friend in person and say Oh yeah, I work for so-n-so. Totally a different thing to give this information to a stranger you don't know who could be from India trying to get your job. You just don't give out personal information to strangers you don't know. What's next, letting them know where you hide your house key and when you won't be home? Cmon, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out there are just some things you don't tell strangers.

Because - Old Pro

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I agree. People are far too cavalier about what info they give on the Internet.
Touche! - curious...
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Here's a question for Old Pro... Why do you have such an issue with this now?

You have, in the past, already posted a bunch of "personal" information. Is your problem now with others answering a poll coming from regret or hypocrisy?
Touche - Old Pro
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My only concern is for the safety of the posters. If others want to compromise their personal safety in this day and age, that is their perfect right. They just need to realize the ramifications. My concern comes from concern that is all.

might add, you are not giving info to just 1 stranger - but hundreds of thousands world wide.

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Poll answers - Jessi

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I wasn't going to answer until I saw the paranoia :)

How many years have you been in this business?


What company do you currently work for?

I work directly for a hospital.

What platform (if any) do you currently work with?

Chart Script

How many lines per hour do you average?

250 to 350 depending on what I'm typing for the day.

How many hours a week do you work?

Scheduled for 40 but I probably actually only work for 30.

What is your rate of pay (per line)?

I get paid hourly but using my handy dandy calculator, based on 40 hours a week, it works out to right around .975.

If you make more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so?

Well, contrary to what I've read a lot of on this board, I went to a small business school in my town, got hired before I graduated by the biggest hospital in town. I got noticed for and I suppose I attribute my "success" to working hard when I was in school. We have strict line counts to meet, which I do in the first 4 to 5 hours of my day and the rest is gravy, giving me a lot of goofing around time, though I do a lot of working during that time as well.

Not paranoia - just common sense - sm

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My parents were smart enough to teach me you don't tell strangers your personal information. Nobody's business how much money you make, etc. And if they ask there is most likely an ulterior motive to their personal questions.

But hey, go ahead. Might as well give them your banking, SSN, when you won't be home and where you hide your house keys. Hope that works out for ya.

What exactly - Jessi

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Did you get out of my replies to "find me" with?

What did you get that you can "use" against me?
Well...now that you ask - sm
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Your giving out to hundreds of thousands of people that you don't know where you work and how much money you make. This is personal information they don't need to know. From what I've read on the internet (and what my husband drills into me over and over and over as he is an investigator), with that information it's not hard to find where you live. It's also not hard to find your email account. When a criminal has access to personal information (like where you work, how much money you make, your email, where you live, etc) it is not hard for them to find other personal information (credit cards, banking, SSN, etc). They can get access to your mail, etc. Coming from someone who had their identity stolen 10 years ago (and a husband who is an investigator) I know how easy it is for criminals to obtain information they can use against you.

A stranger does not need to know where you work and how much money you make, and if they do you should be asking them why they want this information and what are they going to do with it. Then you and everyone who unknowingly gave this information to hundreds of thousands of people you don't know should contact your supervisors and let them know you accidentally gave the information out should anything happen.

As I said before...not paranoia, just good ol common sense.

BTW - The OP never did answer any of the messages stating exactly what he/she was going to be using everyone's personal information for. Does make you wonder that's for sure.
Again I ask...lol - Jessi
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Where do I work? Where do I live? What's my email? And even if you get my email, where do I work and where do I live? Hell, what's my real name?
Jessi - Old Pro
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And again we ask, why is any of this your business?
Why is what any of my business? - Jessi
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I'm not going to add to drama on this board. Not even a little.

It's all there, the course of the conversation. Nothing in my answers the poll questions tells anyone where to find me.

If YOU choose to take the conversation that I was having with someone else in a way that makes me look nosy, that's completely on YOU and has nothing whatsoever to do with me. I don't CARE about you, your money, your work, your location, or anything else. Not even a tiny little bit.

I said something about paranoia, a reply was made, I'm not going to rehash an entire damn thread for you. I didn't ask a freaking thing that warranted your response about anything being my business.
How much money people make a year - sm
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I believe that was the question. I am not the person you replied to, but I am the one you were referring to when you talked about paranoia and then decided to post your information - got a chuckle out of that one :-) But I think the question was in general...why does anyone on this board need to know how much money anyone else makes.

There is no drama on this board. Reminding people that they should not be giving out personal information to strangers is not drama or "paranoia", just good common sense.
Oh, I know that, but - Jessi
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I wasn't even the one asking about anything!

It's actually a huge pet peeve of mine on message boards and such when people don't actually take the time to read through an entire thread but just hop to the reply button and add their 2 cents. I didn't ask anything lol.

I think I'm so used to answering everything so vaguely that I've taken to reading everything so vaguely, you know? To me, her questions weren't even remotely personal, so I didn't get the "paranoia" as I said. Which is why I was asking, where in my answers did I say anything that could lead anyone to find me.

I was actually having a good old time with you, to be honest. I like to go back and forth in a happy way and it was keeping me awake lol

While I love to sink my teeth into a good debate, I hate drama but also won't be pushed around, which is kind of what I took Old Pro's post as...apologies if that's not how it was meant but as I never asked anyone anything at all personal and never asked any questions of anyone other than about my own answers to the poll questions, that's how I took it (hey, look at me babble! I've been up since 3).

Anyway...loved going back and forth with you and hope I cleared up more confusion that I caused with that rambling explanation!

Happy holidays to those who don't like Merry Christmas!
Jessi - Old Pro
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Thank you for your kind apology, which is accepted. That is not at all how I mean it.

Merry Christmas!

Not paranoia - Old Pro

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I agree, it is not paranoia. It is PRUDENCE. One is wise to know the difference.

MT Poll - KKMT

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How many years have you been in this business?

5 years

What company do you currently work for?

Would rather not say as it is a very small MTSO with only about 10-15 ICs.

What platform (if any) do you currently work with?

Sten-Tel ASP

How many lines per hour do you average?


How many hours a week do you work?

20 to 25.

What is your rate of pay (per line)?

8 cpl

If you make more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so?

I attribute my income to being able to work a medium-sized clinic account with limited number of doctors (about 15). I have made my own templates for each doctor and have a ton of doctor-specific entries in Instant Text. I have several docs who I can transcribe at a 2:1 ratio for because a majority of their reports are canned text and they speak so clearly I can speed the audio up to 120% and still hear them clearly. I have 2 docs in particular who are dreams and I can average 300 lph with them. Too bad I don't get them every day!

I also have a part-time acute care account that is VR and I am lucky to make minimum wage on it. I am about ready to quit since it makes no sense to work this account anymore since I make over $20 an hour with my clinic account. I was keeping it p.r.n. to stay up on my acute care skills, but at this point, I think if I lose my clinic job, I am out of MT for good as I refuse to work for minimum wage with no benefits. I have never understood why acute care doesn't pay more than clinic work. I will probably never go back to acute care work full-time until the rates increase drastically, but I am not holding my breath for that.


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The paranoia about this poll is astounding to me. She doesn't know who you actually are unless you tell her your name, your address, the town you live in, your phone number, etc. Do any of you truthfully expect her to "discover" who you are just by telling her who you work for and how much you make. And unless you've been living under a rock, people are always posting who their horrible MTSO is and how much or little they make all the time. For pitty sake you can't swing a cat without hitting a posting without that information it, it's all over the place on here. So what's the big deal if she asks it in a poll? My answers are:
National radiology organization on site
Don't know, get paid by the hour, $27.00
40, with lots of OT
This year I'll gross over $70K.
Knowledge and experience. I've done it all - MT to Manager and everything in between.

MT poll - tinafrost

[ In Reply To ..]
Thank you all for your responses, especially those of you who actually understood that I was trying to find out what my future might be like if I stayed in this industry. I never meant to upset so many people. So, here's my info as well.

I worked as an IC at a couple of different small MTSOs for the first 4 years I was in the business, then I took an full-time (employee status) position with a medium-sized company in 2005 (MedWare, in Maitland Florida). It was a great company to work for, cared about its MTs, only required 1000 per 8-hour shift, benefits, paid days off and vacation time; and I was making .0925 per line (the highest I had ever been paid - had been 6, 7, and 8 cents a line prior to that). I thought I had died and gone to MT heaven. Then, they sold out to IMedX about 3 years ago, and things started going downhill quickly! This year, IMedx went to VR, and my line rates were cut in half for editing reports that I could have typed in half the time. I was losing money every pay period. So, I took a job with a small MTSO as an IC about 6 weeks ago, and I took a 0.0125 cut in my MedWare line rate because I figure I can make just as much money if I am allowed to just do my job - type. When left to do my job, I can actually get in an average of 225 and hour, but the platform this new company uses is ancient and I have to crawl through huge physician lists, blah, blah, wah, wah...I'm getting used to it, and I like the people, and it's all going to be good. However, I thought, "I have been doing this job for 10 years; shouldn't I be making more than this by now?" I thought maybe I just wasn't doing the same things higher paid MTs were doing, or maybe I was picking the wrong companies to work for, or any of the million other reasons that could be keeping me from producing.

I knew the national average was 7-8 cents a line and 1200 lines a day required, but I had often heard of MTs making 11 cents or more a line and having lower requirements, better dictators, better platforms...So, I thought why not just ask...we're all in the same boat, right?! Never imagined it would be taken as a personal attack on MTs. Now, I think that I have given you all the information that I asked for in the poll, except the company I work for now - Medscribe. I am going to start working in the EMDAT platform the middle of January, and I am hoping for the best. Again, I thank all of you for your time and the information you gave. I have learned that working directly for a hospital is the biggest factor in making money in this industry. I intended absolutely no harm to any of you. I hope you all have a most joyous holiday season, and I will not seek help ever again from this board or any other.

Cheer up, Tina - Jessi

[ In Reply To ..]
Like with anything else, you get your grumpy people who just can't be happy and also just can't be quiet about not being happy. Those you just ignore.

Then you get the people who truly do help out...you got a lot of nice answers to your poll, don't lump them in with the people who didn't learn that lesson from their mamas (You know..."If you don't have anything nice to day, don't say anything at all").

I've learned to never ever ask question when I have my period because I tend to always reply to the grumpies with sarcasm! Otherwise, I just ignore them.

Long story short, smile. They wonder what you're up to. And good luck with the new platform!

Valid questions - it's an MT discussion board after all! - CB

[ In Reply To ..]
I wouldn't worry. These are the questions that SHOULD be asked on this board. I personally come here to read about the MT business. Lately it's been full of people arguing their opinion on everything. Which I guess is what's happened here again. IMO, why someone thinks you will be "tracked down" via a company name, what platform they use, what they pay per line, and how fast you type is a little silly. I'm sorry they hijacked your thread just to repeatedly post the same thing. Again, why respond in the first place? Makes less sense than answering relevant questions about current MT information on a medical transcription board.

For me, these types of discussions are what make this board useful and informative - thanks.

Lots of different personalities converging in 1 spot. - Shake it off.

[ In Reply To ..]
It happens at my family gatherings, so why not here? : )

Don't stop asking questions. You may bring up something I had not thought of. Cheers. (Oh yeah, I've had a bit too much spiked eggnog already. Am I slurring my wordsh?)

Nothing wrong with a poll, just - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
I am the poster who replied that others claimed I was paranoid, etc, etc. I know you didn't mean to upset people, but here is why I replied. My DH is an investigator. I can't tell you how many times he tells me over and over and over not to give out personal information to strangers. Then 10 years ago (actually now it's 11 years ago) I had my identity stolen. They knew where I worked and my hours. They came by and stole mail from my mailbox, needless to say on Christmas eve when I went to check my balances my accounts were wiped out.

All I was saying is first, there are hundreds of thousands of people who read this board. You don't have to be an MT to read the messages. There are criminals all over the world. Their job is to get people's personal information and you know the rest.

So, if I was to reply to your message that I work for a company named XYZ and I make such-n-such a year, and my hours are this or that. It's not hard for a criminal to get a hold of this information and find out who you are. That is what they do for their "profession" if you could call it that. Coming on this board and telling hundreds of thousands of people who you work for and how much money you make all I'm saying is not a good idea.

It's hard to believe so many people think it's all innocent and everyone here is friends, but I'm telling you because my husband has investigated hundreds (or more) identity/security investigations and I myself have been a victim, all I was saying is that I don't think it's a good idea to be giving out personal information to people you don't know. You can call it paranoia if you want. When you've been a victim of a crime I just call it common sense.

I see my response stirred up so many ridiculing replies. All I was saying is I don't know who you are or what you were going to do with this personal information. I'm glad there are so many people in this country who are trusting of those they don't know. Its nice to know all innocence is not lost. I guess until it happens to you people just do not realize how awful it can be.

P.S. - you never did say in your OP what the information was going to be used for. Just, who do you work for, how much money do you make, what are your hours, etc. Maybe if the questions were worded differently and you didn't ask who we work for and how much we make I would have answered the rest. Something just didn't sit right.

I do wish everyone a very happy holiday. Hope this next year brings happiness for all.

Nothing wrong with the poll, but - Old Pro

[ In Reply To ..]
I agree with you. My point all along has to be to use common sense and prudence. If my mortgage banker wants to know how much I earn, I will tell him (and back it up with tax returns if I want to qualify to buy a house), but if I stranger asks, it is none of their business unless they can show me good reason they need to know such personal information. The thing that bothers me about this whole this is that we do not know WHO the poster is or WHY he or she needs this information. I agree with your DH--we need to be much more careful and prudent with our information. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

MT POLL - justme

[ In Reply To ..]
How many years have you been in this business? 15

What company do you currently work for? None Ya, LOL

What platform (if any) do you currently work with? Homescript and M-modal

How many lines per hour do you average?
275 ST or 525 VR

How many hours a week do you work? 35 to 40

What is your rate of pay (per line)?
12 cpl/6 vr

If you make more than 25K annually, to what do you attribute your ability to do so? FAST transcriptionist.

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dd ...