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Question for current/past SoftScript employees.. - Livewire

Posted: Sep 20, 2011

Wondering if anyone has been let go because of sending over 8% of work to QA.  They expect our line count to be at least 135 an hour (which for the most part is easily done), our accuracy to be 98+ and under 8% to QA.  Sometimes this is not possible.  I do everything I can to not send to QA (relisten, utilize google, books, relisten, adjust speed/sound, did I mention relisten, relisten, relisten).....but lets face it there are a boatload of dictators that are just impossible.  They would rather me keep their precious 8% intact versus sending a report I am leary about to the client only to get slammed later when the client complains.  I'm just curious if anyone else is/has been in this situation with them before.  I have worked for a number of companies but this is the first time I've dealt with this before. 

I think SS is reasonable - NWD

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I often end up sending more than 8% to QA, and although I've been encouraged to decrease that amount, no one has ever threatened me with termination. I have received reports back that have been through 2 QA editors and STILL have blanks in them, so at that point everyone just knows that it's the dictator, not the transcriptionist/editor. SS obviously doesn't want to get complaints and/or lose clients (or HIPAA fines), so better to have more work for your QA editors than to lose clients because MTs are sending in work they shouldn't. For the most part SS is supportive of its transcriptionists and acknowledges that some ESL does are just really impossible.

I am going through the same thing right now - Another frustrated SS MT

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I have scored well above 98.5% on all of my audits and I try to make my line count, but the threats to take further disciplinary action if I don't get my QA percent below 8% makes it near impossible to meet my line count. I look at my editor reviews and I would say 90% of my blanks are not able to be filled in by QA either. This, IMHO, makes for a legitimate blank and should not be counted against our QA score. I feel like I can't win for losing. I am to the point where they will just have to fire me, I can't make the dictators speak any clearer and I'm not going to guess at something just to keep from putting a blank.

I can totally relate. I've noticed many of my blanks are - Livewire

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unable to be filled in by QA as well. Also, I don't think they are taking into consideration that probably at least half of what I send to QA is because of missing patient demographics and I just started a new acount last week and was told to send the first few batches to QA. I'm with you, can't win for losing. I'm not a lazy MT. I go back and relisten to all blanks but there are just some that are completely inaudible so I guess they'll be firing me too. Thanks for posting. Not that I want you to lose your job, I just feel better knowing my head is not the only one on the chopping block! Wish you the best of luck :)

blanks in reports - frustrated also

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I am also in the same position. It is very upsetting.

Another, print out o copy those post-QA reports, t - 90% ones, and show them

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to your manager next time this issue comes up. If QA is really having that much difficulty too, people evaluating your work may be underestimating the difficulty of the work you're given. Document your case or you effectively don't have one. Good luck.

try working for the Q then if you think that is - unreasonable

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less than 5% to QA or a 3 cpl reduction in pay (even if QA does not fill in, which they never do) and a 99% accuracy rate!!!

My primary and secondary accounts are both 0 blank accounts. So far, sm - Colorado MT

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no one has said anything to me, but I just started a few weeks ago and I am only part time. There was an e-mail from the PM saying that she had taken that into consideration and was revising the e-mails she had sent out. I cannot think they would penalize you for leaving a blank. In fact, the trainer emphasized the importance of leaving a blank if you were at all unsure. I'm sure there are some who abuse the system, though, and maybe this is just a scare tactic to get the lazy ones fired up.

Glad I don't work for them anymore - Happy MT

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They are so mean and demanding. By far, the worst job I have ever had. There are normal companies out there that care more about patient care than bullying their worker-bees. I have a theory that they hire all the time and fire all the time simply so they do not have to keep you on long enough to receive benefits, PTO, etc.

The company I work for does not care how many you send to QA. They would rather have it QA'd then go off to the client wrong.

Again, just SS's way of trying to find a way to hurry up and fire you.

happy at last - exSS

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worst place I ever worked. never a kind word, just berating the MTs constantly and always wanting work on your days off or after your shift is over. glad that's behind me, have my life back.

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