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Question for SoftScript Employees re: Mentors - Is it just me....SM

Posted: Nov 06, 2012

I just started at SS around 2 weeks ago - have gone through the training, being assigned to a production manager and a mentor, and all. My question is this - does anyone else (or DID anyone else) have trouble with getting your mentor to answer your questions regarding reports in a timely manner? There have been times when I've been transcribing a report - needed an answer to something I couldn't find on the acct specs - and couldn't get an answer back to my question. Or, I've sent questions on topics not related to the acct specs and haven't gotten an answer at all. I understand not doing the YIM as that I can get annoying, but I'm just wondering if it's just me or if this is typical for SS? TIA for the info.


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I have worked for SoftScript for 3 years and never was assigned a mentor, per se; but whenever I had any kind of questions, I always received a prompt response, either by phone or email, from the production manager or Q/manager and they never made you feel your question was stupid. Give it a go...

Yeah, but - Butterscotch

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I never got the idea that the lack of responses were malevolent or anything. I think the attitude there is that you'll figure it out. And if you don't, somebody will email you.

What I hate about SS is that you get these blanket emails regarding errors or an MT doing something incorrectly that go to ALL the MTs so you're never really sure if what *you* are doing is wrong. So then you email to see if you're doing something wrong and never hear back from anyone. No news is good news????

Email or call whomever trained you. If it is SC, she will follow through for you. nm - SSMT

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They have a very responsive help desk - Tin Ear

[ In Reply To ..]
Are you hooked into their friends on Yahoo? This is not for technical hardware issues, but for transcription help. They might not know every set of acct specs which your PM should know.

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