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How many Nuance employees have quit in the past 30 days? - mt2

Posted: Aug 04, 2013

I'm just curious because I'm actively looking for anything other than this MT crap. On my main account, most of this a.m. no work. Now all of a sudden there's work plus they want me to move to another count to help out. Why didn't you need my help this morning? Sorry, but my shift ends now and I'm outta here. It seems every day there are people quitting - I can't wait to jump on that band wagon. :)

Nuance - ship

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I just noticed on MTjobs.com that Nuance has put out another hiring call, lol.

My last day was Friday. - MT

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I quit after we lost bonus (my acct went to 100% no blank all QA), and I immediately that week put resumes out and tested. The week after that I got offers and one was a good one. I gave 2 weeks and suffered through (sorry I gave notice). But it all ended for me at Nuance Friday. I have been walking around all weekend like a zombie, as I have not had a Saturday off in years and I did not know how to feel... totally numb. I start tomorrow in the new place 8 a.m. and still feeling strange... but I am sure that is how those people felt when they got out of the concentration camps...

Nuance - ship

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Nobody will want to work for them, that's for sure. They want blood but turn around and pay poor house wages. Other companies I think are the same but I've worked for Nuance in the past and they are the worst! What's going to happen I think is QA/QCs are going to have to do all their work, plus after Nuance bought out all these other companies, they are not going to be producing any profits in the future, that is for sure!

Never be able to take off on weekend even with PTO - NYMOM

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That was the deal breaker for me. Never having a weekend off because no one could cover my shift. What a joke. Never getting a holiday off because someone already requested off. Really? Happy to move on.

Nuance posts these every week without fail - to make up for the droves leaving -nm

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Me. My last week. - no message

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no message

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