A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

softscript employees former, current, newbies - located in Cali

Posted: Oct 06, 2012

claim form was updated only 2 months ago with several details you will almost certainly find useful




Note these gems: 


[ If you have been retaliated against, you may file a retaliation complaint by filling out another form, “DLSE FORM 205.”]

4. Are other employees also filing wage claims against your employer? âYES âNO â I DON’T KNOW


The amounts claimed are based on my best estimates at this time and may be adjusted based on further information, or based on assistance with my claim provided by DLSE.




Check box(es) if you are claiming: â Waiting time penalties [Labor Code §203]








Form is for any person residing in California - not just softscript employee

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you live in california and work as an employee for any company anywhere who is breaking the law you use this form.

it is not for IC.

unionizing without unionizing! love it! perfect for MTs.

Please post this on the main board too! - or a link to it

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Thanks for the great info, please share!

I am owed a final check by an MTSO in Maine and I - am going to see

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if Arizona has a form like that. That form covers just about everything. Thank you for posting it. A lot of MTSOs make-up their own rules about not paying their MTs because they think they can get away with it because most of us work off-site.

remember that you must be employee status - and not IC

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You cannot use Department of Labor services provided by the tax dollars you pay each and every year if you are working IC status. It does not cover IC. IC means you get to go to court and sue using your own dollars instead of holding the MTSOs accountable through the tax dollars you already pay and the regulations that exist.

Force them to follow the regulations and make sure you are not illegally classified as an IC given you could be in this particular job. Are you IC or employee status?

I was an employee. I appreciate all the information - you have provided

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to us MTs on this board who are not getting paid.

More information to - get you started in AZ

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The treble damages part is the best part below! That means you get triple your wages from the employer when they act illegally in the manner of a jackass!

Here is a form to get you started

AZ State Labor Department
(602) 542-4515 (Phoenix)
(In case you need assistance)

AZ elected official's staff members
(if you so desire to let your elected officials know what is going on and that you will not reelect them should it continue)

Labor Department - Wage Claims
When wages owed to an employee are no more than $5,000.00 and the accrual of those unpaid wages does not exceed one year, the employee may file a wage claim with the Department (A.R.S. § 23-350 et seq.).

Upon receipt of a claim, the Department will notify the employer of the claim and investigate the case. After investigation of the claim, the Department will provide a written determination which can only be appealed to Superior Court.

An employer who does not comply with a Final Order within ten days after the Order becomes final is liable for triple the amount of the unpaid wages found to be owed. Employees also have the option of filing in the civil courts; however, they cannot file with both the State Labor Department and the civil courts.

Payment of Wages
Employers, in most cases, must pay
employees at least twice per month, no more
than 16 days apart and within five of the
employerâs working days after the end of the
pay period. Requirements differ for employers
whose payroll services are centralized outside of
the state.
An employer may withhold wages when
required or empowered to do so by state or
federal law (e.g., taxes), when the employer has
prior written authorization from the employee or
when there is a reasonable good faith dispute as
to the amount of wages due.
The law requires that an employee who is
discharged receive all wages due within three
working days or the end of the next regular pay
period, whichever is sooner. School districts
must pay wages due the employee within ten
calendar days from the date of discharge. If an
employee quits, he or she must be paid in the
usual manner all wages due him not later than
the regular payday for the pay period during
which the termination occurred. If the employee
requests, the employer must mail such wages.

Oh thank you so much. It has been 8 months so I - better hurry

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and get this done.
Yes and stay on top of it - once you file because
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our labor departments are woefully ill-funded, which is one of the ways the companies continually get away with it.

Keep us posted on your progress with it.

There is much more strength in numbers and the companies know that too, which is why they like all the infighting on this board and encourage it. It helps them to continually get away with stealing wages.
I am working on it today. The forms are pretty - easy
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to fill out too. LOL when you said "they act illegally in the manner of a jackass." Yes, that is so true and they will do anything to get out of parting with money that they did not earn.

Can you share which company in Maine? - Thank you

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