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There will be many nasty replies to my post, so just be forewarned.
Mergers are always make for an unsettling environment, for both sides, mainly for the employees of the acquired company. Don't let panic or irrational/unsubstantiated opinions influence you too heavily.
Look at both the short-term and long-term probabilities that come with these types of business ventures:
Short-term: Usually no major changes occur the first few months to a year or so for the acquired company. The purchasing company will usually allow the acquirement to operate with a "business as usual" approach while they learn the strengths, weaknesses and operational strategies that will make the merger more successful as a whole.
Long-term: The changes that will occur usually are slowly implemented. No one wants to upset the applecart any more harshly or frequently than possible. No matter what all the Chicken Littles say, the corporate culture does want to minimize trauma in every way possible. It just isn't feasible or profitable to have the company citizenship more upset than necessary. You will usually see changes occur in a similar order to this:
1. Alignment of work week/payday schedules.
2. Review and updates to policies to merge the 2 companies and this may include changes to pay, benefits, incentive plans, etc.
3. Regrouping for divisions, management, teams, etc.
4. Redistribution of accounts/workloads. This will usually follow fairly quickly after or hand-in-hand with #3 because once the accounts/workload changes are made the management teams and new divisional changes are decided; however, the announcement is first to introduce you to your management changes.
5. Reduction in force if necessary: If there are too many employees to operate at their most profitable level or if there are employees who have a history of not meeting requirements pre-merger, those are going to be considered first. A reduction in force is not always necessary but usually there are redundant roles (in corp and mgmt) that need to be reduced. On occasion, it will reach down to the MT/QA level but not often. However, that does not mean that changes in pay/benefits will not cause MTs/QA to make their own decision to leave -- which usually happens and, therefore, the company will not need to do a reduction in force for the MT/QA population.
Most importantly to remember: Nuance and Webmedx both are good companies. Not every MT/QA will have the same experience as anyone else - at these 2 companies nor at any other. Remember that negative news is much more sticky and interesting than positive and that birds of a feather flock together! People who are happy and satisifed in their jobs rarely have need or desire to come listen to others rant, rave, spit, stomp or throw fits. You don't know WHO is posting here; it could be 1 person doing many posts are several people; it could be someone who has no association with MT work or even with those companies but just likes to upset everyone; someone may have other ulterior motives for posting negatively. Not all MTs/QA know about this board. Don't let others ruin your experience -- how is your situation working for YOU? Read all your company updates with a clear perspective. If you have questions, ask your management. Be careful how much weight you give to others' opinions when you have absolutely no idea who they are or what their idea of a good environment/pay/company is. Anyone can tell you any story they like - so be very cautious.
If you truly are not wanting to stay through a merger, update your resume today and start applying. Don't do a knee-jerk reaction and jump into the fire with the first offer or two, though. Take your time. You might find yourself in a better situation after all.
I've been doing this more than 22 years. I've been through several mergers (as an employee of both the acquired and purchasing companies). I've seen more MTs and QA react poorly and end up regretting their reactions than I care to think about - if they had just kept a cool head, stopped worrying about what others told them, and waited it out, they would have been fine.
I wsh you all well with peace and wisdom to know what is best for yourself...
CMT Mentor