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For those who worked at companies bought out by Nuance - sm

Posted: Jun 23, 2011

Just wondering if there were any warning signs before you were bought out?  Or anything unusual happening?  The company I work for now hires Nuance to do our audits and had them do HIPAA training for us.  Now, I am worried they will be buying the company out.  I am probably being paranoid but just wondering.

I'm thinking the same thing - Old and Tired MT

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The work dries up all of a sudden with a bunch of lame excuses for it, then the HIPAA training which just "happens" to be by Nuance, etc. I don't think you are being paranoid. If you are, then I am too.

No warning signs for any company I worked for - that was bought out.

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Not a clue.

There were warning signs... - Webber

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There were many warning signs. There were lost accounts with some layoffs and then a big work shortage about 9 months ago. Then our work pools were changed. Then they changed around management positions and client support positions into one role. New account managers were not very communicative at all. Pay cuts yet again. Then we get the update that we have been bought out. You could tell something was not right there for about a year or so before it actually happened.

agree about warnings - another webbie

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I have a family member who is involved in mergers/acquisitions (NOT in the MT field) and when I told him what was happening, he said they were positioning themselves for a sale.

Key things that caused him to say this:
Consolidating managerial positions/firing some (when a company is purchased, they do not want the extra managerial positions).
Cutting the pay (lower cost of employees, leaner company, better profit/loss statements).

I am not sure how the lost accounts/low work affected this, I personally think this was in the plans even before this happened, but maybe it made our CEO think that they could not feasibly continue in competition with the current expenses.

Thank you, Another Webbie! I'll remember those to - watch for in future, just in case. Understanding

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what's happening and why always makes me feel better, even if it doesn't fix anything otherwise.
Lesson learned: Wages can be "cut" simply - by removing primary accounts and
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requiring people to work on more unfamiliar dictators. And, yes, deliberately and clandestinely arranging to pay employees less for the same time worked is cheating and abusing them. It's not acceptable.

Red flags - PatA

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There sure were warning signs! And several of us on our company forum picked up on them right away. First off, the COO/CEO of the company "suddenly" stepped down after having stripped MTs of almost all perks, ie--PTO for part-timers, reduction in line count pay, loss of holiday pay incentives and even loss of holiday pay--unless you used PTO. The man was obsessed with a VR program that I had known about since the time I owned my service in MA in the 80s and 90s. Then there was the new headquarters for Corporate and HIPAA training for the company, which mostly focused on corporate employees and not those of us trying to accomplish the company's stated mission. Oh--and did I mention our very good health plan which we lost to a plan that raised our deductibles to 3K a year---of course after we'd lose everything else!

Then, the new CEO took over and lasted just a few months. Suspicion was rampant when CEO #1 took over, but when the second one stepped down, many of us knew the die was cast. When the two large companies merged---after the bankruptcy occurred, heads (read MT heads) started to roll. We lost the account I'd worked on for 8 years. I was assigned to another, which we lost in a few months and I was bounced around from supe to supe, feeling about as welcome as the plague. A team mate was let go in the spring of 2010 and I learned others who worked for the bankrupt company were also let go. I was fired in January of 2011. I have no regrets. I gave it all I had until I simply no longer gave a hoot in hell. All best wishes to newbies. I didn't run a service for 20 years because my clients thought I was an incompetent!

signs - anon

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The biggest sign of all should have been the low work across all accounts for the last 6 months. I think it was going elsewhere all that time.

low work - another webbie

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I still wonder about that (work disappearing and low). I work 2nd shift and would see some volumes build on certain accounts, and then miraculously it would disappear (at hours when just not that many were working that should account for this). I thought it very strange, but of course could not prove anything. Then by having this low work, many MTs quit and they did NOT need to pay unemployment, sneaky huh?

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