A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Need to scream and vent and then ask ... (sm) - anon

Posted: Jan 06, 2011

I have been a MT for over 23 years and have always received praise regarding the work that I produce.  Grant you, I am not a CMT and I definitely do not have the "know" that a lot of MTs have but still, as I said, I have held MANY jobs in this industry and have never had any complaints.

Within the last two weeks I have tested for two different companies, most recent Probity, on MTtest and have FAILED both!!  With Probity I never made it to the transcription portion of the test before failing and then being offered the BS about Career Step.  With the other test I made it all the way through only to be told that my experience did not meet what they were looking for at that time.  Again, I have over 23 years experience with approximately 18 years clinical and 15 years acute care.  WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE LOOKING FOR???!!!!????!!!!???  I took my time through the test for Probity and there was only ONE question that I doubted myself on ... I was supposed to pick the misspelled word in this sentence, "There was no ulnar angulation at the fracture site."  Seriously, that is it.  Am I nuts or is everything in that sentence spelled correctly?

It is freaking amazing at the hoops that we have to jump through in order to take a job these days that is paying at or less than minimum wage in most states.  I am absolutely sick of this BS!!! I hope that these companies that expect us to work for virtually nothing get what is coming to them, and that is putting what I mean extremely nicely.

Taking a deep breath now and calming down.  Hopefully it was a sign that I was not supposed to work for Probity or the other company.  Any way, I will continue to look and in the meantime, I want to wish every MT who reads this post the absolute best and here are hopes that things in this industry WILL turn around one day very soon!

Thank you for listening!  Have a great night everyone!

Need to Scream - Me too

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Welcome to the new world of applying for an MT position. I have spent literally hours and hours taking those tests and failing, not hearing back, not getting past the first part, etc. I refuse to take another one. These companies are pulling the strings and making us jump through hoops that cannot be jumped through. You practically have to be a premed student to take some of these tests. The ones that do get hired, I think just hit the window at the right time. I am working and I did have to take a couple of tests, but nothing like the MTTest! Those are just torture. Good luck to you. I know I have screamed many of time and finally just had to say no more. The whole profession is going down the tubes rapidly and like you said for the money they are willing to pay, it isn't worth it.

Been there - Dolly

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I think the problem we are all facing when we apply for jobs is there are so many people out of work now--yes even MTs sadly. I applied for a job once and the lady told me when she interviewed me that there were 400 people who applied for this same job! It is no wonder we are not hearing back from anyone. Good luck to all MTs who are searching for jobs!!

Need to scream - NYMT

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The same thing happened to me as well with Probity. I too have over 20+ years experience and I never made it to the transcription test. I had been enlightened previously that if you go for employee status and the state you come from has a high tax bracket for  them to hire you as an employee, they don't want to know you. It's possible that's what the deal is with them. I was told by another company "your taxes are too high." That's why some companies post certain states for hiring as IC only. Needless to say I'm studying in another field and hope to branch out from MT sooner than later. Good luck to you.

Same with me. I have a pretty good idea - what it is theyre looking for ---

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MTs with 1-3 years' experience: Just enough to be able to get the job done, but not so much that they'd have to pay them more than 6 cpl to do it.

MTs who are NOT so experienced that they remember when things in this biz were better.

MTs who are NOT so experienced that they see through all the B.S. these companies dish out.

MTs who are smart enough to do MT, but not smart enough to give input on how things could work better. They want people dumb enough to think that working for an MTSO is actually a real job.

I think you might be right (nm) - MT lady

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I think that's a big part of it, but I think there's more. - sm

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When reading the history of this company, Career Step, it sounds as if they're in bed with the MTSOs. This is what it says on their website:

Partnering with medical service providers to develop online skills assessment testing, which has become the most widely used recruiting tool in the industry.

Continued, active partnerships with medical coding & billing and medical transcription employers to assure curriculum, products and services meet the needs of employers.

It seems awfully fishy that so many experienced MTs cannot pass their test, but instead are referred on to "additional training" at Career Step, which also turns out to be the 335th fastest growing privately-held business in the country, according to Inc. Magazine (according to their website).

To me it almost sounds like those car repair shops in the 70s. A woman would bring a car in to have the oil changed and next thing you knew, the mechanic was telling you the car was on it's last leg...BUT we can fix it for you for X amount of money.

More - see message - Anonymous

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How do you explain those of us who pass the testing, many people do. Career Step is a legitimate school, both for MT and coding. They also partner with many community colleges that teach their curriculum. To, me it just sounds as if they knew how to market their product. No one ever went into business to lose money.
IMHO - no1joe
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Any school that is currently offering MT training is NOT legit. The MT programs have been ripped from MANY community colleges/reputable schools except as part of a Medical Office Management program or the like. It's a dying field, and any school willing to educate someone in it as a promising career should have their legitimacy and integrity questioned.

And, as far as these companies testing, there is only 1 excuse for it: They're too lazy to check references. Yes, I realize that there are many, many people looking for work, and the resumes come flooding in, but TOO BAD. Do your job, get on the blower, and CHECK REFERENCES to find out how good and reliable the applicant is.

Finally, there is NO WAY that someone with the experience like the OP has would fail an entry-level exam... PERIOD. It would not surprise me one bit that the company isn't even hiring anymore and has people complete the test anyway, only to fail and be subjected to an ad for a school to further their education and/or improve their skills. Do you really think that the testing company is allowing the school to advertise on their site for free? Some may see this as clever or even good marketing. I see it as a HUGE waste of time.
A word about "checking references" - sm - Former MTSO
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As someone who used to test / interview applicants, I can assure you that CHECKING REFERENCES is not a sure-fire way to find a good employee. Most companies have a policy of only stating the length of employment, the salary history and verifying that the person actually worked for that company. No one wants to be liable for giving a bad reference in our litigious society, so checking references is "eh" as far as reliability.
The school isn't advertising on the testing site. - The school IS the testing site.
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I stand corrected! - no1joe
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I've taken these tests before, and I guess I never paid attention to all of them in the past. It's funny, but yesterday I tested, and as I was downloading the file to get my foot pedal to work for the transcription part of the exam, I finally realized that the name on the program was CareerStep! Duh on me... and I think that makes it worse. You're not failing these tests based on the company's standards, but the school's.

On another note, as I was testing yesterday, 2 out of the 3 sample reports on the CareerStep test were HUGE HIPAA violations (this is supposed to be a legit school, right?). One of them was so bad that the patient's last name, sex, race, age, and social status (homeless and alcoholic) were disclosed! Now, the last 4 items wouldn't be so bad if the patient's name wasn't given. I plan on reporting this.
You're right - this field is going the way of - "lamp-lighter","ice-man" & "Pony Express".
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Legitimate schools - Anonymous
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Andrews still has an MT program, does that mean they are not a legitimate school?
They're legitimate, but not ethical if promoting MT as a - promising career. nm
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A lot of different variables, biggest one I think is age. - nm
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Also fishy that the same schools they're referring MTs - to, produce thousands of - sm

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newbies every year that these same MTSOs won't hire.

NEED TO SCREAM - Hyper-typer

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IMO I think that these companies are just looking for cheap help. I also have 18+ years of transcription experience and have failed tests. What makes me wonder is looking at the "Word Help" board. I wonder how some of these people passed these tests? Some of the questions that they ask should be MT 101. I am going to try to do this out of my house soon, but I am becoming discouraged about the whole situation just from what I have read.

Hyper-typer..KUDOS - oldANDtiredMT

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I hear exactly what yer saying. I cannot believe the ridiculous "word help" questions I've seen on here lately. I realize occasionally we all get stuck or get the "duh moment" but lately??? MT101 questions abound.

I took the MT test a few days ago... - MY2c

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just to see what I might be up against if I should lose my job. I think it was for TransTech. I made it through the written part (so simple a caveman could do it!), only to get to the typing part and not be able to enter the dictation onto the little boxes for the text. I could hear it and it sounded very easy compared to what I deal with in real life, but I could not transcribe it. Tried to do it using Express Scribe and still could not get it to work. I didn't pursue it any further and gave up in disgust, thankful for the job I have!

My question, and maybe someone knows this, do these MTSOs even know what kind of service they are getting from that MT testing site? Does it even occur to them that this is one reason why they might be constantly having to advertise for help with all their "new accounts," etc?

If I really needed a job and this happened, I would just start calling and emailing the companies directly and asking nicely but forcefully to speak to whoever was in charge of hiring instead of dealing with this crap. I figure what have we got to lose anyway by doing this?
I wonder what would happen - IAMT
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if an MT with 20 years' experience just entered maybe 5 years' experience and submitted the test. Course then if offered a position, CPL would most likely be low, but keeping in mind those of us with 20 years of experience have more in our memory bank without spending time researching, perhaps could produce more lines, and on a good account could make a halfway decent decent living with incentives. I hate to think we have to even consider all this in seeking a position in this industry, but perhaps if we want to stay in it, there are ways to survive til we can retire. I personally am hanging on til my retirement age and if MTing in the U.S. is still here, I can get my SS and my wages fully, work and will most likely not be denied employment due to age discrimination. All a real big IF.
Why take less cpl, just to be working? I have 20 yrs - exp, make 9 cpl, and am starving on that!
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If you're getting 9 cpl, you don't know what starving is. - ...
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Try having to suffer through 4 cpl until something a bit more ethical comes along.
What would happen? - Anonymous
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First of all, falsifying your employment history is not a good thing as the truth would probably come to light when the employer ran a background check or called your references. Your signature on the application, even if it is done electronically, verifies that the information you are providing is accurate. If you get hired under false pretenses, it's grounds for termination later on.
Goodness, lighten up. I really was kinda joking about that last entry, - IAMT
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and I simply think it is sad I even had thought of this but I don't believe you can argue the point that most MTSOs are hiring less experienced MTs so they can pay less. With that said, it seems to me you must be SO honorable - kinda thinking perhaps you have not currently been subjected to testing, interviewing or pathetic offers lately - perhaps in HR or a recruiter, I really don't care but apparently you think the MTSO's always tell MTs the absolute truth about every single issue regarding issues like the abundant work flow and the promises of new accounts coming and all they throw out to MTs if they do get an offer for employment. I doubt I would lose much sleep over the thought of "grounds for termination later on" after a couple months of no work situations, etc. Bottom line, are you saying MTSOs can give false pretenses, MTs are not allowed - seriously?

I certainly have no need to not be honest in my applications though I certainly used to be a tad more proud of the years I have put in as a high achieving, accurate MT, thought my education, experience and skills would be recognized and provide more security and CPL but that was before the MTSOs literally nearly ruined this profession with their greed. I am pretty satisfied with my positions, work IC locally for docs BUT will never put myself through testing, interviewing or make an attempt to convince any MTSO that with my years of experience I am not worthy of a higher CPL than a new graduate ever again. Will go on to another field if need be.
Lighten up? - Anonymous
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No, not in HR or a recruiter but I am an honorable person, thankfully gainfully employed onsite but looking because I may get laid off in a few months due to Epic and front-end ASR at my employer. I have taken multiple tests and actually have passed on quite a few offers, not due to pay as much as the lack of a benefits packages from most companies. I am continuing to hold out for something better and still hoping to find something locally. I'm sure some MTSOs are not truthful but that does not make it okay for the rest of us. I'm sorry if I misunderstood your message, it's very difficult to interpret intent by reading printed words. :-)
I wish you all the best in your search. - IAMT
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I would certainly hope there are a couple good companies out there that appreciate years of experience, reliable and diligent workers. They have to have some turnover, but doubt much. If we could only find those seemingly rare MTSOs, we would never leave either;-)
That's not falsifying, if all info included is true. All - youre doing is ABBREVIATING. Big difference.
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What would happen - Seeker
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if you actually told the truth instead? Moral considerations aside, lying brings bad karma.
I think you're right about talking to someone in person. - MT Wordz
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I've come across so many glitches, errors and malfunctions in company online application software, that I think half the time (or more) that we don't hear back from places we applied to, is because the software didn't work, and they never even got the application to begin with.

oldANDtiredMT - Hyper-typer

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Maybe people should stop "helping" these people, and then let the company that they work for really get what they are paying for!

oldANDtiredMT - Old gal, too

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I hear you! I think it is because so many people are cheaping out and going to "school" via the schools (which are little more than matchbooks) they find in the pages of the women's magazines. These people do not even know basic English grammar, never mind transcription. Drives me nuts! And while I am on my soapbox, it makes HR people crazy when they receive inquiries written in what I have come to call "BlackBerry-speak." As in: R U hring? People, so much texting is ruining what little spelling skills you had. I am not a Luddite--there is noone who loves the BB more than I do, but there is a certain protocol for writing application inquiries, and txt tlk ant it. Do U read me?

Testing and getting hired - PedalPshr

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I have 37 years experience; not ONE time have I ever been hired by a company that tests. In my experience with job hunting, most legitimate and serious companies know how to recruit and search for potential MTs without testing. In the past 2-1/2 years I was with MDI who we know went to Transcend, then with IDS and now with Edoc. None of those 3 required testing; I was hired based on my resume AND extensive telephone interview(s).

The thing about MT Test is that it is not graded by a person but... - ndmt

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by a machine. If your answers don't match exactly what the key says, regardless if your answer is right, then you won't get the answer right. I know when taking the Career Step class, there were little glitches here and there you had to get used to before you could pass the lessons. Since you only get one chance to take the test, it just is not a great method of trying to evaluate someone for a job.

Feel the same as ya'll - keyboardplayer

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Finally, MTs telling it like it really is!

I know an experienced transcriptionist who was told she did not pass her online test. She copied it before sending it back and took it to an even more experienced transcriptionist. She should have passed with flying colors.

My resume shows I have 25+ years of experience and also shows I'm not a job hopper; all of that can be verified. In the past, I have taken a test if I really wanted to work for that company, but I won't do it anymore. I skip every job that requires testing. It takes too much time and, yes, there are glitches that you are not made aware of, and it makes you feel like you've lost your mind! No more, and here is another reason why: I spend a lot of time on my resume, cover letters, and sending these to their specifications. If they can't tell I would be an asset by what I've sent them and maybe a phone conversation, then I don't want to waste any more time with them.

I worked for MQ and experienced all they got sued for. I got exasperated after reading the "settlement" and quit MT for a few years. I'm thinking about going back to what I love to do - transcription. It's a shame that things are still the same, maybe even worse.

After working for MQ, knowing of some low-down things companies do, and seeing the continued LOW pay, I just don't know if I want to get back to all that.

Good luck to you all.

Testing - Anonymous

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I agree, some of the testing is very tedious. Not all of it is done through Career Step, though. Some of the companies send you the voice files to transcribe after you apply. I don't know of any other way to be considered except to take the transcription test, and I also have years and years of experience.

No other way to be considered, really? - PedalPshr

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Reality cannot be denied...lots of MT companies especially *legitimate* ones hire WITHOUT testing, I'm living proof. Testing is an unnecessary evil. I have taken tests but every time I got hired it was through my resume and phone interview(s).

Testing - Dee

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I've been told by several of my supervisors at different companies in the past that testing is unreliable because some dishonest applicants actually have someone else (with more MT experience) take the tests for them. Then, when they are hired, most of them must be let go after their work quality shows that they don't meet expectations and don't have the proper MT experience. So, why do these companies continue to require so much testing?

the heck with these tests - sm

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those who have a decent resume of experience should just be hired if deemed a good prospect. Then within the probationary period, if their work does not match the quality expected, terminate! it's such a waste of time IMO. I suspect these companies let us test in great numbers, knowing there's only a few they will take, and just tell the rest they didn't meet the standards. We take it personally thinking we "lost it" and they never tell where we supposedly failed. Too much waste of time and expectations.

ridiculous testing! - low wages, serious time for testing

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What is with this doing 45 min dictations as tests?? I am seriously, I am sooo tired of doing people's work for free it is crazy!! Take an hour school test then transcribe 15-18 reports ranging from 3-10 min and you HAVE TO DO ALL OF THEM....SERIOUSLY??

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Need To Vent. Are They Just Out To Get Us?
Jun 11, 2013

How many times do you see the same mis-spelled words coming up in VR?  I can't stand it.  How do they get there in the first place?   I think they're just trying to set us up for failure. How stupid!  ...

Well I Just Have To Vent. I Want To Know HOW To Become
Jun 07, 2014

a pet!  I do all the work types I am sent, I work my schedule, I do all the OT "required" and still I am not thanked or anything, yet others are who come on when they scream OT even though I am already doing it.  UGH!!!!!! ...

Just Have To Vent
Jun 26, 2014

I can't take anymore of this FIESA beratement and their arbitrary scores deducting 1 to 3 points off for nonsense.  Perhaps when EMR takes over that will be the end of this miserable giant known as Nuance. ...