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MTVS - Medical Transcription Voice Technology Inc. North Carolina? - Deewee

Posted: Mar 17, 2012

Not much in archives & I just started IC with them as a temp position until I find something better.  The pay is not great but it is per 63 character line count and the acute account I'm on double spaces PE section so that helps.  Platform is DocQscribe which has to be the easiest one I've ever used out of M*Modal/eScription..etc.  The speech rec is not as precise as eScription but on the + positive side this IS the 1st company that doesn't QA NITPICK unnecessarily.  Everyone knows that is the BIGGEST time-waster...and will suck your speed up quicker than anything having to proofread over and over because you're so paranoid you WILL get dinged by QA. I have worked with some of the biggest MTSOs & QA is out of control on majority of them. Anyone else have feedback on MTVS they wish to share?    

QA "NITPICK" - "Nitpicker"

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I have worked both sides of the coin. Personally, I find those that feel that QA is "nitpicking" do not care much for quality (for the most part). What some MTs don't realize is that as a QA we have a responsibility to the company and to the client to ensure the most accurate documents possible, ensuring that not only BOS is being maintained, but also the client's wishes (and sometimes the client wishes very odd things). But one follows the golden rule: Those who hold the gold - rule. But, think about it... what actually is an acceptable mistake? Wrong words typed or words omitted? Misspelled words? Poor grammar and punctuation? Not following the account specifications? Numbering lists incorrectly (one would be surprised how many people get confused with a list containing more than 3 items). Thus, if we are not "nitpickers" the files might as well be off-shored, and then why should MTSOs pay US MTs more when they can get the same garbage files with off-shoring and save $. Think about it....

Well Said!! - Stubby

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What an awesome response!! I am an MT, not QA, and I feel the exact same way about quality of the work and could not have expressed it any better. The MTs who believe they are making a point by not doing their best work and "showing" that you don't get top shelf quality for bottom shelf prices are only giving the MTSOs more justification for lowering rates and offshoring as you said. I do believe that personal pride and satisfaction are traits of character that not everyone possesses. However, if we (as a whole) continue to hold ourselves to a higher standard and continue to produce a superior product, at some point, the rates and amount of available work will reflect that. The truth is if we are playing our "A" game, there is no way offshoring can compete with a US-based workforce. Yet, I refer to historical documents every day for reference and am appalled at the number of "nitpicky" errors I find just in a quick scan of the document, simple things that someone just didn't care enough to get right; it is embarrassing. Personal pride can't be bought; either you got it or you don't.


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It's obvious you misinterpreted my use and meaning of the word "nitpicking" which IMO entails over-editing a document not based on its integrity. Nitpicking QA has nothing to do with account specifications, grammar, punctuation, unacceptable "mistakes," etc. But I thank you for your contribution.

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